SackMech, Mission 5 : Blockade Gambit
Archive: 4 posts
SackMech, Mission 5 : Blockade GambitJirugameshi http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=18284[/url]So you've proven that you can pilot a mech. Let's see how well you do at the helm of a warship while attempting to break through the enemy's blockade. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/Jirugameshi/SackMech/SackMechSig.jpg And now for something completely different. You're given free reign to command a warship to defeat the enemy fleet that is trying to stop you from reaching the planet Murn, where the stolen relic is kept. Use the four turrets at your disposal to destroy aerospace fighters, battleships and even a dangerous weapon platform. The controls should be fairly straightforward: you rotate the turrets by moving left or right and fire with R1. Holding R1 also gradually lowers your aim, so remember to release it every once in a while to reset your aim. You can also move the warship by grabbing the appropriate arrow at the center of the bridge. Earn higher rewards depending on how much health your warship has at the end and how many enemy ships you've destroyed. Enjoy. ![]() | 2010-06-19 04:59:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
WoW!!!! I've played this level for the contest And i have to say It's the hardest one!!! Seriously it took me like 1 hour to finish it!! But it's nice anyway!!1 Nice work!!! | 2010-08-22 22:39:00 Author: shadow3596 ![]() Posts: 2442 |
Wow, an hour? ![]() It shouldn't have taken that long. You just need to destroy the weapon platform by shooting at the middle. I made this level with multiplayer in mind though, so it goes a lot faster with multiple players. ![]() | 2010-08-23 00:48:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
Wow, an hour? ![]() It shouldn't have taken that long. You just need to destroy the weapon platform by shooting at the middle. I made this level with multiplayer in mind though, so it goes a lot faster with multiple players. ![]() Yeah i got tired of playing this level over and over again so i just called my cousin for help ![]() | 2010-08-24 02:48:00 Author: shadow3596 ![]() Posts: 2442 |
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