Sony want suggestions for LBP2 [NEW VID!!!/VLOG UPDATED!!]
Archive: 233 posts
Sorry about that disgusting, troll-type title, had to catch peoples attention that there was a new video uploaded. UPDATE #2 The vlog about my trip to Sony: <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vmYiZ1uPQag&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vmYiZ1uPQag&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> UPDATE #1 Thanks SO much for the suggestions! Didn't think I'd get anywhere near this amount. Just about to leave to catch the train to London, I'll be sure to read through all of them on the train. ![]() Thanks! --------- So Sony have invited me and Shermzor to go and test some new features on LBP2, say what we think of them, what could be added to the game, etc... but we need your help with some suggestions! Watch this vid: *Watch in 720P HD!* <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/z3PfVayjDiE&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/z3PfVayjDiE&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> Dan. | 2010-06-17 22:32:00 Author: DanC ![]() Posts: 433 |
My suggestion is about sackboy emotions, or at least sackbot emotions. If there are going to be cut scene cameras, I'd love to see there be more facial expressions, etc. I'd love if there could be an way to make sackboy appear to be sleeping... I know this sounds weird, but these would be very useful for people who want to use lbp2 to make little video or cutscene levels. Also, please tell mm to stop being afraid of girls. We want to come and play too. ![]() Have a great time, dan! | 2010-06-17 22:42:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
OMG DanC that is a one in a life time opportunity I will post a comment later about some cool Ideas ![]() | 2010-06-17 22:43:00 Author: Arnald23 ![]() Posts: 1843 |
My sugestion is: a chat log, so you can view pevious messages people have wrote in lbp ![]() i find it really annoying when you have to reoeat yourself or ask others to 'say that again' and its often the case that 2 people say somthing and one of their bubbles covers over the second one :/ | 2010-06-17 22:44:00 Author: samalot ![]() Posts: 591 |
Tell them to make the 3D glitch official or face the eternal wrath of many. | 2010-06-17 22:44:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Allow hearts/stars (whatever is in this game) to count towards the heart count for the Create trophy in LBP1. ![]() Also, a flashlight powerup. I'd like to see that. | 2010-06-17 22:48:00 Author: AeroForce22 ![]() Posts: 392 |
Edit the Scuba Suit so you can edit the amount of air it holds Increase Radius of Explosions Make Sure the pod stays please!! | 2010-06-17 22:49:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
- Make the 3D layer glitch an official feature. - Make a customizable melee weapon/melee attacks PLEASE. - Flashlight power-up. Please please please. - Weather machines please (thunderstorms, rain, etc.) - Ability to make gadgets invisible (like the DCS, the Creatinator, etc.)? - Ability to make our own level music. - Maybe allow us to attach the game camera to certain objects for dynamic points of view? (FPS-view ?) | 2010-06-17 22:50:00 Author: jjmusicman ![]() Posts: 234 |
er-hem... An animated Lava Material! Adjustable Corner Editor speed on-the-fly! More projectiles! (There are never enough!) Additional layers! (Not outside the thick 3 we already have - like the golf ball glitch thing) More hazards! The ability to turn the noises they make off! ...that'll do it for me. Some of those might already be in the game, because I didn't do my research! ![]() | 2010-06-17 22:51:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
Bombs that destroy things, that don't throw stickers everywhere. More ideas soon, or maybe not. | 2010-06-17 22:53:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
- Tractor Beam - A spring switch. Anchors an object to a position but can move in all direction as if it was attached with a spring. - Forward facing slopes that make sackboy slide into the layer infront. - Stickers that have effects, like acting as bounce pads or slippery surfaces. Adapted from Portal 2 a little :3 - Wind Tunnels, similar to the tractor beam. - Spinning platforms that make sackboy come off dizzy! - A motion path tool that makes an object follow the path that you draw on screen. - Speed pads! - Bubbles of air that can create areas of dry land underwater, dry submarines and stuff. - Waterfall decorations. Since we can't have real dynamic water it'd just be really nice in deco form. - Weak connectors (ropes/winches) that break under a certain amount of pressure. - Pressure buttons that only activate under a certain amount of weight. - Plants that you can grow to make them act as platforms. (crazy idea :3) - PORTAL GUN! Yeah sure it sounds crazy and it'd be stupidly hard to make. I remember saying that about water. Just throwing random ideas out in the open. I'll keep editing this post if i think of more! | 2010-06-17 22:54:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
Something I've wanted for a long time is the ability to make objects rounded in 3 dimensions, like the golf ball. | 2010-06-17 23:00:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
-Tweakable AO (Ambient occlusion, the system that adds realistic shadows to stuff) -Foreground/Background objects -Project Eden (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Eden) DLC -Crysis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crysis) DLC Your gonna tell them you got these suggestions from a community right? It would be weird to be asking such varied questions. | 2010-06-17 23:06:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
Awesome video Dan! Really amusing ![]() I'm guessing this is the same thing Sony invited me to without realising I was helping Mm out with the game! I remember the email saying something like 'You'll get the great opportunity to see LBP2 before anyone else and get to give Sony and Media Molecule your feedback direct!' and I got it whilst on LBP2 creating...it made me giggle. Anyway, once again, the video was brilliant ![]() | 2010-06-17 23:06:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Layer glitch as an actual feature, at the moment I find it too confusing even with about 7 detailed tutorials. Pre-set dance 'emotions' like on the PSP version, when you finish a level sackboy dances differently depending on his/her costume. Rounded objects sounds like a great feature. The more animated materials and costumes, the better! Importable music from the XMB would be cool too, but unlikely. | 2010-06-17 23:07:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
I remember reading the email and it saying something like 'You'll get the great opportunity to see LBP2 before anyone else and get to give Sony and Media Molecule your feedback direct!' whilst sat in front of LBP2 creating...it made me giggle. Heh I got the same thing - this was a couple of days before create jam right? They said they'd give me less than the price of travelling for an hour in front of LBP2 lol. Would have been awesome if I'd not had the other invite before ![]() Cool Vid though ![]() | 2010-06-17 23:09:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
This so hard without having hands on time, however: 1. Per Player and Player Specific Objects [https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28823-Per-Player-and-Player-Specific-Objects] At it's most basic, it is the idea that you can can set objects (think HUD) to only show up on a particular player's screen in a multiplayer individual camera scenario. I explain further in the link. Basically, without it, complex multiplayer games (Action RPG, full blown competitive Shooters/Racers) are not going to be doable without being a complete mess. Conversly, if it does get put in, it opens up a host of potential options; I am pretty much positive (providing a few other changes are in there as well, that I think will be) I would be able to make that eluvise multiplayer FPS they keep challenging us with (I coded a barebones 3D engine from scratch a few years back, for reference). 2. I also must suggest (due to lack of confirmation) that we get the ability to: - Save variables/content in a level Think current level, stats, and inventory in an RPG - Load those variables/content into the same level or another level So you can string multiple 'levels' together that branch into different towns/dungeons that you can visit and revisit - Create mandatory and automated Saving/Loading Which you are prompted about before even starting the level if it contains this function. This could be used to track statistics in a Shooter, Racer, or any genre in which you wish to track stats other than the usual 'score' business. I am absolutely positive there would be more ingenious uses of this. Automated saving/loading would be of course for linking levels together and maintaining score/lives/stats/items. 3. Rotation/Translation of all objects on the fly This is probably already in from what I've seen, but I want to be positive it is not simply exclusive to Vacuum Material. 4. Global and/or Private Variables that can be called by the logic in any circuit board Basically you'd have the Global/Private variables in a single list (whether an object or not) in which you can create and name as many Variables as you need, and give them numerical (strings for text if doable) values. You would then have a 'Call Variable' chip and a 'Change Variable value' chip which can be placed on any circuit board; These let you call or change (add, subtract, multiply, etc) any of the Global/Private variables you have in the list. This would reduce clutter dramatically and provide a heck of a lot of options on the logic side of things. [If already doable, you can ignore, but would be awesome otherwise] 5. Logic chip that checks what player you are Simple, checks if you're player 1, player 2, etc. Eg. If current player is Player 2, sackbot will ignore. If current player is Player 1, sackbot will follow. --- I tried to keep it to things that are light on the coding side of things to implement, based on my own coding experience (except maybe number 2, but that is purely a "must have for my games to even work" type suggestion). Anyway, I thank you in advance for conveying any of my suggestions, and of course for the oppurtunity to do so in the first place. Kudos. | 2010-06-17 23:09:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
