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Questions about playing as a sackbot super hero

Archive: 22 posts

Now that we're seeing this marvelous Marvel stuff, I want to make a level in LBP2 where you're a sackboy who can fly superman style (leap into the air and then fly horizontally) and maybe shoot some kind of projectile. I have some questions I'm hoping somebody in the know could answer.

I'm thinking I can create a level with a sackbot, maybe dressed in Marvel superhero garb, and that I can rig things so the player enters the level already planted in a direct control seat on that sackbot, and that the seat and sackboy are hidden away so the player sees himself as the super sackbot from the start. (If not, could somebody in the know please straighten me out on how that works?)

I'm thinking this makes it really easy to force certain costumes for levels, like make it so all players on my Iron Man level are always dressed like Iron Man, right? But is it also possible to allow the player to dress the sackbot they are mounted in, just as they could dress themselves? And is it possible to have the sackbot initially dressed the same way the player was when they entered the level?

Is it the default behavior that all the natural player controls end up controlling the sackbot in the same manner? For example I'd want to be able to use the normal controls to do face and body expressions and have them expressed by the sackbot.

And then is it easy to overwrite what just one of the buttons does to imbue the sackbot/player with a new ability? L1 to take flight perhaps.

Maybe our hero can shoot projectiles, like Iron Man does with his repulsor beams. Because this is a super power, I'd like to do it with emitters rather than visible player power ups on the sackbot. And ideally, I'd like to move one arm around to aim them, like we do now with the paintinator, but can I wire up additional controls for just one arm of a sackbot? That seems like a lot to ask, but if not, but then I'm wondering how to allow the player to aim the shots.

Maybe I'd end up needing to glue some kind of homespun object onto my sackbot, effectively some kind of arrow that shows the player where the beam would go. So is it possible to glue additional objects onto sackbots and create a kind of vehicle/sackbot hybrid?

Lastly, if I did just have a pure sackbot avatar, does anybody know if I could then make my him twist into a horizontal position while flying (like superheroes are prone to do)? Perhaps with some kind of mover involved?

Thanks for any insights!
2010-06-28 19:59:00

Posts: 324

I have been pondering may of these issues while planning my Mega City 2.0 series.

First of all, i have had t confirmed that you cannot attach objects or materials to the sackbot but you can attach switches and emmiters and stuff.
I don't know if you will be able to attach to the arms/legs or just the body though.
Even if you could attach to the arms you wouldnt be able to aim while moving unless somehow the DCS will allow you to remap the arm movement controls.
you might be able to attach the emitter to the sackbots head to get some kind of aiming, but again, i don't know for sure, obviously.

you will probably be able to attach movers to the sackbot and control them with the DCS.
also, it has been confirmed, basically, that you will be able to have sackbots wear the outfit of the player
as well as forcing the player into a certain "costume"
2010-06-28 20:47:00

Posts: 730

it has been confirmed, basically, that you will be able to have sackbots wear the outfit of the player
as well as forcing the player into a certain "costume"

Really? Where did you find that? If that's true, then there are a lot of things you could do, like cutscenes as if your own sackboy is in them...
2010-06-28 21:22:00

Posts: 368

wexfordian said it... somewhere.
he was one of the lucky ones to go get some build time at the community game jam.
2010-06-29 00:36:00

Posts: 730

Worst mistake is to prepare and create something in expectations of what you think its possible or not m8.

- We still do't know much or all, so it may just eb speculations what your basing your info in.
- You don't really know all that's possible, so if you pre-build or plan a bunch of stuff and turns out all's easier/ more difficult to make or has to be differently than what you thought, just means you'll have to rebuild more.
- Its still like 6 months 'till release, the game's not done at all and there's still plenty of chance a lot of features will not make it and that others we don't know about yet may be implemented.

In other words, stop worrying so much about the furure, its good to think ahead sometimes, but if you don't focus on the present and are always thinking on the future, you'll never get things done, or may mess up because the future was not just like you expected it.
2010-06-29 01:10:00

Posts: 6707

I don't think the sackbot changes according to what your wearing :

P.S. In the Qore episode 24 they said that there would be more on LBP2 in the next issue of the playstation magazine on June 29th.....its june 28th...I think O.o Hope they show some more new info on there!!! Like a release date? O.o
2010-06-29 01:58:00

Posts: 564

Wouldn't count on a release date except for Winter 2010. I mean, there REALLY busy! I'm still exited that the fact there is a LBP2 coming this year!2010-06-29 04:30:00

Posts: 153

Each sackbot and direct control seat comes with its own circuit board. You can easily use movers on the sackbot which are turned on or off by button presses. You can make things as simple as pressing L1 to switching into flight mode. Or do something where the player has to hold the jump button to keep flying. This is accomplished by making sure all button outputs go to some kind of splitter gate that you can toggle to reach different mover controls.

However, there's limited specific info on sackbot usage, so it's best not to make any such plans.

The circuit board and emitters you can place on it are powerful though, but I suspect there's a limit to how much fine control you can get.
2010-06-29 11:08:00

Posts: 119

You should at least be able to simulate all motions an actual sackboy can do, such as head/hip movement and R1/L1 controls the arms.2010-06-29 21:17:00

Posts: 368

Yeah, that's pretty reasonable.

