I've been YLoDed :(
Archive: 11 posts
Well, it looks like my old PS3 I got shortly after their release has gone to the dark side; that is, a yellow light flashes whenever I try to tearn it on ![]() Problem is, I have very little knowledge on what the YLoD actually DOES, and how it can be fixed. I'm not sure if I had any sort of warranties, but I could find out if I dug through some files. Also, my copy of LBP was in there! *ultra-angry-face* Will I lose all of my stuff in LBP? Will I go to level 1 in Modern Warfare 2? I'd love it if someone could help explain this to me. Your sad friend, HB ![]() | 2010-07-01 02:53:00 Author: Heckboy88 ![]() Posts: 179 |
Well, it looks like my old PS3 I got shortly after their release has gone to the dark side; that is, a yellow light flashes whenever I try to tearn it on ![]() Problem is, I have very little knowledge on what the YLoD actually DOES, and how it can be fixed. I'm not sure if I had any sort of warranties, but I could find out if I dug through some files. Also, my copy of LBP was in there! *ultra-angry-face* Will I lose all of my stuff in LBP? Will I go to level 1 in Modern Warfare 2? I'd love it if someone could help explain this to me. Your sad friend, HB ![]() As far as I know. It means one of two things has happened. A. Your processor overheated and burnt itself out, no fix, but your data should be ok. B. Your hard drive died and your data is cooked, but your ps3 is ok. Or, um.. Both. :/ | 2010-07-01 03:00:00 Author: Fishrock123 ![]() Posts: 1578 |
As far as I know. It means one of two things has happened. A. Your processor overheated and burnt itself out, no fix, but your data should be ok. B. Your hard drive died and your data is cooked, but your ps3 is ok. Or, um.. Both. :/ If that were the case, how could I make my PS3 'OK' again, anyways? | 2010-07-01 03:07:00 Author: Heckboy88 ![]() Posts: 179 |
You can't turn on the PS3 anymore, though all data is still there. I heard you can turn the PS3 into Sony and they'll try to fix it, but if they can't... well, then yer on yer own:/ | 2010-07-01 03:07:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
You can't turn on the PS3 anymore, though all data is still there. I heard you can turn the PS3 into Sony and they'll try to fix it, but if they can't... well, then yer on yer own:/ I've heard they charge you for fixing it... (how lame of them >.<)... I've HEARD it can be $200 ![]() | 2010-07-01 03:11:00 Author: Heckboy88 ![]() Posts: 179 |
I've heard they charge you for fixing it... (how lame of them >.<)... I've HEARD it can be $200 ![]() Do you have a friend irl who owns a ps3 ? | 2010-07-01 03:12:00 Author: Fishrock123 ![]() Posts: 1578 |
Well, it looks like my old PS3 I got shortly after their release has gone to the dark side; that is, a yellow light flashes whenever I try to tearn it on ![]() Problem is, I have very little knowledge on what the YLoD actually DOES, and how it can be fixed. I'm not sure if I had any sort of warranties, but I could find out if I dug through some files. Also, my copy of LBP was in there! *ultra-angry-face* Will I lose all of my stuff in LBP? Will I go to level 1 in Modern Warfare 2? I'd love it if someone could help explain this to me. Your sad friend, HB ![]() You'll keep everything that's online on LBP... You'll lose what you've unlocked and haven't publuished, sadly... Unless you happen to have a backup... Your MW2 level's fine. It saves to your PSN account. I've heard people say that you could fix it, but SONY fixing it would probably have a better chance of working... I dunno... Hope you get it fixed though. (It took me so long to type this, and I got mega sniped.) | 2010-07-01 03:14:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
You'll keep everything that's online on LBP... You'll lose what you've unlocked and haven't publuished, sadly... Unless you happen to have a backup... Your MW2 level's fine. It saves to your PSN account. LOL, you know what? One day before my yellow light, I filled up the last space on my moon. And you know what I told myself when I did? "OK HB (though I said my real name, of course ![]() ![]() At least I've got my few good published levels and my MW2 online account. *attempt-at-a-smile* | 2010-07-01 03:21:00 Author: Heckboy88 ![]() Posts: 179 |
LOL, you know what? One day before my yellow light, I filled up the last space on my moon. And you know what I told myself when I did? "OK HB (though I said my real name, of course ![]() ![]() At least I've got my few good published levels and my MW2 online account. *attempt-at-a-smile* Dude, take your hard drive out and try it in some one elses ps3... | 2010-07-01 03:27:00 Author: Fishrock123 ![]() Posts: 1578 |
If you have a heat gun, the right screwdrivers and some thermal paste you can fix it by following a video guide on youtube. Dude, take your hard drive out and try it in some one elses ps3... Do not give advice when you do not know the consequences. Putting it in someone elses PS3 will cause the hard drive to be formated and the data will be lost. | 2010-07-01 08:00:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
ok i have had yellow light twice now so i know what im taking about yellow light is the failure thingy it can be fixed by sony but they will want 120 pound do what i did find a shop or a person who will fix it for about 60 - 70 pound you will not have to start mw2 over again u just sign in on any ps3 and u will be same level to get your disk out you need to turn off the ps3 from the back then put your finger on the egject thing , turn the ps3 on from the back and then press the power to turn in on . but keep your finger on the eject untill the disk is fully out , your ps3 will flash yellow and turn off i got mine fixed about 4 mounths ago they dont last long when they get fixed i got my 2nd yellow light today dont worry about loosing your ONLINE data . you can log in to any ps3 with your account and still have your ONLINE data . do not waste yours time talking to sony they talk crap ![]() hope that helped P.S im buying a new ps3 if u have the extra cash u should just get a brand new slim it will cost u less in the long run .BOUNTY. | 2010-07-01 12:13:00 Author: howMUCHforBOUNTY ![]() Posts: 623 |
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