Reccomended DLC
Archive: 4 posts
Hey everyone! I already own the MGS and POTC packs, and have the free Creator Tools pack... costumes wise I have the Sack in the Box and Sack-Eating Plant, which are both awesome. =D Does anyone have any suggestions for any other good DLC that I should get? I know there's also the History pack and the Incredibles pack and multiple other costume sets/singles... I'm not a major fan of getting costumes based on characters from other games, but are there any other cool ones that you guys would reccomend? ![]() Also, what's in the LBP DLC packs? Are they all the same as the MGS and POTC ones, with new create tools and items, themed stickers, levels and costumes? Or does each pack have different types of things in it? | 2010-07-03 01:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The monster pack, history pack and incredibles pack all have materials stickers and decorations, so they are worth it. The vera bee sticker pack has some of the best foliage stickers in the game. The music pack is a favourite of mine, plus it comes with a straight line sticker. The Ico and shadow of the collosus pack comes with one of the best sound objects in the game so that is also a good one to get. If you want further information on all the DLC go on the little big planet website (http://www.littlebigplanet.com/en-gb/game_guide/ps3/downloadable_content/) Or feel free to ask, between us all we probably have hundreds of thousands of downloads between us so we know a thing or two about the DLC. | 2010-07-03 01:34:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
The must-get DLC for anyone should be the PoTC and MGS packs ( you already have those... good job!). I have every single pack (minus the Leprechaun... I'll get ye someday, you bearded imp...) so I know what it's like when it comes to purchasing new DLC. My personal recommendation is to purchase packs that suit your creative style. If you love making costumes and characters, I'd recommend purchasing the 2000AD and/or The Incredibles costume packs. If you're more of a level-creating, then you should get the Monsters and/or The Incredibles level packs. It's all a matter of personal tastes and likes. Grab whatever pack you think would suit you best. Oh, and I think you've skipped on a few free costumes: -Monkey King Costume -Kabuki Actor Costume -Druid Costume (Limited Time!!) -Sacktue of Liberty (Limited Time!!) | 2010-07-03 01:50:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
Thanks guys! Very helpful. ![]() ![]() | 2010-07-03 02:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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