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The R.A.P.A.S

Archive: 12 posts

A little piece of logic I've made.
I don't know if anyone has made this before me, but I certainly made it on my own.

The R.A.P.A.S!

Resettable And Paint Activated Switch!

We know how paint switches work. And only One-Shot allows it to be used more than one time. Well, what if we wanted to use it to go back and forth from one setting to another? From On to Off back to On and so on? From fully extended piston or one side of the wobble bolt or one direction on the Motor bolt to right back where it started and then back again?

Now, we can! With a little thing I call the RAPAS. With the RAPAS, when the surface with the Paint switch is shot, it uses the Paint Switch's One Shot to extend two pistons with flipper motion at the same time. Piston A (The slower one) activates a One-Shot emitter switch and the Output switch. The emitter switch emits an explosive with a key switch hooked into itself (Hold your questions to the end, folks) which blocks Piston A from returning to "Home Position" forcing it to remain within the Radius of the Output switch, thus turning it on.. At this point, Piston B has already returned to Home and is done.
Upon the second shot, Piston A re-extendeds. Piston B, with a key matching the key switch on the explosive moves forward and destroys the blockade holding Piston A. Piston A is then able to return to Home position. The Output Switch is turned back off. And there you have it! It's back the way it was before!

(Future Frequently Asked Questions. I just got the feeling that they will be asked.)

Why do you use explosives? Why not Dissolve?

Dissolve is like sponge. It's weak and cannot handle pressure. In order to keep the same speed on the piston, and keep the block holding the key unbreakable, I had to get an alternative. Brains would not work because of the point exploitation factor. Explosives were really the only way to go.

If you can tweak it to where a Dissolve blockade doesn't get destroyed when Piston A pulls against it, and the block on Piston A also is not destroyed in the process, please do!

Why don't you have any Pictures?

I don't have a flashdrive, currently.

Why would I ever need this?

It's difficult to imagine needing it previously, because we've never thought about it. We worked around it, so we never actually needed a method for it. I did, I needed it for a level, I Created it, and now I am Sharing it.

It's so loud!

That is not a question, you ignorant lady.
However, it is a problem easily solved by moving it faaaar away from where the player will be shooting.

Again, I'm not positive I'm the first to build something able to do this, but hey, it still ought to get out.

The level is called R.A.P.A.S and it is published by SkillnCrossbones.
2010-06-21 22:25:00

Posts: 105

Hey that's great that you created such a device on your own. It shows that there is more than one way to skin a... you know. With that said, there is an alternative. You could simply use a one shot toggle. Hook that up to your target, for easy, noiseless, one shot, on/off functionality. Kudos for coming up with an alternative, though. : )2010-06-21 22:48:00

Posts: 16

Emitter based toggle works with everything, you shoot it, it turns on, shoot again, turns off. Also works with Magnetic keys, grab switches, water switches, 2-way, sensor, the EBased Toggle can be used by any switch Mm can make.
Basically, invention like this (and a bit simpler) already made.
But it still seems like an interesting network of logic.
2010-06-21 22:53:00

Posts: 3607

One Shot Toggle?

Well, thanks anyway, and I had suspected this had been done before.
I know that not many people utilize it, anyhow.
2010-06-21 22:54:00

Posts: 105

I'm sure there are a couple implementations, but I use the one from the Intermediate logic pack.

Anyway, with over 2.6 million levels, there's bound to be a few duplicate ideas, ya know?
2010-06-21 23:07:00

Posts: 16

Oh, hey, guess what's hilarious.
(Just looked at the One Shot Toggle Thing)
I made something nearly exactly like that, but it had a different use because of three inputs, and it was in the same level as the one where I implemented the RAPAS.

Never realized that tweaking could have made it work just the same way.
2010-06-21 23:54:00

Posts: 105

I'm talking about the emitter toggle from advanced.2010-06-22 01:53:00

Posts: 3607

heh, that's actually what I meant. I had the name confused since the emitter toggle takes a one-shot input. Anyway, I think they'd both do the job, though now that I have the names right, I don't entirely remember how the one-shot toggle functions.2010-06-22 02:11:00

Posts: 16

The advanced or the intermediate?
The advanced one works by having the one switch activate an emmiter that emits a magnetic key that activates a MKS, bringing the emitter away from the base and turning off another MKS. When the trigger is used again, the emmiter emits the MK away from the base, destroying the first emmited MK, thus un- triggering the base MK bringing the emitter block back to re-activate the effect.
Confusing yes, just reread the logic pack for clearer words than mine.
2010-06-22 02:18:00

Posts: 3607

There's also RTM's Lowest Thermo Toggle, which, as it says, takes up the lowest thermo out of all of these alternatives.
Link: Here. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=21996-Lowest-Thermo-Toggle-(lol))

However, it is interesting to see explosives used... Quite innovative.
2010-06-24 22:50:00

Posts: 619

Innovative? Maybe.

They were only used because dissolve was too weak.

Now, if you needed a piece of logic that required an object's movement to be both hindered and unhindered from advancing back or forth, and it[object] impressed such a force as to destroy dissolve material, then take it from me, explosives work.
Good luck though, I'm not sure if I'll find an application that hasn't been done better and less thermometer pushing already.
I'll be trying, however.
2010-06-25 06:28:00

Posts: 105

Sounds cool. I like the idea and using it with paint switches. To me, paint switches are the most... professional-looking switch in the game.2010-06-25 19:23:00

Posts: 2979

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