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John Marston, Character design

Archive: 14 posts

Portrait of John Marston from Red Dead Redemption.

It was something that i created in the past hour, the object is made of blue wood and stickers.


I'd like to hear your feedback on the object thanks.

btw the piece is a work in progress so the final outcome could change. (e.g more detail and colour etc) i just couldn't wait to get on and show you guys.
2010-06-23 16:17:00

Posts: 777

Wow, not bad looking, but... you used this picture as inspiration (http://zoknowsgaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/zkgrdrboxart1.jpg)?!? I thought that wasn't John but some badie... or is it just the missing hat? Anyway, great work!2010-06-23 16:23:00

Posts: 238

It's john lol, look at the scars across his right cheek, and yes i used the case cover.2010-06-23 16:25:00

Posts: 777

Nice one, P_Bear! It looks awesome!

One criticism though... It looks like he's got lipstick on. Maybe make them a little less red?
2010-06-23 16:30:00

Posts: 841

yer lol.

try to step or lean back away from the picture from a distance (the composition looks much better), i tried to copy the colours from the case with the range of stickers that we are given.
2010-06-23 16:33:00

Posts: 777

...look at the scars across his right cheek...

You mean My Scars?!

(Except, on the Left Cheek )
2010-06-23 22:00:00

Posts: 918

Very good though the eye proportions makes it look creepy. You got skills though.2010-06-23 22:12:00

Posts: 1758

Well it was a terrible picture of him to begin with >_> i honestly hate the cover with a passion lol, to be frank it looks like hes got a disproportional monkey face O_O


EDIT: looking at the cover now, in your remake the facial hair and scars are too heavy and thick, the lips are too shapely (lady lips) and colourful, the eyes are too elongated and bright, and the eyebrows need to be alittle spaced out by a smidge so that you can add some folds in the brow line to really emphasize the scowl oh and not to mention is mouth is sitting to the left lol the ears could be alittle smaller, in all the entire face feels like its to long and droopy >_> so all you really need to do is move a few things around and resize and make the hair more like....hair. otherwise its pretty good considering it was made in LBP,
2010-06-23 22:20:00

Posts: 1924

Hey guys, you'll be glad to know that i have made changes to everything that you suggested, it's obvious that the face isn't going to be perfect UNLESS some one sends me a sticker of the case.

so far i've changed

the lips colour and shape.
the eyes are darker
scars have been replaced
the beard, colour and shape
the ears.
the eyebrow

things i can't change
eye size

i'll post a pic later when it is finished.
2010-06-24 08:43:00

Posts: 777

Pretty cool! I tried to make the face of a Na'vi from Avatar, that didn't work out to well =/2010-06-24 11:38:00

Posts: 837

Looks pretty good! All my critisms have already been mentioned. Haha! It's nice :]

P.S. I saw a guy on the PSN yesterday and his name was Haddington_Bear! Lol
2010-06-24 21:34:00

Posts: 2979

Looks great but it also looks like a rabbit.2010-06-24 22:39:00

Posts: 2391

I've got a photo of the Red Dead box cover. Just add me if you want me to send you a copy.2010-06-24 22:48:00

Posts: 2130

That looks pretty good. Too bad I fail miserably at making characters.
2010-06-25 07:28:00

Posts: 195

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