Archive: 9 posts
"Dreams"NM_DOHERTY You have just drifted off to sleep, not knowing what kind of dream you will be having that night. Dreams like to be random, changing into wierd and strange situations in any time. What kind of situations will you face in your dreams tonight? Hi everyone <3 Ive published a few levels here and there but this is my first level i kinda want to get out there and see what other people think about it. I am really horrible in thinking of ideas for a level and i am a very indecisive and random person so ,this level "Dreams" is a bunch of my randoms thoughts put together. Ive had some help with some of the mechanics with one of my friends Willguitarguy. :star: I hope you guys enjoy my level! If not, make sure to tell me! I really wish i could put pictures up but i dont know what to get to takes pictures and transfer them to my computer. ![]() Thank you all for your time!<3 Edit* Thank you all for the information, i figured out how to upload my pictures through the ps3 browser to flickr. Here are some pictures. Enjoy http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4116/4749695718_262e7861e5_m.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4122/4749695714_d902283182_m.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4116/4749695710_aa4c751bf9_m.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4101/4749695706_310a63a47b_m.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4078/4749695700_7407716785_m.jpg | 2010-06-29 19:17:00 Author: nm_doherty ![]() Posts: 4 |
here is how to get pictures from LittleBigPlanet ![]() | 2010-06-30 10:47:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ty so much, ima try that right now! | 2010-06-30 15:52:00 Author: nm_doherty ![]() Posts: 4 |
As usual I'm typing as I go so 'scuse the eclectic style: Interesting start, I like the lighting style and the general level design. It has a sort of wonky design to it if that makes sense. Makes it all seem a bit rought and hazy, exactly how I'd imagine a dream to look ![]() Perhaps I'm just reading too much into it. On the subject of the dreams though... the start has very little to do with them. While I get the concept of this is a dreamworld that randomly twists and turns, an intro (even a mouth along the lines of "and that night I had a dream...") would help set the scene. If people havnt bought into the idea of a dreamworld they may just think this is a random collection of themes. I love the fire part, the fire from above and below looks great. At the end of the fire section I would suggest a second paintinator on the next ledge up - In case people drop theirs while using the platforms. The crystal mines are very well designed. Sort of reminds me of that one level from sonic 2... anyway the gas could be a bit more visivle on the first section. It's very hard to see under the first wheel and I happily dropped into it. The first wheels have sound effects while the later ones don't, not sure if theres a reason for that. Onto the ice world, once again the theme is set perfectly from the start. I would suggest reversing the layers on the platforms leading up to the first checkpoint of that section though (Putting the first ledge at the back instead of the front). I like the wheels again, especially as they fling you across the glass. The balloon section is something that I haven't seen before, but it was very fun. I feel like I'm repeating myself, but once again the theme here is great. Two suggestions for this section, first I would remove the mouth telling you about the balloons. This is more of a personal preference but I don't like it when a mouth trying to explain away a flaw in the section (E.g those mouths that tell you not to let go on vehicles) While it's not really relevant to this section - I would rather the creator create a better vehicle that obey some obscure rule because it's easier to tell the player what to do. That rant aside the reason I feel this one should be removed is that it's simply not needed and kinda breaks the immersion. Second suggestion is to reward some points when the player releases the balloon at the end. Onto the roller disco! Loving the raising and lowering bars in the background - Sort of remind me of those bars you get on stereos when the music is playing (not a clue what they're called). I would comment on the mouth telling you about R1 - but you've heard my thoughts on that ![]() The moon section is nice. Not sure what to say about it, pretty standard platforming ![]() A nice contrast to the previous section though. Also well done breaking the laws of physics with the launch into the water - That screwed with me head I can tell you! The water section is charming - It's a trend I've noticed in this level that some of the sections are like previous sections but reversed. Like the wheels in the crystal section and the ice section, or in this case the platforms from the disco section and here. The magic mouth below the second checkpoint is censored. For some reason there are two checkpoints really close to each other after this (after the last R1 section). nooooo... spoiled a perfectly aceable level with a teleport at the end ![]() Ha! Will worked on this with you? ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall: A good solid level, the looks and gameplay were perfectly balanced throughout - Next to no hiccups and a fun ride. It achieved everything it set out to do perfectly so its.... :star::star::star::star::star: <3 and a definite recommendation to my friends | 2010-06-30 16:31:00 Author: Mrgenji ![]() Posts: 803 |
Ty so much for your input on my level! Ima work on the beginning part, i was just thinking of doing something like that yesterday lol but i decided to study before my class that night lol. I totally understand about the mouth part, ill remove it. I think im just scared that people will get frustrated because they dont know how to do it and will just quit the level. I havent talked to will in a long time because of my classes, but he did help with some of the mechanics and decor with me on this level around May. I just started to get back on little big planet. Im trying to upload some pictures from the ps3 browser b/c i dont have a flashdrive with me right now. I cant find where to upload the HDD from this site lol. | 2010-06-30 16:45:00 Author: nm_doherty ![]() Posts: 4 |
A quick and dirt guide to getting LBP images: 1. take the photo and find it in your pop-it, press square 2. Select export to HDD and when thats done quit the game 3. Plug your US?B into the PS3 - Find the "photos" section on the menu, your pictures should be there. 4. find the picture you want a press triangle - Copy it to your stiick back on your PC/laptop/whatever go to an image upload site such as Photobucket (www.photobucket.com) (if you have an account) or imageshack (www.imageshack.us)if you're just looking for a cheap and dirty upload) 5. Once uploaded there should be a "direct link" url - cop this 6. Simply put this between [Img.] and [/Img.] tags on the forums (without the full stop) and ta-da! That should be it. | 2010-06-30 16:56:00 Author: Mrgenji ![]() Posts: 803 |
Ty all, I figured out how to do it through ps3 browser. I just made an account with flickr and uploaded the pictures there. Then i just go to my computer and go to flickr and there it is! Easy Easy! Due to my thermometer being extremely hot! i couldnt do to much for the beginning part lol but it will make people get the picture that your falling asleep and going into a dream....i hope! | 2010-06-30 19:08:00 Author: nm_doherty ![]() Posts: 4 |
hiya we loved the colours in this level and most of the gameplay was solid. we found a level hole. when you grab the r1 bit in the water section. you can swim right and up out to see all the dm. adi | 2010-07-04 21:35:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
This looks amazing. I love how it looks by the pictures. So many themes... Anyway, I'll play it the next time I'm on LBP Edit: I played it and I like how there are a lot of themes and gameplay mechanics. Although, some parts seem unnecessary and I would suggest that you add a little more of a story to your intro and put the credits in the beginning like nm_doherty presents Dreams. Then you could put credits to anyone who helped at the end. Overall, I'd give it a 3.4 but in this case I gave it a 3. | 2010-07-05 02:58:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
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