EVERYONE wants bigger thermometer but also - Need to make a grid that doesnt leave gaps/overlap when you flip an oject (Uber annoying) - Would like to have option to edit a material's atributes eg make 1 material with another's non default features (eg. grabbable glass, magnetic sponge (that is if the grapple hook is a magnetic one) disolve metal etc) I also agree with jjmusicmans above post. | 2010-06-17 23:16:00 Author: Strangepom ![]() Posts: 445 |
Heh I got the same thing - this was a couple of days before create jam right? They said they'd give me less than the price of travelling for an hour in front of LBP2 lol. Would have been awesome if I'd not had the other invite before ![]() Cool Vid though ![]() To be fair though, if it wasn't for the create jam you'd have snapped their hand off over this ![]() EDIT: just realised you pretty much said the same thing in your post :blush: Hope you enjoyed it Dan! ![]() | 2010-06-17 23:17:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Cookie switch (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28362-quot-Cookie-quot-Switch) | 2010-06-17 23:19:00 Author: Gui_Rike ![]() Posts: 184 |
EVERYONE wants bigger thermometer but also The thermometer will be easier to budget in a lot of ways (like with low-thermo microchips as oppose to material switches), but the thermometer represents the game engine's limitations. Levels will full thermometers are often laggier and more likely to freeze, for example. | 2010-06-17 23:22:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
A powerup Material that gives you the power of create mode when your standing on it, but the creator can define what can be used and how it can be used. i belive there was something like this that was going to be in the original. But hey, your going to town right? | 2010-06-17 23:24:00 Author: fruitmanlolli ![]() Posts: 151 |
A powerup Material that gives you the power of create mode, but the creator can define what can be used and how it can be used. i belive there was something like this that was going to be in the original. But hey, your going to town right? Yeah this was one of the original concepts of the game ![]() Create and play mode weren't separately defined like they are now. It was all one ![]() | 2010-06-17 23:26:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
A teleportation object, to allow teleportation without killing the player. | 2010-06-17 23:28:00 Author: Tomeh999 ![]() Posts: 763 |
Water fountains! ![]() They don't fill up the level with water or anything, they simply are able to lift and push light objects using water shooting out of a spout. The length, width, strength, and color would be tweakable. Switches can also be attached to them. (On/Off, Speed, & One-Shot). | 2010-06-17 23:32:00 Author: The_Imagineer ![]() Posts: 12 |
-Wind -Magnets -flashlight would be cool. -Circular gradiant stickers. Seriously. | 2010-06-17 23:38:00 Author: Jrange378 ![]() Posts: 573 |
DEFINITELY a sticker cutout tool, so we can make objects out of stickers, BUT YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I MEAN, AND I KNOW EVERYONE WANTS THIS. right, everyone!? ![]() | 2010-06-18 00:07:00 Author: Strodigy ![]() Posts: 124 |
A laser hazard (was said that this would be included but turned out to be plasmafication, which we can glitch now anyway) Powerups Create mode powerup (seconded, as above) Invincibility (for a tweakable period of time) Strength Time slowing/pausing/speeding? Sackboy movement? (Higher jump, faster running etc - this may be achievable with sackbots but will be far easier to use as a tweakable powerup) Popit search box (search for any named sticker/object etc) The ability to turn boost pads on and off Sticker cutout tool (seconded, as above) That's all I can think of at the mo - I'll be back! | 2010-06-18 00:09:00 Author: Holguin86 ![]() Posts: 875 |
- A motion path tool that makes an object follow the path that you draw on screen. This is so simple, yet it has amazing possibilities. PLEASE incorporate this. Being able to do this to Sackbots and objects would be amazing. | 2010-06-18 00:26:00 Author: jjmusicman ![]() Posts: 234 |
A mohawk for sackboy Maybe a little longer, though http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_30PRmkOl4ro/SexAIvBq3tI/AAAAAAAAOB0/_Kr3nXvRld4/s400/_Mohawk+001.jpg ... yep, that's all for me | 2010-06-18 00:27:00 Author: napero7 ![]() Posts: 1653 |
Three things as far as I'm concerned, and I'm really just repeating what others have stated. - Official background/foreground customization. I'd really refrain from saying "make the layer glitch official", because... well we don't want a GLITCH, we want custom background/foreground editing! WITHOUT the glitch! by all means, kill that glitch forever, but only as long as we can simply and easily and legitimately edit backgrounds and foregrounds. - Someone mentioned being able to do rounded objects like the golf ball. Absolutely, in fact, a whole variety of shapes that use the Z-axis would be great - like an inclined plane going back from one layer to another, and rounded spherical and elliptical shapes would offer amazing opportunities for sculpting all kinds of cool-looking stuff. - I'm all about Sara's idea for more emotions. There's a press image with sackbots showing a "blushing" sackboy. it is very adorable, but what a tease! We can't make our sackpeople bashful, but what with the new cutscene/filmmaking tools, I guarantee you we'll WANT to! By the way, as an aside... Thanks for doing this, and congrats on the invite! Muchos gracias. One thought: If you're going to be presenting Mm with a wish-list of stuff we want right after the big E3 reveal, please be sure to thank them for making LBP2 as awesome as it is to boot. We don't want to come across as ungrateful little me-monsters. What we've all seen of LBP2 so far is absolutely stunning, and even if the wish-list items don't make it in, I'll be happy. Well, actually, I will hold my breath for the background-editing. That's a big one for me. I think the community's spoken on that topic. | 2010-06-18 00:36:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Tweak menu for costumes to change the colours of different costume items. But also, allow the tweak menus to be seperate for each item so, for example, you can have brown hair with a grey shirt and blue pants with black shoes, etc; without using painty and unrealistic stickers. Ugh! Also please suggest that Mm does away with the select colour choices and allow us to make our own RGB colour scale combinations EDIT: Also, as previously stated, Wind, Magnets, and flashlights. | 2010-06-18 00:42:00 Author: Super_Clone ![]() Posts: 849 |
- official multi-layer feature - ModNation Racers type sackboy customization mode (every costume piece has sections of colors, use the menu to swap color sections with custom colors on a palette) it could be in a seperate planet or menu and you can still keep the original popit one for portability - melee weapon, or make the magic glove able to swing the objects held like a weapon - power up skins (make the jetpack look like wings and eliminate smoke, paintanator looks more like a real gun while still shooting paintballs, grapple hook looks more like hookshot, etc.) - GUNDAM DLC | 2010-06-18 00:57:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
I didn't read all the thread but i think i agree about the layer glitch and also about various problems. Maybe the layer glitch should be put as a feature, but im not sure if they should actually make it unable to produce it again. The glitch is not just able to create 50 layers, there are much more. You could extend it infinitly, but in play mode only about 150 layers are visible, and in LBP2 even more, because of the top-down view, etc. Also some of the things that annoyed me the most in LBP1 apart from the obvious things that will get fixed (cool pages system) - level keys didn't work (i think there is a limit about how many keys you can recieve), - some random levels that i didn't heart had a heart symbol on them - the "recently played" function didn't work - if you search for tags the same levels keep coming up no matter what tags you choose. - In the comments page of a level it would be cool if you could go to the first comment written - You should be able to write longer descriptions for levels and maybe put images in them etc.. - The info moon should actually get updated like MM's website and the MM picks should be directly accesible like when the game first came out. - You should be able to delete multiple items at once (for example: stickers, community objects) I could come up with more but im bored now. | 2010-06-18 01:12:00 Author: thi766 ![]() Posts: 135 |
