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The Lost Tomb Of TutenSackem

Archive: 21 posts

The Lost Tomb Of TutenSackemMuskwa_1
Typical Egyptian setting with obstacles and puzzles and a little skill play as well.
I haven't done this F4F before so I will try it out.
Would appreciate some input on the new level.
There is a Key Lock level to get the key and the code is 2468.

EDIT: It is unlocked now so you don't need the key code.
Also the key lock layer has been deleted until I need it again.

Thanks in advance...

2010-06-27 20:24:00

Posts: 213

The code doesnt work... why lock it anyway?2010-06-28 00:12:00

Posts: 803

The code doesnt work... why lock it anyway?

Hmmm...I tried the key lock out again and it appears to work?

Try it again please.

I just locked it in case there was a major problem that I overlooked.

2010-06-28 14:41:00

Posts: 213

Ted, I will try this at some point tonight or tomorrow. ^_^2010-06-28 17:09:00

Posts: 2569

Ted, I will try this at some point tonight or tomorrow. ^_^

That would be super, Thank you...

2010-06-28 17:32:00

Posts: 213

uh this sound strange because I never seen a level with a level code lol

I will try it out tonight

Also dude can you comment on my level thread here is the link.
2010-06-28 17:47:00

Posts: 1843

Thanks Arnaldo....I will do the same tonight...

2010-06-28 18:40:00

Posts: 213

Just so you know, I am playing thru as I write this so I don't miss anything.

First, I really like the way you did the starting spawn, in fact all spawn points.

The puzzles were clever and there was some good comedy in the speech bubbles. PS. That's a LOT of wives!

The way you gave out rewards for each puzzle was cool as well.

The wheel was tremendous! But two of the switches doesn't have quite enough room and it is extremely difficult to flip. The ones where there are two in one entrance on opposite sides form each other. Maybe just widen their areas out a bit.

Ok, a lot of these traps/obstacles are pretty neat! I really liked the fire and ice area as well as these spinning disks! A few traps weren't too effective and the final room was a bit tough, but that's ok as it's the final room. Although I bet that room is extra-tough multiplayer.

The birds pose almost zero threat as you have to basically stand where they hit to die, but they look cool.

The Gold Room is cool! Also, the Indiana Jones room? LOL!

Not sure if it's your intention, but you CAN get past the red "X" with the jetpack on if you squeeze to the top. I found it did me no good, but just letting you know since the "X" is there.

Oh, add some pictures! I almost didn't play this since there were none!

Overall: Great theme, cool obstacles and traps. You did a great job using appropriate stickers and accessories without using too many and making it gaudy.

:star::star::star::star::star: & <3


Note: I found but 9/10 items. ****!

F4F: Please play and review my Dark Water chapter 1 level (thread in my signature)
2010-06-29 00:46:00

Posts: 302

I liked this level a lot. It felt like an old level from the early days of lbp, but not in a bad way. It was actually very refreshing. Lots of puzzles and cool things to do. I LOVED the winged snappy enemies! I thought that was a great touch. Also, the level was surprisingly long.

I gave it five starts and a heart and I think I tagged it Hoists. I tag things "Hoists" if I like them, btw, but I think your level actually had hoists. Good job, Ted. ^_^
2010-06-29 13:06:00

Posts: 2569

Just so you know, I am playing thru as I write this so I don't miss anything.

Wow, thank you for the great in depth review.
I am glad you liked it.

I will make the openings in the wheel a little larger.
Actually the switches are on "Permanent Switches" and once you flip them once their work is done.
So it doesn't matter if the light beside them is on.....the counter lights are on back at the starting point.

The rotating fire wheels, yes the last one is a little tough. I have been deciding what to do with it.
The obvious solution is to reverse it.
That will make it somewhat more possible to get past without just being lucky.

Don't feel bad about only finding 9 prize bubbles....I did the same thing the first few times and had to go back and check that there were in fact actually 10, and there is...

By add pictures, do you mean in this form on my original request for f4f?
Is there a good way to capture screen shots without having to use a camera and photograph the TV screen?

I will check out Dark Water tonight.
Thanks again ...
2010-06-29 13:56:00

Posts: 213

I liked this level a lot. It felt like an old level from the early days of lbp, but not in a bad way. It was actually very refreshing. Lots of puzzles and cool things to do. I LOVED the winged snappy enemies! I thought that was a great touch. Also, the level was surprisingly long.

I gave it five starts and a heart and I think I tagged it Hoists. I tag things "Hoists" if I like them, btw, but I think your level actually had hoists. Good job, Ted. ^_^

Wow, super glad you had a look and even more glad you liked it...

Ha long...well you wouldn't have liked my earlier levels then.
I build in sections and this one had 10 sections, as opposed to my earlier creations that had 20...

But, thanks again, I appreciate that you took the time to have a look.

I will check out Little Big Kitsune & Crashing Down Machinima tonight.

2010-06-29 14:01:00

Posts: 213


Just played it, it was an great and quite long level cool puzzles and nice original obstacles. I didn't think that the gas at some places should have been green it'd fit more if it was black

I gave it 5 :star:
2010-06-29 14:26:00

Posts: 3871


Just played it, it was an great and quite long level cool puzzles and nice original obstacles. I didn't think that the gas at some places should have been green it'd fit more if it was black

I gave it 5 :star:

Super, thanks Alec...

The gas was originally yellow and kind of went green with the yellow lighting...
Good point though, I will change it.

Thanks again for checking it out for me.

