Sound in Create mode
Archive: 2 posts
Hello, I'm a lbp fan who likes to tinker around in create mode for hours without really making levels. I ask, is it possible when I add some level music to have that music play ALL the time? right now it only starts it when I hit 'play' and I'd like it to play in play and pause mode. (its a long story) is it possible? Thanks | 2010-06-23 12:37:00 Author: Stevelbp ![]() Posts: 11 |
A simple solution is to walk past the music in pause mode and then "try again" (pop!) to reenter hover mode (hovering otherwise stops the music). Incidently the start gate is a good place to put music so it plays as you enter the level. That or procure the music yourself, upload onto the ps3 and play through the music player in the options in create mode. | 2010-06-23 13:50:00 Author: croissantbuncake ![]() Posts: 572 |
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