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Emitter Gun

Archive: 10 posts

Well I was excited about this contraption and it's potential uses, but after reading the feature list of LBP2, I'm feeling kind of 'meh' about it. The new emitter gun in the upcoming game will eliminate a LOT of logic, and would be vastly easier to set up in the manner of my contraption.

I created something of a Portal inspired Emitter Gun. You shoot an object, then shoot a platform, and the object beams to that location. It's a great tool for puzzle levels, and is the main focus of I level I'm working on now.

Anyway, I'm all about sharing the knowledge so I thought I'd let everyone in on this soon to be outmoded tech. All I ask is that if you use this in anyway, give due credit and drop me a line so I can check out the level.

It's called Emitter Gun.
It's by cgCody.
The level is copyable.

If anyone is interested in a rundown of the logic, just let me know.


That is all...

EDIT: One more thing. The system is fairly stable if set up carefully. The only problem I've run into in play mode so far is if you spawn a cube onto a platform and then rapidly fire a bunch of shots at the platform and cube, the cube may disappear and break the system. In short, this has to do with the emitters spawning too slowly, even at 0.1 seconds. I'm sure if the whole system was made more efficient, this could be avoided.
2010-06-20 01:35:00

Posts: 16

Influenced by Half Life2 portal gun?2010-06-20 01:48:00

Posts: 445

Sort of. I mean it's not THE portal gun. You can only transport the cubes onto designated platforms. However, I knew that I wanted to create a puzzle game with a unique element, so I drew inspiration from Portal and it's unique gun.2010-06-20 01:54:00

Posts: 16

This sounds awesome, I'll check it out and let you know what I think! Also, I don't think you should make it copyable. With Stephanie Ravens on the loose, I dont think anyone is safe. XD Make a simple password level and release the code to LBPC. Regardless, I'm super pumped to check this out!!2010-06-20 02:31:00

Posts: 245

There is a 0.0 frequency emitter... Check out more of the object showcase for details!2010-06-20 03:44:00

Posts: 619

There is a 0.0 frequency emitter... Check out more of the object showcase for details!

It's mentioned in The Complete Guide to Secret Materials and Stickers (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=23748-The-Complete-Guide-to-Secret-Materials-and-Stickers), including where and how to get it.
2010-06-20 04:19:00

Posts: 2870

sweetness. I'll check that out and see if it fixes the rapid shooting problem. If so, the system is completely infallible.

And who's this Stephanie Ravens, and why should I be concerned?
2010-06-20 17:52:00

Posts: 16

This sounds awesome, I'll check it out and let you know what I think! Also, I don't think you should make it copyable. With Stephanie Ravens on the loose, I dont think anyone is safe. XD Make a simple password level and release the code to LBPC. Regardless, I'm super pumped to check this out!!

Um...you do realise Stephannie_Ravens IS a member on LBPC, right...?
Meaning it would just give here access to something not many can rather than something anyone can get. >_>

So same difference, she'll be getting it anyways if she wants. :/
2010-06-20 18:38:00

Posts: 6707

And you guise talking about her getting it will just make her want it even more... if what everyone says is right, she does what she does just so she can make people upset/mad. Anyways, more on-topic, cgCody, you should make it so you need a key too access the level, and send the key too whoever asks/make a combonation level and give the code too specific LBPC members xD2010-06-20 20:04:00

Posts: 119

Well I read up on this Stephannie_Ravens person. From what I can gather, she likes to spam peoples copyable levels, yes? If that's the case, I appreciate the heads up, but honestly, I just don't care. If someone get's their rocks off by stealing other people's work, then whatever. I'm not going to fuel their fire by stooping to the same level of immaturity.

I'm not in this for the H4H or the fame and glory. I do it because it's fun to create stuff and solve problems. Being an artist in my non-LBP life, I'm used to sharing my work and ideas on the interwebs. There's always that chance of plagiarism, but I guess it takes an act of faith to trust most people to be morally good enough to not steal your work.
2010-06-20 21:59:00

Posts: 16

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