Negantiks! Garden Lake Survival!
Archive: 1 post
Negantiks! Garden Lake Survival!ZaronX http://hamstapowah.com/images/random/Nessie.jpgJojo's robots are attacking the lake at Green Gardens! How long can you hold them off in the face of shifting currents, enemy fire and the fearsome lake monster?! Hello! Tired of "BOMB SURVIVAL" challenges where you stand in one place until the floor falls on top of you or you can walk to the goal because everything is gone? Want a survival challenge where standing still is rarely permitted, and you get to shoot things? Look no further! This is my first attempt at a survival challenge, built over the course of the last several hours and now keeping me awake far longer than I should be because good lord what is wrong with me? It's nothing too fancy, but compared to the amount of logic my levels have previously employed I'd call it a considerable step up from alternating flashing lights. :x I learned a lot doing this, and tried to make it interesting with a decent difficulty progression and a few different strategies you can mix and match to try and score high without being drug down below or blown to little sack-bits. I'd like to do more of these, theming them after the main stages I do in the Negantiks! series, so any advice you could give will be taken into account and I shall try to make the next one even more interestin'! http://hamstapowah.com/images/random/sc1.jpg http://hamstapowah.com/images/random/sc2.jpg http://hamstapowah.com/images/random/sc3.jpg http://hamstapowah.com/images/random/Nessie.jpg | 2010-06-28 10:55:00 Author: ZaronX ![]() Posts: 11 |
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