Three things as far as I'm concerned, and I'm really just repeating what others have stated. - Official background/foreground customization. I'd really refrain from saying "make the layer glitch official", because... well we don't want a GLITCH, we want custom background/foreground editing! WITHOUT the glitch! by all means, kill that glitch forever, but only as long as we can simply and easily and legitimately edit backgrounds and foregrounds. - Someone mentioned being able to do rounded objects like the golf ball. Absolutely, in fact, a whole variety of shapes that use the Z-axis would be great - like an inclined plane going back from one layer to another, and rounded spherical and elliptical shapes would offer amazing opportunities for sculpting all kinds of cool-looking stuff. - I'm all about Sara's idea for more emotions. There's a press image with sackbots showing a "blushing" sackboy. it is very adorable, but what a tease! We can't make our sackpeople bashful, but what with the new cutscene/filmmaking tools, I guarantee you we'll WANT to! By the way, as an aside... Thanks for doing this, and congrats on the invite! Muchos gracias. One thought: If you're going to be presenting Mm with a wish-list of stuff we want right after the big E3 reveal, please be sure to thank them for making LBP2 as awesome as it is to boot. We don't want to come across as ungrateful little me-monsters. What we've all seen of LBP2 so far is absolutely stunning, and even if the wish-list items don't make it in, I'll be happy. Well, actually, I will hold my breath for the background-editing. That's a big one for me. I think the community's spoken on that topic. I approve of this. I'd love to work with shapes in more ways. - melee weapon, or make the magic glove able to swing the objects held like a weapon I love this idea ![]() ARTHUR, REMOVE THE SWORD FROM THE STONE *Sackboy uses Power Gloves to pull sword, then begins to annihilate medieval cyborg ninjas with the blade of badassery* | 2010-06-18 01:16:00 Author: jjmusicman ![]() Posts: 234 |
- You should be able to delete multiple items at once (for example: stickers, community objects Like in what way, because there's already the delete all unhearted items tool. I had another idea...but I forgot it... ![]() | 2010-06-18 01:24:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
Ok here is what I want: -3D layer glitch to be an actual feature. (MM it is obvious everyone wants this, so just do it! ![]() -Have power-ups be able to be invisible. -Have a Portal gun power-up, and have Portal DLC! -Doctor Who DLC. -The ability to walk your sackboy around in top down view. I will see if I can come up with more later. ![]() | 2010-06-18 01:26:00 Author: SackRacer77 ![]() Posts: 153 |
Like in what way, because there's already the delete all unhearted items tool. I had another idea...but I forgot it... ![]() Yeah i know, but.. this fonction is only working for community objects/stickers, and not for your own stickers and objects, wich you have to delete each individually. Also for example if you had 100 community objects and you want to delete like.. 12 of them you had to heart the 88 others first before using the delete all unhearted tool.. | 2010-06-18 01:29:00 Author: thi766 ![]() Posts: 135 |
- Make the 3D layer glitch an official feature. ^^ THIS! But perhaps with some sort of usable interface? At least let us use it on a blank template if not the new animated ones. Edit: Three things as far as I'm concerned, and I'm really just repeating what others have stated. - Official background/foreground customization. I'd really refrain from saying "make the layer glitch official", because... well we don't want a GLITCH, we want custom background/foreground editing! WITHOUT the glitch! by all means, kill that glitch forever, but only as long as we can simply and easily and legitimately edit backgrounds and foregrounds. Ninja'd. ![]() | 2010-06-18 01:30:00 Author: schm0 ![]() Posts: 1239 |
The ability to record gameplay footage, and export it to HDD. I know this would be a great help to me, and other people who are kids and/or broke and/or just don't want to spend the money, on expensive video recording software..... Thanks, hope you have a good time.... | 2010-06-18 02:09:00 Author: TheBlackKnight22 ![]() Posts: 695 |
Weather effects? Wind that affects jumping, rain that affects traction on surfaces, snow that is slippery, sun that makes sackboy sweat stuffing ... | 2010-06-18 02:43:00 Author: Holguin86 ![]() Posts: 875 |
Dx lucky! well here -FlashLight powerup -Light switches for the flashlight powerup, (have settings for how close he is to the switch etc...) -A full sticker edit mode where we can make anycolor using a color wheel (as in MNR) | 2010-06-18 02:49:00 Author: fodawim ![]() Posts: 363 |
Tweakable bombs. I want to be able to edit my explosion radius and make it so that it doesn't throw stickers everywhere. | 2010-06-18 02:59:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
How about a material that can pass through itself but still collides with all other materials. | 2010-06-18 03:01:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
I think a 44,000 color spectrum palette would be good for generic color stickers. There should be only one color sticker, and from there choose a shape and then color from the palette. | 2010-06-18 03:26:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
A really cool idea would be to make more/better functions for the global lighting/water objects | 2010-06-18 03:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
My suggestion would be, if not already sackbots should be fully posable. What i mean is for example your making the balcony scene from Romeo and Juilet and want Romeo to kneel down while talking to Juilet, now i'm not completley sure how this would play out but its beats sackbot Romeo looking up at Juliet and then pointing up in the air with one arm. ![]() Well thats my suggestion hope they consider this for people who want to make movies or shows. | 2010-06-18 03:46:00 Author: Mangarocks14 ![]() Posts: 262 |
Twisted Metal DLC They could have a Sweet Tooth and a Dollface costume. Complete with the flaming hair, it would look awesome. | 2010-06-18 03:49:00 Author: NickTNT ![]() Posts: 9 |
MOre anime DLC, seriously, like 95% of the people i find when i go to quickplay are into anime, and have you seen how many anime-based levels there are? Ther are anime theme song levels, anime costume showcase levels, anime tribute levels, there ARE anime fans withing the community! And i'm quite sure that Mm/ SONY could make a really good profit with some anime-DLC, so its a win-win. ![]() | 2010-06-18 03:52:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Ok here is want I really want them to put in Little Big Planet 2 A bigger level cap capacity more cool tools More dangerous objest not only fire, electricity, gas, ect I want more level recording option ( that you can recored your own levels I dont think it wound be a good idea to recored other levels because then everyone will be a level recorders and that wound be strange. Make it that you only can recored own level) more stickers life is good with more stickers Also I hope you do this but more story line levels If I can come up with any more I will tell you ![]() | 2010-06-18 04:11:00 Author: Arnald23 ![]() Posts: 1843 |
Ooh, I got a new lethal idea... Lava! ............... An option to make sackboy recieve damage or die from falling super great heights. | 2010-06-18 04:19:00 Author: TheBlackKnight22 ![]() Posts: 695 |