My hope is that the reason they didn't show a lot of extra stuff about sackbots is that they're still being worked on. Hopefully a bunch of the MM designers will find they need or want certain extra functionality, such as extra posing/animation controls, since they'll be building and finishing their final levels right about now, and that pushes MM to put such features in.
2010-06-29 23:19:00

Posts: 119

You should at least be able to simulate all motions an actual sackboy can do, such as head/hip movement and R1/L1 controls the arms.

Yes, I saw this on an E3 interview thing... There was sackboy controlling three sackbots simultaneously with a direct control control seat, making their arms move round and everything.

I think you may have to create your own robot however, because I doubt you can put emitters on the sackbot's limbs.
2010-06-29 23:59:00

Posts: 2105

Yes, I saw this on an E3 interview thing... There was sackboy controlling three sackbots simultaneously with a direct control control seat, making their arms move round and everything.

I think you may have to create your own robot however, because I doubt you can put emitters on the sackbot's limbs.
I've seen people attach balloons via bolts to sackboys in LBP so far, only in create mode granted, but still...

That means you might be able to glitch a bit of thin on a bolt to a sackbot, use a magic joystick and put an emitter on it, voila! Aimable projectiles.
2010-06-30 02:31:00

Posts: 1114

Hmm, that would be cool. I'm also thinking now my hero might instead have a plasma ball floating in a fixed position near him, a bit like the little power up escorts in R-Type. The player can move this ball to any direction in a circular pattern around him, and then fire it at bad guys like a projectile. Upon impact, it will seem to zip back to the player, boomerang style. So the game play gimmick is that player has to plan their shots a bit, because they only have the one plasma boomerang ball and while it is in flight to and from a target they are unarmed.

As for how to do it, I think I've got it all figured out using emitters (which are supposed to be less thermo expensive in LBP2). Basically there will be two concentric circular patterns of emitters on a microchip on the sackbot avatar, one ring representing the ball at rest, one for the ball getting launched. Only one position on the circle will be active, based on left and right movements of the right stick. The resting ball is actually being constantly re-emitted so that it seems to remain at a fixed position relative to the player. The boomerang effect involves some components on the projectile to create a second copy upon destruction that homes back to the player (using the nifty new easy peasy movers), disappearing upon reaching close proximity, and at the same time triggering the ball at rest to reappear and take its place. The boomerang ball is actually probably holographic to avoid having the ball at rest and the returning ball collide with anything unintentional, while the projecting ball uses a collision switch to ensure it destructs upon "contact", and mag keys/switches drive intentional collision detection with bad guys.
2010-06-30 04:09:00

Posts: 324

Or, you make a little bit of material follow the player, and use the magic joystick to point it in the correct direction.

You're gonna have to learn to stop thinking like a LBP1 player.
2010-06-30 04:53:00

Posts: 368

Or, you make a little bit of material follow the player, and use the magic joystick to point it in the correct direction.

You're gonna have to learn to stop thinking like a LBP1 player.

LOL, that's probably true, tho I'd want the ball to more or less feel attached to the player when not being hurled at bad guys, not just following after the player like a side kick...though that could make for a nifty concept too....so many possibilities...:hero:
2010-06-30 05:32:00

Posts: 324

No, I don't mean follow like a sidekick, I mean perfectly follow, as if it's attached to your character.2010-06-30 05:36:00

Posts: 368

Well that sounds good then, and definitely more elegant, but I'm pretty fuzzy on just how it would be done (attached, aimable, and boomerangable). Guess I'll have to wait till Q4 and roll up my sleeves.2010-06-30 05:56:00

Posts: 324

Alternatively you could make a crosshair out of holographic material and control that to aim.2010-06-30 09:56:00

Posts: 2284

Nothing was said or shown about controlling the direction an emitter embedded inside a microchip would emit, it looked like you still set it before hand and would have to physically rotate the object the emitter was on.

On the other hand, I wonder was adding a rotator gadget to a sackbot's circuit board would do. And since circuit board/microchip use is big in LBP2, they may add more control options.

It's that whole pre-alpha issue I guess. Anyone actually work with this?
2010-06-30 13:43:00

Posts: 119

oh, hmm a piece of vacuum bolted to another piece of vacuum with a rotator and emmiter attached? Like floating in front of sackboy like some kinda holographic green lantern gun? I think this would be perfect for what i was intending! this is gonna be so epic! if it works! lol2010-07-03 20:27:00

Posts: 730

It's too early to tell, most people in the game jam didn't work with sackbots, and you can tell that MM is still fine tuning that they can do. It might be as simple as using the right stick to point in a direction and that alters where an emitter is aiming. Or it might be as complex as you say.

We'll get more info once the beta comes out.
2010-07-04 00:38:00

Posts: 119

An easy way to make the character fly would be to...
1. get out sackbot
2. attach microchip ( add gyroscope and movement orb to circut board)
3. Go to the Direct control seat on the sackbot and drag the wire from an appropriate button to the gyroscope and movemnt orb.
4. Edit DCS so that the player force enters at beggining of the level with the appropriate costume.

The affect will be that when the desired button is held down the movement orb and gyroscope activate positioning the character horizontally and allowing them to move freely around the x and y axis as if flying.

Projectiles are easy just add an emitter wired to a button on the controller using the DCS.
2010-07-20 05:35:00

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