The Ghost Train
Archive: 4 posts
The Ghost Trainwolverine_2008 part race, part survival ALL FUN! lol try to get to the lead car without getting killed by the ghosties and ghoulies on the ghost train. ![]() sorry it's kinda short ![]() ![]() p.s. no bombs involved in this level | 2010-06-19 18:43:00 Author: wolverine_2008 ![]() Posts: 304 |
This level was great, gave me the Halloweenish feel ![]() ![]() Also if you could check out my level Block Industry (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28983-Block-Industry&p=503047) for feedback, thanks! | 2010-06-21 11:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Likes: Wow great train effect, really feels like your racing along. All of the little details were very cool and I liked the humor. Possible Fix: When I entered the part with the floating candelabra, (awesome btw), I somehow made it go pitch black and couldn't see anything. I restarted the level and this time the lighting stayed on. Not sure if that was intentional or not. Maybe check the radius of the switch for the lighting? Suggestion: I died many times not knowing what hit me, (pardon the expression), maybe some of the faster moving dangers could be slowed for effect? Anyways I enjoyed all your levels and I learned a few new tricks by playing them, hope to see more soon! | 2010-06-22 20:51:00 Author: dTOtheTEE ![]() Posts: 183 |
Hi Wolverine, thanks for the feedback of "The Hero Chronicles LV3 Action Mansion". Here's what I had to say about this level. The moving background is cool and it really feels like you're riding a train and I like the usage of Monster kit objects in this level and the floating candelabra reminded me of one the Disneyland rides. The only things that bugged me about this level is that sometimes the lighting remains pitch black when I exited the Vampire train car and the Frankenstein and Werewolf train car needs something that has a poisonous gas instead of having them hidden. Overall it's a fun level. 4 stars. P.S. I fixed the problem you encountered in Action Mansion all thanks to you. | 2010-06-22 23:56:00 Author: JustinArt ![]() Posts: 1314 |
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