Ok, keep in mind that I don't have a full understanding of many of the features already available in LBP2. 1. Actboys or Actbots. I guess this could be an option to add to the Sackbots. Basically, it allows you to assign a wide range of expression and emotion to the Sackbots for cutscenes other than what is currently available and allows you to put them in a position of your choosing. For example, say you wanted to have a funeral scene. With the Actbots, you would be able to have one lying on its back in a coffin and it would be perfectly still with its eyes closed. You can have it facing any angle you wish and you could lock expressions in place. If you wanted to have an Actbot running around with both his arms raised (think Rocky) you would raise his arms the way you normally would and then hit a button to lock his arms in place, then you could run around like that and record the scene. Want a sad Actbot walking around? Look down, lock his head in that position, then walk around. Perhaps more emotions could be assigned by the player to the buttons in order to prep for an acting scene you wish to create in order to immediately go through a range of emotions on the fly. People could practice and become professional Actbots. lol 2. Downloadable levels from LBP and LBP.me. I would really love the ability to save levels to my HDD, but I don't want to republish someone else's level. There needs to be a download option in addition to the copy option. Download would allow you to save levels to your HDD without allowing you to republish them or view them in create mode. This would allow levels to reach a wider audience and preserve these levels forever. This would also be very helpful for people stuck with crappy internet. I recently had to switch to satellite internet and I can barely play LBP online. Being able to download levels with my PC and transfer them with a USB stick would be awesome. Plus, if I had this ability in LBP1, I wouldn't have lost so many older levels that I really enjoyed due to the fact that hearts are limited and older levels are automatically unhearted as you heart newer levels. 3A. Screen Stickers. You take a sticker and instead of sticking it to an object in the game world, you seemingly stick it to your TV screen and it stays there. Allow switches to be attached to stickers and this is how you can create a real HUD using any sticker in the game. 3B. Allow us to make real stickers and not just pictures with a background. Just let us remove the background when we take a photo! It's been done before with a glitch, but I can't recreate the glitch. 3C. Sticker Reel. This would be a device that allows you to put a desired amount of stickers into one. Example: put 10 number stickers into it and you would have it cycle through them counting from 1 to 10. Basically, custom animated stickers. 3D. Image Importing. You know what this is. Please gimme. Also give me the option to take high or low resolution pictures. 4. Flipper Switch. You know how you can press a button to flip an object left or right in create mode? Well I would like to do this in play mode so I can have objects, vehicles, and material based characters that won't be stuck facing one direction. 5. Adjustable Physical Space. Lets pretend that right now we can make levels that go a mile in each direction. I would like to choose the distance I can go when using a blank background so I can go 5, 10, even 20 miles. I know this would cause problems when using one of your backgrounds, but when using no background, I say the sky's the limit. 6. The Creatinator is awesome and one of the most welcome features, but could you rethink it a bit? We can now fire anything we want, but we have to do it from a hat? Please give us the option to choose its appearance. You could allow us to select the hat you have now as well as other objects like old style guns, futuristic guns, etc. Basically anything that might fit the theme of the projectiles we will assign to it. Have the generic pistol, rifle, rocket launcher, phaser, etc. 7. Tweakable Hazards. I'd love to be able to adjust the color and intensity of these effects with sliders. I also totally agree with some of the other suggestions made by other members like the melee power up, recording/youtube option, and custom backgrounds. That's all.....for now. | 2010-06-18 04:28:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
This is just a minor suggestion: the corner editing tool has this fuzzy red blur on the corner you're editing, and when you're zooming in to do precise angles, the red blur often gets in the way and doesn't let you see what you're doing. My suggestion would be for the red blur to remain the same size at all times, when you zoom in and out, to prevent it from getting in the way XO lol | 2010-06-18 05:04:00 Author: Voodeedoo ![]() Posts: 724 |
Jello-like material, as seen with the hessian sponge material in this video: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/856680/media-molecule-ps3-game-/videos/littlebigplanet_030707.html | 2010-06-18 05:43:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
I think it would be cool to have a "legal" material property swap tool, or have Anti Color materials. ![]() Or an "On Destruction Swith" like we can do with sound object in LBP1. Copyable Story levels. | 2010-06-18 05:53:00 Author: GreatWhite000 ![]() Posts: 673 |
I know this would probably never happen but Valve DLC. Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2, all that good stuff! | 2010-06-18 05:58:00 Author: The Gentleman ![]() Posts: 360 |
As already stated many times, the 3D layer glitch. Please! This is an absolute MUST! | 2010-06-18 06:04:00 Author: Mastadom ![]() Posts: 195 |
Fix the quality of custom stickers (they come out really low quality) and add more shapes for us to take pictures with (so we can make circular stickers, triangular, etc.). Also, fix the jumping sticker/sticker cutoff bug! It's really getting annoying! | 2010-06-18 06:13:00 Author: trip090 ![]() Posts: 1562 |
level recording option ( that you can recored your own levels I dont think it wound be a good idea to recored other levels because then everyone will be a level recorders and that wound be strange. Make it that you only can recored own level) well nobody would want the level recorder if it only records their own levels...what would be the point? most of us don't even create at all so now we can't record some movie levels and enjoy them? i feel alienated with this idea if there is a level recorder tho...im sure Mm will let you record ANYTHING you want ![]() | 2010-06-18 06:18:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
The "cookie switch" which can store values between playing sessions, such as whether the player played the level before or how many lives he had, or a custom something like how many cheeses he ate in the level. Further described here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28362-quot-Cookie-quot-Switch EDIT: Nevermind, I have just confirmed that the feature is already built-in. Proof is here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28362-quot-Cookie-quot-Switch&p=500687&viewfull=1#post500687 | 2010-06-18 06:26:00 Author: robbit10 ![]() Posts: 450 |
Aggressive DLCs campaign. MM must associate sackboy with everything. They must start with Coca Cola and end with comics, manga, movies, games, and make a lot of DLCs and never leave a week empty. Sackboy is our mascot and it must be more recognized than Mario. Layer glitch as a tool feature (something like a background editor) Ability to tweak gravity even to walk upside down. Weather tool to simulate wind, rain and snow. A Midi interface to compose music. | 2010-06-18 07:15:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
-Be able to make levels copyable, but by default they can't be republished by people who copy them -Restarts don't count as plays, or maybe they do, but only up to a couple times per person... just fix Cool Levels (I know they will) -Flashlight powerup -Definitely agree with having total freedom with sackbots, as in tons of emotions and being able to place them in any way -A fairly in depth custom music creator, think MTV Music Generator-ish -I agree with the person who said they're not crazy about the creatinator being a hat... just sounds weird. I'd like for that to be able to be handheld, and customizable | 2010-06-18 08:06:00 Author: TripleTremelo ![]() Posts: 490 |
I'm sure (hopefully) some of these are already implemented into the next iteration of the game, but I'll suggest them anyways. Ambient sound control for the levels. Perhaps something similar to the interface that is used for interactive music. Remove the terrible droning noise that is in create mode. Bezier tool for making shapes. Wishful thinking, I know. Being able to save custom shapes. Being able to set the hue and saturation for stickers and decorations. Maybe even costume pieces. Being able to set the orientation point for stickers and decorations. Be able to access community items from outside create mode. Being able to manually categorize collected objects. For both MM and community objects. A mark several option for easier asset management. A search feature for poppit objects. Being able to send items to people other than those on your friends list. More info for in game screenshots. Including who took the picture, what level it was taken in, and possibly a link to that level. I'm sure it's there, I'd just like to be able to see it. Being able to take pictures with different shapes with the in game camera tool. At least having a portrait and landscape option would be nice. Perhaps use a custom shape as a clipping mask. A statistic to see how many times a certain prize is collected. That way you can be able to tell if you hid a prize bubble too well. An option to set some stickers used for switches, level specific. That way when the player starts the level over, they won't already have the sticker collected. Otherwise it may compromise the level design. If a MM sticker or decoration is required for an in- level switch, have there be an option to make the player collect it in the level, before they can activate it for a switch. It would be temporarily be removed from the inventory or disabled, so that the flow of the level isn't compromised. An option to provide level specific costumes or