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LBP2 story mode backgrounds- What we know so far...

Archive: 10 posts

There seems to be a whole new host of backdrops for littlebigplanet2 which are by far better that the LBP ones;
So... What backgrounds do we have on offer in the new game? Well that is what this video is about. X) so without further ado: THE NEW BACKGROUNDS!

1. Art gallery/room with canvases in the very back and a desk in the front ^^

2. Arcade With lots of pinball machines and things like that

3. rooftops shown in the 2010 gamejam trailer

4. jungle/ castle from E3

5. car factory. in announcement trailer and E3 vids

6. Space. Shown in E3 and many other videos

7. Olden italy/france. in everything so far.

Well thats all I know but if you went to the gamejam or even know any more dont be afraid to leave a comment!!!

cant wait to see your levels in november

peace OUT
2010-06-23 19:20:00

Unknown User

I know that a few of the theme names include Techno Renaissance, Fluffy Hi-Tech, Steam and Cake, Neon Propaganda, and The Cosmos.2010-06-23 19:27:00

Posts: 663

No. 1 is Dave Inchi's Workshop.2010-06-23 21:09:00

Posts: 1703

I think it might actually just be DaVinci. I thought I'd read that pun-of-a-name somewhere, but I recall actually seeing "DaVinci" when I was there.

Also, not sure there is a space background, but there is a star-field animated texture.
2010-06-23 21:15:00

Posts: 5338

Backgrounds are visible in this Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P5S5vZjybw)

Maybe you could try to look... Closer
2010-06-23 21:52:00

Posts: 918


If there is a space background, it looks very interesting.
I imagine that it's not complete though, things could be added and removed.
2010-06-23 22:19:00

Posts: 4193

Touche, salesman.

I remember using the second one on that list in the above picture, but I can't recall what was in it. I want to say that it was some sort of robot storage facility???
2010-06-23 22:21:00

Posts: 5338

As seen in dajdaj03's thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=26907-LBP2-New-style-New-Themes):

Background 1 = Techno Renaissance
Background 2 = Neon Propaganda
Background 3 = Fluffy High-Tech
Background 4 = Steam & Cake
Background 5 = Designer Organic? (Either that, or the backgrounds are obviously not complete.)
Background 6 = Blank background?

EDIT: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn65/warlord_evil/LBP2Backgrounds2.pngNow they seem to be re-arranged, with a different background visible.
2010-06-23 22:31:00

Posts: 4193

I'm pretty sure the outer space-looking backdrop is part of the arcade background.2010-06-24 00:14:00

Posts: 1153

Hey everyone, I went ahead and moved this one because it doesn't seem to contain an actual News/Media item. That being said, please feel free to discuss the backgrounds revealed so far!2010-06-25 03:07:00

Posts: 1239

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