The Road to Zakum / Zakum's Altar
Archive: 2 posts
The Road to Zakum / Zakum's Altardeadwingxx My first fully completed project, this is a set of two stages that are meant to be played together. You'll be looking for Zakum, said to grant a wish to anyone powerful enough to defeat him. This starts with "The Road to Zakum" a dungeon of sorts with lots of platforming and dissolve switches. While not very long, it can be moderately challenging. The next level is dedicated to a boss battle against Zakum himself. The difficulty of this battle may vary depending on how many people are playing, but it's recommended to go solo your first time. I'm working to improve my skills and prowess as a creator, so please comment (: Thank you! | 2010-06-28 19:21:00 Author: deadwingxx ![]() Posts: 9 |
I played it yesterday night but could not finish it, its painfully hard. Environment and atmosphere are really good but difficulty kills the fun. I cant give rating yet because i couldnt finish it but i think you should edit platforms abit, at least the first rock where you should land when you jump in the hole (first checkpoint), its impossible to avoid dying there, unless you play 2 players and hold together while trying to pull left. After the third checkpoint there is a wall you have to open so you start climbing right then left and pull the switch but after switch there is no way to return, you should put a platform for that point because jumping down randomly means death. After this point I couldn't find where to go, because when I went to right from below, I saw a wall and couldn't find the switch to open. I went to up and jumped a wall to go to right but died at the end of the road since it was free fall to fire. Maybe you should give infinite checkpoints because its too hard so people should try so many times without restarting. Restarting makes you quit in time but trying countless times not... imo at least... while i was playing 3 people came in and after 2 restarts they left. i tried at least 10 times but it made me quit too... the game looks good and have atmosphere so maybe you should lower the difficulty | 2010-06-29 06:30:00 Author: LegendDarkKnight ![]() Posts: 52 |
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