costume pieces for use in the level. Along with a special sensor to detect if the player is dressed a certain way. Of course the costume would be removed once the player leaves the level. A search option to see what levels are using items made by you. A page in the level info that lists credit for the people that may have created objects used in the level. More control over pictures that are uploaded to your levels. An option to turn off community comments or uploaded pictures. An option to reset the high scores on the level. Being able to replace the paintinator, creatinator, and other powerups with another costume piece. A gun and a puffy looking hat won't always work with every level theme. A global setting for how long sackboy can be undewater. A special material that holds its shape, but has all the properties of water. You can swim through it. A customizable screensaver. Running sackboy can get stale and annoying. It would be fun if you could design your own. A level requirement that will only allow entry if there are a specific number of players. Search feature for your own hearted levels & creators. Instead of poppit messages, collect all those messages in a type of message log that the player can access at their leisure and convenience. On the level select planet, being able to group a series of levels. Similar to how MM groups a level series into one that looks like a Polaroid picture. A tweak option for keys. More criteria for scoreboard prizes. Score, time limit, etc. Being able to set a different set of prizes if there are multiple scoreboards in a level. This would be great for levels with multiple endings. A switch that activates if the player has a certain score. A in level store feature, where players can purchase items and prizes for points that they collected in the level. They said we could make RPGs, right? While we're on the subject of RPGs, an inventory option would be nice. A type of in level collectible that isn't an actual prize. Think red coins. Different types of score bubbles. Maybe being able to set certain objects to act as score bubbles? More typefaces/fonts to use. A playtest mode Where the creator can watch, while other people play their level. Being able to set a flag on a specific level if the level creator desires feedback, or additional playtesting. Perhaps other players would be able to search for these types of levels, or a specific are could be devoted for these levels. | 2010-06-18 08:07:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
This is a serious suggestion, what we need is a Portal Gun! It sounds crazy but it's not such a bad suggestion. Portal 2 release is next year, Valve are nice, and however stupidly hard that thing would be to make there'd be tons of gameplay in it. We all said water wasn't going to happen either, Mm are known to suprise! | 2010-06-18 08:23:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
I know there was one I've been itching for but I can't remember now. I really want a rope I can walk on or hold onto though. With out any tricks. | 2010-06-18 08:31:00 Author: Snappyguy ![]() Posts: 710 |
Uhh... 1- Sticker-shaping!! 2- magnetic charge switches.. Ability to give materials a positive or negative charge, so they will repel or attract other charged objects. (or toggle on and off) Endless gameplay possibilities. 3- official thin-thick layer 4- weather machine (as already mentioned) | 2010-06-18 08:48:00 Author: DrunkenFist_Lee ![]() Posts: 172 |
Hmmm.. ~ More additions to the corner editor much like the PSP version ~ An extra couple of octaves on each end of all sound objects ~ The ability to create our own sticker / decoration categories and choose what we want in them ~ MORE Interactive music! ~ Fix the preset material shapes so they actually fit the grid properly | 2010-06-18 08:53:00 Author: FuzzballFox ![]() Posts: 217 |
I can only think of two things, which most likely have already been suggested: Prince of Persia-esque time traveling, and portals. To elaborate upon the time-rewinding, a manner in which you could see time reversing itself would add to its aesthetic appeal. | 2010-06-18 09:09:00 Author: michaelplacke ![]() Posts: 39 |
Wait, so we can actually suggest ideas for things that could perhaps be added into LBP2? That's fantastic! ![]() Well, my personal list would have to be... Tools: Weather Tool (can produce rain, snow etc) Portal Device (fires white (entry) and pink (exit) portals (LBP style) - Sackbots can fall into these) Rounding Tool (similar to the Corner Tool but for rounding off objects) Ambience sound device (plays things like cicada droning, trickling water, wind blowing through trees etc) Multiple Player Gate (a gate which exits only a certain player, eg. player 1, player 2) Materials: Plastic Clear Plastic (transparent) Steel Paper Water (looks like water, has the attributes of water, but is contained as a placeable material) Lava (can burn you if you touch it) Stickers: LBP2 Logo CD A full range of coloured stickers would be great, too. Gameplay: New Emotions for Sackboy - found in a 'Emotions' menu in the popit (includes animations such as wave, clap, thumbs up etc) That's all I can think of for the second... I'll update this if I think of anything else | 2010-06-18 09:57:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Okay, so here are my suggestions: Physical Rope and/or chains - the grabbable rope/chain would be placed in the middle of a thick layer and would interact and bend with that layer if pushed or pulled against it, e.g like in a pulley with weights sitution. LIKE REAL ROPE. The rope/chain could also be passed by sackbot with no resistance and maybe a wobble from the rope or chain as if sackbot brushed by it. I know it was mentioned above but i had thought of it before reading Quicksand material - A placeable material that sackboy can slowly sink into and die. You have to move or jump out before you sink. Ooze - A sticky oozing object or material that drips slime onto the surface below (probably without a physical cumulative effect, as in the ooze or slime can't pile up) Invisible brains - I don't know if its in the game already. but i've your meant to jump on an eneny to beat it, the brain sticks out alot. Grease material - a slippery material that splashes somewhat Clay material - looks like damp clay. thats about it. same normal properities apart from the sound upon impact. one of the molecules says the materials are kinda homemade or arts 'n craftsy so why not clay? Mud/earth material - ever made a dirtcastle? Actual positive and negative magnetic properties to materials - like two + ends of magnets can't be pushed together. Fire - real fire. not a material. can be walked through in a hazard suit. Set horrible gas alight? Acid - an acid tweak can be added to water. time of exposure and rate of dissolving sackboy can be tweaked Hazard suit - protect against acid fire gas etc. protection is tweakable Meat material - looks and sounds like a slab of meat. Shatterable material - bits could be sliced or smashed /cracked off of the material. not round holes with black smudge around. thanks | 2010-06-18 11:28:00 Author: MegaBlob ![]() Posts: 291 |
Reading all these replies...there's some really crazy ones. I must say that I think Sony were more interested in suggestions for improving the tools that are in LBP2 already rather than totally new ideas. (Small tweaks, UI feedback, things that aren't as clear as they could be etc). Granted, a lot of you aren't going to be able to do anything like that seeing as you haven't seen the game. I think the type of suggestions that are being brought up aren't exactly what Sony were asking for, but nevertheless, it's never a bad thing to give a mass list of suggestions to Sony so they know what the community wants ![]() That being said, I very much doubt that anything that isn't in the game now will be added for its release. The game is soon to go into Alpha, so it is highly unlikely that brand new features are going to be going into it at this point. Still, as I said, giving Sony a huge list of things the community would like to see can never be considered a bad thing. But for your benefit Dan, I'd start thinking up a few things that you thought could be improved with the tools or little things you thought could be clearer, I'm guessing it's those type of things that Sony will be after at this stage in development ![]() | 2010-06-18 12:15:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
In all fairness there isn't much at this present moment in time I really want to see out of the game, they have really improved upon everything, even the gyroscopic thing to stop things from falling over, and the on that make everything fly easy without having to use rockets, its genius. | 2010-06-18 12:23:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
How about choosing how many points you get from "eating" a brain. ![]() | 2010-06-18 12:25:00 Author: Snappyguy ![]() Posts: 710 |
Higher res photos Ability to set personal entrances for more than one player. (Player 1 appears on the left, player 2 on the right) More scoreboard options (Alt frames, frameless) Death free teleport Totally agree with TT with regards to unpublishable copied levels too. | 2010-06-18 12:55:00 Author: Kiminski ![]() Posts: 545 |
