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So inspired by the efforts of Croissantbuncake, Horwitzer/Purelywisdom, Angx (sp?) and many others, I decided to create my own tank. It's taken 6 days of work so far, and I'm taking a break for a couple of days before finishing the incendiary shell and cockpit locking system. It still needs a load of detail too, though I believe the control system is, for me, one of the best in LBP. I'm going to have a go at refining it on my next tank, but for now, i'm fairly happy. Grab/Tap/Doubletap/Grab Down/Run Left/Right gives me just enough functions for 2 Shell types, aiming, Coaxial Machine gun and movement, all from within one small space, so you don't have to move around to operate the main gun. In fact, with an experienced operator, it's possible to adjust the aim and fire on the move with one person, which is what I'd hoped for. The next tank will feature improved aiming, 3-4 shell types, easier Machine gun fire, suspension and more detail, but for now, you'll have to deal with this . The level iitself is fairly simple, a (sort of) smow theme obstacle course that I threw together in an hour to show off the tracks.
I'm particularly happy with the tracks, as they take falls very well, and are probably the most robust i've seen. If you play the level, the fall at the end IS possible, though extremely difficult. It will probably break the gun either way.
Anyway, I'd apprieciate it if you could check it out, as it's currently sitting there with no plays looking sad . I'll do 7 F4F's and then maybe more once I get those done.
Pictures will come sunday.

Background-wise, It the Main Battle Tank of the United Independant Asia Alliance, one of two factions in a level I have in the works, don't expect it too soon, as I have a Cooperative project on the go at the moment so I don't have much time to devote to it.
2010-06-18 22:22:00

Posts: 187

Lol it's agrx.
I tried the level about five times and the tracks broke each time. I think the master link (last link in the tracks you put in) is the issue here. The turret is unproportional to the rest of the tank. The controls were rather uncomfortable. I'm not really a fan of using Mm's stickers/objects ( the stickering on the wheels). Also the turret seemed to lack detail compared to the chassis

Other than that, I did really they shape of the chassis. Definitely better better than most tanks out there.

Hey if you send me a friend request, you could drop by in create mode and I could give you some pointers
And as for the F4F, Later I'll post up my M2A3 Bradley and M8 Greyhound if I get around to it
2010-06-19 01:43:00

Posts: 192

Thanks for the feedback! Mind letting me know which obstacle the tracks broke on? I know the turret is a bit big, but until I rebuild it will a different control system, It can't get any smaller . The Left/right is already very touchy, so I need to rebuild it with Rtm's design, thought having that the presents problems with grab switches, them, but I believe If I make the wheel thin enough, I can have grab switches on the outside of the wheel and still be able to use them, and that also allows 3-4 grabs, so I could possibly have Better aiming, 3 shell types, left/right movement, paint Machine guns and maybe even a 1-shot AA missile, all from a little pod. It's exiting, although it may not happen, as I'm about to start a huge project, and I would imagine LBP2 will come out not long after that, bringing with it: The Direct control seat! Plus indestructible matierial for the tacks, and movers/gyros for the gun! The stickers were really just a quick shot of giving it a bit of detail and won't be present on the final (LBP2) version.2010-06-19 21:16:00

Posts: 187

Thanks for the feedback! Mind letting me know which obstacle the tracks broke on? I know the turret is a bit big, but until I rebuild it will a different control system, It can't get any smaller . The Left/right is already very touchy, so I need to rebuild it with Rtm's design, thought having that the presents problems with grab switches, them, but I believe If I make the wheel thin enough, I can have grab switches on the outside of the wheel and still be able to use them, and that also allows 3-4 grabs, so I could possibly have Better aiming, 3 shell types, left/right movement, paint Machine guns and maybe even a 1-shot AA missile, all from a little pod. It's exiting, although it may not happen, as I'm about to start a huge project, and I would imagine LBP2 will come out not long after that, bringing with it: The Direct control seat! Plus indestructible matierial for the tacks, and movers/gyros for the gun! The stickers were really just a quick shot of giving it a bit of detail and won't be present on the final (LBP2) version.

Hmm sounds good indeed!
The tracks broke once on the first hill, the fall, and that steep incline at the end
2010-06-19 21:20:00

Posts: 192

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