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Civ IV

Archive: 10 posts

What with Steam being released on mac, i figured i should make use of it... Portal is already downloading free, but i just bought Civ IV and all the expansions.

Now, i've never played Civ before, but it's always appealed to me, so i'm looking forward to losing a lot of time with the game (which i better be able to run on full settings >_>). So, does anyone else here play (or used to play) Civ? Any tips for a Civ n00b like me?
2010-06-26 13:37:00

Unknown User

I meant to buy one of these ever since Civ 2 was released. Never got around to it though. Have no excuse really considering that they were always released for Mac as well.2010-06-26 14:38:00

Posts: 3193

The complete one with all the expansions was ?18 on Steam for mac... Probably more than it costs in store, but i don't really care... Just got to wait for it too download now >_>

Looks fun though, and if i like it i may have to get Civ V when that is released on mac, which is also confirmed...
2010-06-26 15:10:00

Unknown User

I heard Civ 4 was a difficult one to start with, but I hope you enjoy them. the Civ games are brilliant.2010-06-26 15:12:00

Posts: 2662

I heard Civ 4 was a difficult one to start with, but I hope you enjoy them. the Civ games are brilliant.

I heard that too, but i don't wanna buy an older one than this tbh, II and III weren't meant to be that great (or so i hear) and i don't want to be put off what looks like a great game... I'll take the time to do the tutorials for once, before starting a massive game I'm a big fan of strategy games, so hopefully all will be good in the end ^_^
2010-06-26 15:15:00

Unknown User

ive played civ 4 for a while and its great fun! there is an instructive tutorial and everything but its not dead-hard to get into. getting in wars though, is difficult...

anyways, civ IV is great fun and i really recommend it.

as for making choices, theres always "sids choice" or similiar thats marked in blue which recommends techology to develope, places to start a city. the city management can also be set on auto production or auto growth.
2010-06-26 18:49:00

Posts: 218

Managed to put a few hours in, very addictive... Just need to make time to play it 2010-06-27 18:45:00

Unknown User

I also recommend Civilization Revolution for PS3. It's much simpler than the normal Civ games, but much faster paced and more relaxing. If I feel like playing casually, I play Revolution instead of Civ 4.2010-06-27 19:23:00

Posts: 466

I also recommend Civilization Revolution for PS3. It's much simpler than the normal Civ games, but much faster paced and more relaxing. If I feel like playing casually, I play Revolution instead of Civ 4.

I almost bought it on 360 a while back but didn't. I may pick it up over summer if i get bored and it's like ?10... But i have Civ IV, beyond The Sword, Colonization and Warlords, which i got for like ?15... So plenty to last a very long time lol.

Also, i just destroyed Napoleon. Take that you frog.
2010-06-27 23:09:00

Unknown User

well, the complete civ pack is on sale on steam now for ?9,99.
ends in 18 hours from now.
2010-06-27 23:58:00

Unknown User

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