@jackofcourse: Ah, I see. Well, suggestions for new items can always be reserved for potential future DLC! ![]() Suggestions wise for the current tools... don't allow the Grapple to grab onto other players or Sackbots, that coupled with what I've heard is an inbuilt auto-aim on the device could prove disastrous when used in a level with multiple players or Sackbots. Hilarious, but disastrous. ![]() | 2010-06-18 12:58:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
More scoreboard options (Alt frames, frameless) I remember your topic on not liking the scoreboard so I thought I'd give you some good news... You don't need the scoreboard at all to end a level in LBP2! There's a world tweaker called 'end level' that you can link up to anything you want, and it will instantly bring up the option of 'replay' or 'back to pod' screen ![]() | 2010-06-18 13:00:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
I remember your topic on not liking the scoreboard so I thought I'd give you some good news... You don't need the scoreboard at all to end a level in LBP2! There a world tweaker called 'end level' that you can link up to anything you want, and it will instantly bring up the option of 'replay' or 'back to pod' screen ![]() Oooooooh! Thanks Jack! That's even better! ![]() | 2010-06-18 13:04:00 Author: Kiminski ![]() Posts: 545 |
Here's one based on an existing feature: how about a tweak for the grab switch to only activate when gabble by a grappling hook and not by a sackboy's hands? | 2010-06-18 13:08:00 Author: croissantbuncake ![]() Posts: 572 |
Is there a grab setting for require all? If not I wants that | 2010-06-18 13:17:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
Is there a grab setting for require all? If not I wants that Ive pretty sure since they have sensor switch options saying 3 people need to activate etc, grab switches will have require all and even more. | 2010-06-18 13:22:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
Something I've wanted for a long time is the ability to make objects rounded in 3 dimensions, like the golf ball. We were thinking along the same lines: - Basic 3D shapes (maybe as objects) that are stickerable (is that a word?) or interconnectable So like spheres and pyramids in 3D (meaning rounded or with corners) that can hold (other) stickers or objects (not like the objects that we have now that you can't really sticker over or attach other objects to to make a shape) | 2010-06-18 13:31:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I would like the ability to select a sticker and have a material brush in the shape of that sticker. Also, what would REALLY be useful is a color-coded alternate entrance to a level which is accessible from another level while having the option to keep the level locked even when you enter the level through that alternate entrance. | 2010-06-18 14:04:00 Author: MMLgamer ![]() Posts: 183 |
I would like the ability to select a sticker and have a material brush in the shape of that sticker. You mean like you place a sticker on an object and it automatically creates a sticker cut out? This would be ridiculously cool. No more having to make tedious sticker cut outs yourself. This would be amazing especially if they allow us to make our own stickers! ![]() | 2010-06-18 14:52:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
Is there a grab setting for require all? If not I wants that Forgot about that, nice one. ![]() Ive pretty sure since they have sensor switch options saying 3 people need to activate etc, grab switches will have require all and even more. You'd think they would, but they actually don't. It's really annoying!! ![]() | 2010-06-18 14:57:00 Author: Kiminski ![]() Posts: 545 |
This one is not actualy an ingame request, but it does concern the game LBP2 itself, so..... Please, please, please Mm: Think really hard about the trophies. ![]() IMHO the definition of the 'Create' trophy in LBP1 led directly to the H4H-ers. This while some of the best creators I know will probably never get that trophy at all. Please make the trophy definitions so that it encourages great Creating, Playing & Sharing and works against quick win trophy hunters and H4H-ers. | 2010-06-18 15:05:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Nice video Dan, looking forward to the vloggles. ![]() My suggestion is to have more Stephen Fry than before. ![]() | 2010-06-18 15:12:00 Author: Zac ![]() Posts: 165 |
Sticker cut-out tool. Pleeeease? | 2010-06-18 15:16:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
This one is not actualy an ingame request, but it does concern the game LBP2 itself, so..... Please, please, please Mm: Think really hard about the trophies. ![]() IMHO the definition of the 'Create' trophy in LBP1 led directly to the H4H-ers. This while some of the best creators I know will probably never get that trophy at all. Please make the trophy definitions so that it encourages great Creating, Playing & Sharing and works against quick win trophy hunters and H4H-ers. They should make it so trophies can only be acquired from the story levels. ![]() | 2010-06-18 15:48:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
1# Mortal Kombat DLC(Sub-Zero FTW!!) 2# Certain Costumes have special moves, maybe Scorpion(MK) uses his spike hand thing as his grapple hook, or Sub-Zero can freeze a sackboy/girl in place for 3 secs(etc ect) 3# you can programme sackboy to be able to melee, good for a fighting level 4# some new tools maybe a laser tool to create cool effects, instead of ripping the MGS laser turret apart then attaching it to black matter, just to look cool 5# more costume options like edit Only the sacks head, or left arm for more precise costumes 6# make the story mode a Lot longer 7# More Stephen Fry 8# More tutorials for new players 9# to be able to suggest New DLC, Mortal Kombat, DC universe, Marvel, ect ect... | 2010-06-18 15:59:00 Author: AfterBurner9901 ![]() Posts: 113 |
IF you can copy pistons/ movers/whatever so you don't have to set the data over and over. ... I had another but I forgot. D: | 2010-06-18 16:04:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
IF you can copy pistons/ movers/whatever so you don't have to set the data over and over.: Multitweak! Is in the game already. Use the multiple select to select several connectors and then tweak them all together ![]() | 2010-06-18 16:06:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
If you need any DLC ideas I've got one.......... Spyro Costumes/Stickers And a LBP2 suggestion............. Upgraded Fire so that it spreds and then you can tweak it to how much it burns and it can only burn wood sponge etc. And........ A personal DLC store where Chosen Creators [Mm will pick] can make 1 costume set and a level set and sticker set ![]() LoL too many and's ![]() ![]() | 2010-06-18 16:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
If you need any DLC ideas I've got one.......... Spyro Costumes/Stickers And a LBP2 suggestion............. Upgraded Fire so that it spreds and then you can tweak it to how much it burns and it can only burn wood sponge etc. And........ A personal DLC store where Chosen Creators [Mm will pick] can make 1 costume set and a level set and sticker set ![]() LoL too many and's ![]() ![]() Spyro DLC and the fire would be great! | 2010-06-18 16:32:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
3D Town Square https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=27436-3D-Town-Square | 2010-06-18 18:02:00 Author: TheOfficialVen ![]() Posts: 155 |
I would like to see black lights. I call them black holes. I have suggested it some times before, and I still think it's a great idea. it's basically the opposite of a light and emits darkness. You can take lighting to a whole new level. It could either be an object, or just another option to the different lights that are there. I would also like to see the "Thanks to" and "In co-operation with" suggestion I wondered about, come true. It's basically a list over who has helped, or co-operated. You can read it, and see what you think. I really like rtm223's view on it, along with Aeroforce22's opinion of how it might should be. Anyway, just read through the comments, and you will understand more. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28303-The-quot-In-co-operation-with-quot-and-quot-thanks-too-quot-Suggestion... And I do not really care about the 3D glitch too much, but if it could be a bit more accessible, it would be nice, or just implemented. Maybe just some background and foreground layers, to make it more detailed. I would also like theck and tack materials official form for the material and not just some glitch. I would like the glass glitch available again (making any kind of material into glass), along with the magma material too. | 2010-06-18 18:39:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
A good idea would be to be able to choose the hight intensity and direction of the dynamic lighting in the level. | 2010-06-18 18:49:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
And the game packaging should smell like strawberries.. Just a thought.. | 2010-06-18 19:27:00 Author: DrunkenFist_Lee ![]() Posts: 172 |
