Red Sector S (Part 1 of Extermination)
Archive: 17 posts
Red Sector S (Part 1 of Extermination)Pime_Taradox234 This is my second level, and the first part of a hopefully 3 or 4 part series, obviously called "Extermination." [div=padding-top:10px;]Not too long ago, the Sackpeople race became the target of extermination by a single figure and his army. His intentions are unclear to everyone but him and his army. Divided groups of sacks are being held in separate "sectors," awaiting their untimely deaths. As a lone sack who's parents have been taken to be executed, yours and your parents' fate are not acceptable. Your only choice is to travel through the sector, unknown of what lies within and outside the buildings, and find your way to the culprit behind this horrible plan. Yes, I know this sounds kind of familiar, but it was based on a song I really like. ![]() Unrelated note: My mom thinks Sackboy is ugly. ![]() | 2010-07-01 20:35:00 Author: Force Ten ![]() Posts: 60 |
It looks cool. I'll give this a try later today or tomorrow along with some other levels. Also, I'm sorry your mom thinks sackboy's ugly. I don't know how anyone could look into a sackboy's eyes and call him ugly. | 2010-07-04 19:13:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Played your level now. And I can't wait for more. I really liked the atmosphere, reminded me of some more art-style oriented games. It also matched the dire and hopeless atmosphere of the story you're unwinding. It was a bit difficult, especially near the end with that hallway with multiple plasma turrets and soldiers, but passed it eventually. Good thing you provided an infinite checkpoint otherwise I wouldn't have been able to beat the level. lol. Was tragic what happened though, but I won't mention here and spoil it for others. Made me sad. Hope you complete it and I might suggest adding a little more to look at inside the levels, unless the sterile-like atmosphere was intentional, which does work, but would've liked a bit more decorative details. :star::star::star::star: | 2010-07-05 04:37:00 Author: Iudicium_86 ![]() Posts: 167 |
Thanks for the feedback. I tried really hard to get the right atmosphere I was aiming for, and I feel like I got it exactly the way I wanted to. Also, I'm just a little unsure as to what's tragic (I think I know but I'm not too sure). You can use the spoiler tag ("spoiler" in brackets and then "/spoiler" in brackets again) so that I can see what you mean. Anyway, while I'm away I plan to finish up the complete story and ideas so that I can start working on them once I get back. As for adding details, yeah, I feel like certain parts inside the big building were a bit boring to look at. I'll try working on that among other things and then republish it. Thank you, again. | 2010-07-05 05:30:00 Author: Force Ten ![]() Posts: 60 |
hey there, i tried your level but gave up at the point when you grab the cylinder thing to drag you up to the second platform, i didnt know what to do but i still gave it 4 stars as i loved the atmosphere, i plan to finish it later, but can you tell me where to go? this is probably half way through the level.. thanks lol | 2010-07-05 06:02:00 Author: Gunhold ![]() Posts: 24 |
You mean the red circle with the visible grab switch? That's what I'm assuming. Anyway, you have to go back inside the bigger building's second floor and hit the switch to activate the lift to the third floor, it should be right under the red plasma turret. Make sure you hit the switch on the ramp marked "III" in the brown building first, though." | 2010-07-05 06:34:00 Author: Force Ten ![]() Posts: 60 |
Hey, I gave it a try and I had the same problem as gunhold. So far it's pretty good and deserves four stars. | 2010-07-05 14:55:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Yep the red circle with the grab switch | 2010-07-05 20:14:00 Author: Gunhold ![]() Posts: 24 |
Well, my solution was posted. lol Hope it helps. | 2010-07-06 01:26:00 Author: Force Ten ![]() Posts: 60 |
I've played your level and I must say it's probably a little bit to hard. Many switches, sometimes I was really confused because I didn?t know what to do. And at the end where my parents are.... one question: can I rescue them? because when I go upstairs there?s impossible for me to go on....to much gunfire there^^ All in all your level is on the technical side well done, but I don't like that cold metalic atmosphere, but that?s only my opinion. One thing yet, maybe you can insert some sounds when the buttons are pushed... I?ll give you 4 stars | 2010-07-06 20:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Well, the only way to "rescue" them is to go get the paint gun at the top of the structure and shoot down the guy on the 1st layer. So yeah, you do need to go through the gunfire. If you pay enough attention to the speeds of the paired turrets, you should eventually be able to pass it. It's difficult but certainly not impossible, I've passed it several times and at least one other person has. I understand that the atmosphere isn't for everyone. I really wanted to do a level with a hopeless, almost depressing atmosphere. lol. The next part will probably be a little more lively and have more of a sense of action, but still have some dark moments. | 2010-07-07 01:04:00 Author: Force Ten ![]() Posts: 60 |
I got stuck at the gate with the two guards. Really sorry about not getting back with feedback earlier. I'll try again today, but I got very confused. I liked the atmosphere, but the story was vague. I dunno, I really didn't get a feel for it enough when I went to play it and got stuck. I'll update this post when I've got some REAL feedback for you. ![]() | 2010-07-11 22:19:00 Author: Richasackboy ![]() Posts: 619 |
I too couldn't figure out how to get the gate open at the guards. I did like the atmosphere and the story. | 2010-07-28 02:57:00 Author: RoharDragontamer ![]() Posts: 397 |
I too couldn't figure out how to get the gate open at the guards. I did like the atmosphere and the story. Hmmm there are two instances where I can think of with two guards. The beginning where one guard tells you to go back to your cell (which I doubt you got stuck at but would be understandable) and the part with your parents (with the electric "gate"). There's a white 2-way switch right above those two guards on a ramp which lifts the gate. | 2010-07-28 03:18:00 Author: Force Ten ![]() Posts: 60 |
Hmmm there are two instances where I can think of with two guards. The beginning where one guard tells you to go back to your cell (which I doubt you got stuck at but would be understandable) and the part with your parents (with the electric "gate"). There's a white 2-way switch right above those two guards on a ramp which lifts the gate. It was the first gate to go back to my cell. I ran back there but couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do. I'm sure I didn't show enough patience, so I'll give it another go tonight. | 2010-07-28 15:54:00 Author: RoharDragontamer ![]() Posts: 397 |
good level. -visuals were ok but could be improved, possibly with some more complex shapes or varied objects. real good lighting. -automated guns are annoying to get past- the plasma is the same color. these parts were not fun. -awkward to get past some baddies, particularly near the end where you have to jump on them to get past because there is no paintinator nearby. -the place is very confusing. there are too many switches with little clues as to what to do. (i may be a hypocrite here, my spelunking level is easy to get lost in apparently) -rescuing parents seems pointless as they don't say anything, they only act as a human shield in the final part (mentioned above) -more of a story would be nice How did you get the plasma balls to be red and blue mixed? If your'e feedbacking, link to F4F levelin sig | 2010-07-28 17:05:00 Author: MegaBlob ![]() Posts: 291 |
Here's a hint: The two spotlights outside your cell. Once you get too close to the entrance to the building where the guards are, one turns red. Red is important in this level. | 2010-07-28 17:06:00 Author: Force Ten ![]() Posts: 60 |
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