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QV-13 Firefly flyer

Archive: 21 posts

I've kinda been biten by the flyer bug after seeing what crosantbuntcake has made. if anyone wants to take a look at what ive got done so far on my firefly flyer i hid a key for the level in my "Stadium truck Mountain Run" level. theres a rock that falls on a bridge. sticker the rock to find the key. could use some advice on what anyone thinks about it. level isnt done but its almost done. The flyer itself is no where near what CBC has made but ive put the beter part of a month on it and the level so far. Its the first part of what will ultimatly be a multi-part, multi direction story.2010-06-29 19:50:00

Posts: 139

can we see some pics?? and is it powered by jets,ballons, jetpacks ect.. I will be on in like 30 mins so ill check it out!2010-06-29 20:12:00

Posts: 176

ill try to get some pitctures up of it later once im off work. I tried attaching a good picture last night but I cant get the attachment system on this forum to work for me. I also had a pounding headache so my concentration was limited.

Its rocket powered. I may redo it once I can seperate the rocket from the warhead of the MGS missles. Ive done it before but was feeling so bad yesterday I didnt have the metal capcity to do it yesterday

once you find the key in my racing level you can stop playing it and not bother with the lame boss fight at the end of my level my first boss so its lakcing and also ran out of thermal on that level.

also, any sticker will work to unlock the key.
2010-06-29 20:23:00

Posts: 139

im at the part of your truck lvl where there is a grabbable pillar and another one that blocks your way. I cant seem to get past that point....2010-06-30 23:02:00

Posts: 176

i take it the monster truck chasing you didnt make it. if thats the case that truck must make it in order for you to pass.2010-07-01 06:07:00

Posts: 139

I'll try to have a look.2010-07-01 07:05:00

Posts: 5078

was finaly able to upload the updated level. fixed a number of things.2010-07-02 05:11:00

Posts: 139

more updates to the level. changed some targets around. If you guys play this and have an issue can you please let me know here what happened.2010-07-04 18:54:00

Posts: 139

I had an issue about the control that I kept being pinned against the wall then I got wedged in between the floor and the roof of the first corridor so I had to wedge it slowly left only to get pinned against the wall again2010-07-04 19:23:00

Posts: 5078

I had an issue about the control that I kept being pinned against the wall then I got wedged in between the floor and the roof of the first corridor so I had to wedge it slowly left only to get pinned against the wall again

where you flipped upside down? Ive had this happen if I was flipped over. The canopy would wedge it in. I would have to keep hitting and releasing the controls to free the thing till the righting rocket got it out and flipped over.
2010-07-04 22:12:00

Posts: 139

Good Design and Story for the most part. However, the handling killed it for me.

All im asking for are some kind of stabilizers, to keep it from spinning out of control (did that alot for me).

Suggestions: (Not guarnteed to work) A string on top of it attached to a movable glass platform on DM somewhere offscreen. Could prevent it from tilting to far. (Again could be wrong);
Magnetic key switches on the sides of the ship, with mag keys scattered around the level. The switches would detect the keys and add a boost in the right direction.
Hope this helps.
2010-07-06 05:45:00

Posts: 119

its got a tilt sensor built into it, the ship is still very much in R&D fase. In all honesty it probably wont be done till LBP2 comes out and I can add the gyro to it. I plan to make an entire series of levels around this ship and the story around it. But its going to take a lot of time.

If I was to add some kind of "directional boost" it would go completly out of control. It takes some practice with it but if you are patient you can get the hang of it as it is
2010-07-06 07:37:00

Posts: 139

I suppose... Ah well.2010-07-06 15:33:00

Posts: 119

I find that the rockets are very unresponsive. It appears that the delay is intentional, but overall it is very difficult to maintain a hover. I'd suggest using a 2-input OR gate to make the rockets turn on immediately when grabbed, yet still allowing the tilt sensor to make adjustments. You could set the output of the OR gate to the speed setting, and make the tilt sensor's mag key move closer than the grab switch's mag key.

In other words, the grab switch would turn both rockets on at half throttle, while the tilt sensor turns either rocket on at full throttle.
2010-07-09 02:57:00

Posts: 25

the tilt sensor has its own set of dedcated rockets. teh main ones do turn on slowly via a speed switch set up on the main logic control. During my test I found this set up easier to "featehr" to make a hover then an all on or off set up. havent touched it in alsmot a week. Ive had a preety bad case of vertigo since friday and so dealing with unstable stuff when Im unstable isnt going to help me any have an appointment to see a nurologist for this too.2010-07-09 03:26:00

Posts: 139

Haha, funny you mention that, I just got little dizzy watching an experiment fly out of control!2010-07-09 14:11:00

Posts: 572

yo i was really interested with cbcs flyer aswell ive made a pretty good flyer ill try and put my one up soon and then maybe we can test each others out
what d'ya say?
2010-07-11 14:05:00

Unknown User

I played your level it was really good and commented
can you please try mine too
its called "Anaconda gunship prototype"
by Akaash1
2010-07-11 17:34:00

Unknown User

Sure can, just need to get my crash test pilot suit on!

Its a good start. Little tricky to get to fly strait and level. It needs a tilt sensor. If you are not sure how to make one Look up Sehven's level on mech tools. The gun flash is realy bright on it.
2010-07-11 17:52:00

Posts: 139

i dont think its as hard as u say and also since we are pointing out mistakes your ship isnt to good at going up and down you should look into dual rotational engines like mine (dont take this the wrong way)

2010-08-06 16:29:00

Unknown User

I'd actually advise against that, it's hard to explain with words but for a visual example simply compare the stability of my barracuda against that of my pirahna. Making the thrusters fixed was definitely part of what improved the stability.

Also, I'm really not sure that a speed setting is ideal, unless you incorporate a quick reset into the logic, at least then it wont have a decreasing thrust to the left as you try to go right (for example).

Incidently, I hope to post my latest creation shortly...
2010-08-08 10:50:00

Posts: 572

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