Almost forgot. - Sticker cut out tool. - Coloring/painting tools. - Text tool (so we can type in messages as stickers or something). | 2010-06-18 19:30:00 Author: jjmusicman ![]() Posts: 234 |
Great video. You should do proper vlogs. Made me laugh! ![]() Anyway, LBP2! -Please keep the Pod! But it would be quite cool to have seperate rooms for different sticker styles. (Or just make it bigger) -Sticker Cutout Tool -(Don't know if you can already do this, but..) in-game YouTube uplaoder and simple video editor. -*mind blank* Will edit with more if I have more ideas ![]() | 2010-06-18 19:32:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
Uhh... 1- Sticker-shaping!! 2- magnetic charge switches.. Ability to give materials a positive or negative charge, so they will repel or attract other charged objects. (or toggle on and off) Endless gameplay possibilities. 3- official thin-thick layer 4- weather machine (as already mentioned) Oi DrunkenFist_Lee appeared?! O_o And very discretly too, seems no one else noticed. (genious!) ![]() | 2010-06-18 19:39:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I would like to see black lights. I call them black holes. I have suggested it some times before, and I still think it's a great idea. it's basically the opposite of a light and emits darkness. You can take lighting to a whole new level. It could either be an object, or just another option to the different lights that are there Great idea! That would be awesome! I hope they put that in! | 2010-06-18 19:55:00 Author: MegaBlob ![]() Posts: 291 |
-Jelly. Kinda like the top of the LBP tree, except it constantly wobbles. ![]() -Mega Man DLC. The costumes could be the various incarnations of the Blue Bomber, including the original Mega Man, X, MegaMan.EXE, and MegaMan Volnutt. Oh, why don't we throw Zero in there as well. ![]() -Final Fantasy VII DLC. Costumes we could are Cloud, Barret, Tifa and Sephiroth (which you guys promised way before LBP1 was released). We could even have music tracks, including the Battle theme and One-Winged-Angel. | 2010-06-18 20:28:00 Author: Beed28 ![]() Posts: 200 |
Tweakable fire, so you can adjust the hight of the flames | 2010-06-18 20:31:00 Author: Crazed Creator ![]() Posts: 177 |
-Final Fantasy VII DLC. Costumes we could are Cloud, Barret, Tifa and Sephiroth (which you guys promised way before LBP1 was released). We could even have music tracks, including the Battle theme and One-Winged-Angel. How long will it take for people to realize that this will never happen? | 2010-06-18 20:37:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
Ive posted some suggestions here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28767-Suggestions-Various-stuff Among them: Checkpoint skipper, spectate, Border options, reset pivot, play level alone. But there is one that might be very handy especially in online create: Pause joined people. I often have fans, friends and co-creators in my level flying around, talking, helping etc. but some of them have the tendancy to move objects, activate switches or even accidentally place objects into other ones. Now that I can often repair, but there are also people who might think about stealing/copying stuff when you are gone. If you can pause these sackpeople I could go to the toilet a lot more relaxed. on that note: Disable popit-functions from joined players. Quite handy if you either dont trust someone, or he has the tendancy to break stuff and needs a cool down period, also handy if you are testing stuff and need to rewind a lot and someone has been building or placing stickers without you knowing.. often resulting in a lot of rewinds and with that.. the feared ps3 crashes. (in lbp1 that is) New: Unpause selected objects. Quite handy, dont you think? Hinge Connector just like a door hinge, attach to either two thick or two thin and itll work like a door. Could be used on x/y and z axis. "dynamic" vertex mover for instance an object that grows longer or changes shape as it only moves corners/vertexes on a (trigger-able) timeline. So an object could grow from a cube into a circle or star and change back, grow longer. You could make growing tree's that start as a small sprout to an old oak if you'd put the efford in. Think speedtree, but also for other stuff than tree's. Change color of flames Blue flames, purple flames.. green flames.. I want em ![]() /New I also wrote down some suggestions for lbp1, some of them will be in lbp2, but others might still be handy in lbp2, those can be found here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=23440-My-%28professional%29-suggestions-for-editor-improvements) I would like to see black lights. I call them black holes. I have suggested it some times before, and I still think it's a great idea. it's basically the opposite of a light and emits darkness. You can take lighting to a whole new level. It could either be an object, or just another option to the different lights that are there Me and Hourences (fellow enviroment artist/game designer) often asked about this and why no game or anybody has actually created one. an anti-lightsource could have a lot of cool potential for both stories and gameplay elements, if not it could give some very cool enviromental lighting effects. There is no such thing in I assume every editor available at this moment (if there is, Please say so). I have also asked about this a lot on 3dsmax related forums but never even got a responce. | 2010-06-18 20:50:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
I can't think of anything for the moment but a Horse costume! The sackboy would look like a centaur with the top part off.The bottom part would consist of the four legs and body. That's the only wacky idea I had that I didn't saw already in LBP2 ![]() | 2010-06-18 21:03:00 Author: Chump ![]() Posts: 1712 |
How long will it take for people to realize that this will never happen? Altho Mm is now OWNED by sony now, so there's a chance of more support towards this, yet they did say it wasn't happening, so its pretty much 50/50 right now, may or may not. To everyone who keeps asking for the Final Fantasy packs or FF7 or any Final Fantasy: Mm knows people want this you know? Do you not think people have been asking for it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over anco over and over and over and over and over again every 5 econds?! Yes they know, Square Enix said NO, they MAY be able toget the rights for it later and if they can they'll add them and if not they won't, so please stop asking, they KNOW, but there's nothing they can do at the moment! | 2010-06-18 21:14:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
MOre anime DLC, seriously, like 95% of the people i find when i go to quickplay are into anime, and have you seen how many anime-based levels there are? Ther are anime theme song levels, anime costume showcase levels, anime tribute levels, there ARE anime fans withing the community! And i'm quite sure that Mm/ SONY could make a really good profit with some anime-DLC, so its a win-win. ![]() I second Silverleon with passion. Not to mention that Japanese market goes nuts or this kind of stuff and can really buy a PS3 just to play with a sackboy dressed as Naruto or Luffy. The point is that MM has to release an avalanche of DLCs, and not leave any week empty. Then it's up to people to buy them or not. Making a costume may be a quick thing with enourmous potential of returning money. | 2010-06-18 21:34:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
1# Mortal Kombat DLC(Sub-Zero FTW!!) 2# Certain Costumes have special moves, maybe Scorpion(MK) uses his spike hand thing as his grapple hook, or Sub-Zero can freeze a sackboy/girl in place for 3 secs(etc ect) 3# you can programme sackboy to be able to melee, good for a fighting level 4# some new tools maybe a laser tool to create cool effects, instead of ripping the MGS laser turret apart then attaching it to black matter, just to look cool 5# more costume options like edit Only the sacks head, or left arm for more precise costumes 6# make the story mode a Lot longer 7# More Stephen Fry 8# More tutorials for new players 9# to be able to suggest New DLC, Mortal Kombat, DC universe, Marvel, ect ect... I second the Mortal Kombat DLC. It would be so cool to play as Scorpion, Jax, Cyrax, and everybody else. | 2010-06-18 22:04:00 Author: NickTNT ![]() Posts: 9 |
The funny thing is that they probably got most of the stuff sugested already in the game this game is going to be awsome!!(shame i dont have a ps3)![]() oh yes i think there should be voice comands!!! so you can order your little sack bot folk around! | 2010-06-18 22:11:00 Author: SketchNZ ![]() Posts: 1668 |
Professor Layton DLC. Nuff said. | 2010-06-18 22:35:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Quicksand material - A placeable material that sackboy can slowly sink into and die. You have to move or jump out before you sink. this one is good...except instead of killing you it should make you keep sinking until you hit the bottom...and if there is space at the bottom then you'd fall example. quicksand material floor...you get caught and sink into it...but you find out you're in a two story building...so when you hit the bottom of the quicksand you fall into the first floor. understand? as for sackboy dying we shouldn't do that with quicksand cuz if you want to then you could use gas ![]() which brings out another idea INVISIBLE GAS | 2010-06-18 23:53:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
