Eminem's new album
Archive: 11 posts
If you havent got Em's new album you MUST get it . its got to be one of this best so far . he also says in one of this songs 'the last two albums did'nt count , Encore i was on drugs , Relapse i was flushing them out' the guy is amazeing , he is defo my idol by far . i would love be be able to spit like him . and tbh most people like can listen to his music even if they dont like rap , he has a way with words that no one could come up with and he is such a funny guy . atm i would say he is better than 2pac was what do you think of Eminem ? .BOUNTY. | 2010-06-29 13:07:00 Author: howMUCHforBOUNTY ![]() Posts: 623 |
the guy is amazeing , he is defo my idol by far . i would love be be able to spit like him . and tbh most people like can listen to his music even if they dont like rap , he has a way with words that no one could come up with and he is such a funny guy . atm i would say he is better than 2pac was lolwut .......... | 2010-06-30 07:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Didn't ya hear? He has the world record for spitting the furthest distance. Yeah I don't go out of my way to listen to eminem. What do you think of "Gorillaz" bounty? | 2010-07-02 01:22:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I love eminems music, i wouldn't say recovery is his best though, and i never thought 2pac was good. My favorite song from it is Almost Famous. I can't really pick who is better 50cent or Eminem :o | 2010-07-02 01:25:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I really like No Love, Won't Back Down, and Seduction. Not Afraid is too slow, in a way. | 2010-07-02 01:47:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
I was thinking about getting his album...Or pirate it 0.0 lolwut? | 2010-07-02 01:48:00 Author: Night Angel ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Won't back down is good I found somthing out today. Ya know eminem's song Anthem of the kings with 50 cent and lil wayne? Well i realized Eminems part in that song is taken straight from 50 cent's song Patiently waiting. Eminem is in Patiently waiting but everything he says in it is in Anthem of the Kings | 2010-07-02 01:56:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
snrm i think eminem it better than 50cent but this album i did see eminem ft 50sent song . they should of done one becuase when they are together they make some beastly tune . and i got to day space bound is a wicked song and W.T.P is my fave on the album | 2010-07-06 08:51:00 Author: howMUCHforBOUNTY ![]() Posts: 623 |
Eminem's nothing compared to WIZ KHALIFAAA! | 2010-07-06 08:57:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
ewwww WIZ???? the new Eminem CD is so good! Love it! | 2010-07-06 15:34:00 Author: Frank-the-Bunny ![]() Posts: 1246 |
WIZ makes some choons*, I must say. Anthem of the Kings made me cringe, patiently waiting is the only decent 50 song, and he ruined it with this remix. *See, I'm down with da lingo | 2010-07-06 20:16:00 Author: resistance1 ![]() Posts: 812 |
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