2010-06-29 14:43:00

Posts: 213

Wow, thank you for the great in depth review.
I am glad you liked it.

Actually the switches are on "Permanent Switches" and once you flip them once their work is done.
So it doesn't matter if the light beside them is on.....the counter lights are on back at the starting point.

By add pictures, do you mean in this form on my original request for f4f?
Is there a good way to capture screen shots without having to use a camera and photograph the TV screen?

I will check out Dark Water tonight.

Ok, so on the lights next to the switches, you should definitely have them stay green if whatever they are attached to is OK, you know? Like, the permanent switch that is attached to the final switch, that should keep the light green as well so there's no confusion.

And by adding pictures, I mean right here in this thread in the main post. To do it, just take some in-game pictures using the cam option in your sack's popit menu and transfer them to a USB stick, host them somewhere like imageshack, then link them here so people can see what your level is like. Your level is pretty great, it's a good idea to have some pics so people will play it.

Looking forward to your playthru on Dark Water.
2010-06-29 15:20:00

Posts: 302

Ok, so on the lights next to the switches, you should definitely have them stay green if whatever they are attached to is OK, you know? Like, the permanent switch that is attached to the final switch, that should keep the light green as well so there's no confusion.

And by adding pictures, I mean right here in this thread in the main post. To do it, just take some in-game pictures using the cam option in your sack's popit menu and transfer them to a USB stick, host them somewhere like imageshack, then link them here so people can see what your level is like. Your level is pretty great, it's a good idea to have some pics so people will play it.

Looking forward to your playthru on Dark Water.

Ha...I don't know why I didn't think of connecting the lights to the already permanent switch that does the counter lights....sheesh...

I will try the picture thing today as well.

Thanks again...

2010-06-29 15:36:00

Posts: 213

The changes have been made and the level is unlocked and open for business...

I finally figured out how to get the pictures off so will post some today.

EDIT: Ooops, no I guess I didn't.

2010-06-30 13:20:00

Posts: 213

And by adding pictures, I mean right here in this thread in the main post. To do it, just take some in-game pictures using the cam option in your sack's popit menu and transfer them to a USB stick, host them somewhere like imageshack, then link them here so people can see what your level is like. Your level is pretty great, it's a good idea to have some pics so people will play it.

Well I thought I had it but I guess not.
In the popit I went to the pictures and did an "Upload" as well as the "Write to HD".
So then I exit the game and go to the photos and they are there like I expect they should be.
Now I select that folder and press the triangle for options and select "Copy".
It then prompts me to insert the destination device.
So, I plug in the USB Stick and a little busy circle pops up in the top left of the screen.
I thought that was doing the writing but upon inspection later there is nothing on the USB Stick.

So, what I am I doing wrong?

I realize this is drifting off topic so I posted in the "Help" forum as well.

2010-06-30 13:56:00

Posts: 213

i played this level last night and left a comment on the level.(hearted as well) first off awesome level, great design puzzles and traps! - the only thing was i couldn't complete it. the wall closing in on me at the end got stuck on the block by the eye? the sound kept playing and nothing happened? - did it glitch or did i not do something right???2010-06-30 21:19:00

Posts: 63

i played this level last night and left a comment on the level.(hearted as well) first off awesome level, great design puzzles and traps! - the only thing was i couldn't complete it. the wall closing in on me at the end got stuck on the block by the eye? the sound kept playing and nothing happened? - did it glitch or did i not do something right???

Hi Spyre...

Yes I saw your comment and replied on the level.
I was unable to replicate the glitch either on line after publishing or locally in play mode.
I did make a couple of the winces a little longer to see if that may be what caused it.
I guess I will have to wait and see if it happens any more.
I really tried to get it to happen for me but couldn't get it done.
So, hopefully it is ok now.
I sure hope it is because that is where part 2 starts out...

Thanks for pointing that out though...

2010-06-30 21:32:00

Posts: 213

Here are some screen shots.

http://www.ted-kyte.com/download/LBPPictures/LTOT_1.jpg http://www.ted-kyte.com/download/LBPPictures/LTOT_2.jpg

http://www.ted-kyte.com/download/LBPPictures/LTOT_3.jpg http://www.ted-kyte.com/download/LBPPictures/LTOT_4.jpg

http://www.ted-kyte.com/download/LBPPictures/LTOT_5.jpg http://www.ted-kyte.com/download/LBPPictures/LTOT_6.jpg

http://www.ted-kyte.com/download/LBPPictures/LTOT_7.jpg http://www.ted-kyte.com/download/LBPPictures/LTOT_8.jpg

2010-07-01 14:19:00

Posts: 213

Played this the other night and liked it.

+ Lots of variation in gameplay
+ I liked the dramatic lighting in many places
+ I can see you spent a lot of time decorating it
+ Liked the dialogue parts alot

I made it through most of it but encountered a problem that kept me from finishing. There's a section where you have a jetpack and fly into a room, then the door shuts behind you and a wall moves from the right to the left. When I played it we had three people and two of us were dead. The remaining player was in the room and the wall moved to the left and there was no where for him to go. I think the floor is meant to dissolve but it didn't. It ended up spawning us at the last checkpoint before that room with the moving wall and we couldn't continue.

What I did see I can tell you spent a lot of time working on. There are some spots that could use a little corner editing tlc but it's still fun to play. I gave it 4 stars. I'd probably give it 5 stars if I can finish it.

Nice work.
2010-07-02 18:51:00

Posts: 5983

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