Neon city now with water
Archive: 4 posts
Neon city now with waterDragonPox90210 its a short level made entirely with neon there is one glitch but it should work ok. i was going to make it longer but i ran out of ideas. if anyone has any ideas for any of my three levels i would be very happy to hear them. i hope you like my level Thnks | 2010-07-01 02:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I don't have my PS3 on hand so I can't play this today, but... "now with water" in the title is kind of a turn-off. It's a bad idea to put water in a level just because. Never clog a level with more "special features" than it should have. | 2010-07-01 02:53:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
what he said ^ I do think using water for visuals is good though. | 2010-07-01 04:34:00 Author: AbstractSam ![]() Posts: 332 |
Okay so I just played the level and I have to say you ruined a really great level with the 'now with water'. Normally whenever something says that it means they're experimenting with water, but you actually made a LEVEL with water and a really good one too. I only have a few words of advice: 1. Decorate the sponges - They didn't really fit in along with the levers. 2. Decorate the Scoreboard - It's kind of a let down whenever you see a GREAT level end with some cardboard... 3. What's this about a crystal? - I had no idea where that came from in the story 4. Hide some of the switches and music - they don't fit in with the scenery. 5. Lift it up - You can see the bottom of the level at the beginning. Now for the GOOD 1. Great Gameplay - It was fun Kind of self explanatory... 2. Good use of checkpoints - Enough checkpoints to keep you from hurling your controller but not too many so you have a challenge. (The last one might want to be changed to double checkpoint) 3. Good Music choice 4. Good grids - You used grids ![]() 5. Enough secrets - I like that little secretish area and I think thats all I have to say good luck with those changes! | 2010-07-01 05:06:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
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