^ tho we can already make invisible gas no? | 2010-06-18 23:57:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I'm more for original DLC. As in, stuff they created, rather than a copyrighted DLC. Originality is what LBP is about, right? I'd like to see what the creators can come up with rather than something already done. I'm not saying that the non-copyright DLC is bad (Tails costume and Ico ftw!) but I'd like to see unique costumes in LBP2 :3 | 2010-06-19 00:05:00 Author: Laharl ![]() Posts: 152 |
I'm more for original DLC. As in, stuff they created, rather than a copyrighted DLC. Originality is what LBP is about, right? I'd like to see what the creators can come up with rather than something already done. I'm not saying that the non-copyright DLC is bad (Tails costume and Ico ftw!) but I'd like to see unique costumes in LBP2 :3 Here here! I'm all for some generic costume packs (that is, if there are not enough already in LBP2... I'll know for sure when I buy it!). I'd also like to see more emotions and movements Sackboy can preform. They don't have to change gameplay, but it'd be very neat to make Sackboy play the air-guitar or put on a 'sleepy' emotion by using two D-pad arrows at the same time ![]() I also have always thought a 'Wrench' power-up would be nice. Basically, when you pick it up while playing a level, you gain the ability to tweak things chosen by the creator. For example, it could give you the ability to tweak bolts to speed up a car, shorten and lengthen strings to create a bridge over a gap, or change a material to tip a scale for you to climb. It would make some very interesting puzzles! I have plenty of other wants, but most have been asked for and I'm sure the rest have already been implemented ![]() | 2010-06-19 02:11:00 Author: Heckboy88 ![]() Posts: 179 |
I would just suggest (sorry for if already suggested) for Little Big Planet 2 to do what Modnation Racers did. By that, I mean better colour, transparency and material customisation for stickers and costumes. This would imporve quite a number of things. Another feature probably already suggested, but I would suggest a tool that automatically cuts around stickers! Oh, and gas that doesn't make that annyoing buzzing noise would be good too! Finally, a jester costume! ![]() | 2010-06-19 02:39:00 Author: The Last Stop ![]() Posts: 240 |
I also have always thought a 'Wrench' power-up would be nice. Basically, when you pick it up while playing a level, you gain the ability to tweak things chosen by the creator. For example, it could give you the ability to tweak bolts to speed up a car, shorten and lengthen strings to create a bridge over a gap, or change a material to tip a scale for you to climb. It would make some very interesting puzzles! VERY COOL idea! ![]() | 2010-06-19 02:52:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
Quicksand and Jelly are great material ideas. I'd love to have a jelly material you could make whatever colour you wanted it to be. Costumes wise, I'd rather MM took the time to make more original clothing and customisation options in the game rather then have them spend too much time making tons of costumes based on characters from elsewhere. | 2010-06-19 02:59:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'd like the bouncy material too, just saying... And a creator "black list" so you don't see their levels or end up going into them in quick play. And no one except for you would know who you've black listed. And I like the idea of more 3D objects like pyramids and stuff. And have a few back layers for decoration, and maybe one front layer. I also really like the idea of posing sackbots by moving their limbs and giving them extra emotions. I also like the idea of automatic sticker cutouts and making stickers with invisible backgrounds like the old glitch. And I like the idea of drawing a line to move an object around free of gravity. Oh, and there should be more costume designing contests with the free DLC of the winning costumes. And being able to tweak the sounds coming from hazards. Hearing the buzzing flies sound gets really annoying when horrible gas isn't supposed to be visible. And there needs to be a way to make players teleport to a checkpoint without it being considered a death, and the teleporter should be able to be a limited area like camera angles, as well as being activated by switches. | 2010-06-19 04:49:00 Author: Darth ![]() Posts: 186 |
I will put up a vid for my suggestions but here are some. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THTS BROWNIES, Transparent Material for stickers to make them have transparent backgrounds. Also can we get the Weather tool. ( Wind, Storms, Dust storms ect.) Come on people you know you wanted these features. | 2010-06-19 07:06:00 Author: acdramon ![]() Posts: 332 |
A little wind always spices things up. | 2010-06-19 07:17:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
wind fans, weather machine (rian,thunder, snow,etc) | 2010-06-19 07:54:00 Author: GSUSram ![]() Posts: 20 |
Reading all these replies...there's some really crazy ones. I must say that I think Sony were more interested in suggestions for improving the tools that are in LBP2 already rather than totally new ideas. (Small tweaks, UI feedback, things that aren't as clear as they could be etc). Granted, a lot of you aren't going to be able to do anything like that seeing as you haven't seen the game. I think the type of suggestions that are being brought up aren't exactly what Sony were asking for, but nevertheless, it's never a bad thing to give a mass list of suggestions to Sony so they know what the community wants ![]() Well when he says "make as many suggestions as possible," how can you expect anyone to do otherwise? | 2010-06-19 07:56:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
Proper weather effects, full stop. And a way to spawn Tornados to suck up you and everything else in your level. Well, that's being a bit excessive, but all the same... ![]() I'd love it if Sticker Switches had an option to change the material they're placed on to the shape of the sticker being stuck down, too. | 2010-06-19 08:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I agree with some weather such as wind, but also a rain tool would be awesome!! Maybe also some more movements for a sackboy like the perfume one, because they are soo cute ![]() | 2010-06-19 09:03:00 Author: Ainsl3y_xo ![]() Posts: 478 |
I'd like the choice to change sackbots shape a bit more, i.e. give him a small head, one big arm, small legs etc so we can make some interesting and varied enemies/npcs out of them. | 2010-06-19 09:08:00 Author: chimpskylark ![]() Posts: 335 |
Some type of Pod/"Living Space" Yeah, the planet is customizable, but I really want a little "hub" for my little Sackperson to parade around in. Sticker Cutout Tool >.> Stickers to Material to Instant Cutout Success! Clear/Soundless Gas When gray, noisy gas just isn't doing the job right...And for all of your "Out of Reach" needs. Weather Effects Rain, Sleet, and Snow...Nuff said :] More Organic Materials (Grass,Cave Rock, etc.) I almost always use the Cave-like rock material at least once when I'm creating something. A true Grass Material (with appropriate animations and everything) would be appreciated. Beta PLEEEEEASE?!?!?! | 2010-06-19 16:43:00 Author: Night Angel ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Sorry if this has been suggested already, (I mean I know it has, I suggested it back in sackcast #1 ![]() | 2010-06-19 16:53:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
Well when he says "make as many suggestions as possible," how can you expect anyone to do otherwise? When did I say that people shouldn't make suggestions? I said on two occasions in that post that giving Sony a list of ideas from the community could never be considered a bad thing. However the point of the post was to let people know, and ensure they don't get their hopes up, that any brand new suggestions that are made at such a late stage in development are highly unlikely to make it into the game for release. I was also warning Dan that Sony are more likely to be wanting feedback and suggestions in regards to the tools and features that are already in the game, just to ensure he goes back with some relevant and valid feedback, for his sake. | 2010-06-19 16:54:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
If jackofcourse is correct with the feedback for Sony, I'd like to suggest changing the look of the Creatinator, it's a bit too big and I think it should be smaller. | 2010-06-19 17:17:00 Author: Zac ![]() Posts: 165 |
Since we've no concrete info on the 160 hr bug yet and I'm not very hopeful anyway, I was wondering if the capture and paste function had been/could be improved on at all? The bug wouldn't really be a problem if you could easily transfer your level to a new space, without the fear of losing half the decorations and connectors. Even small objects suffer from decoration loss, so it could definitely do with being more reliable. | 2010-06-19 17:34:00 Author: Kiminski ![]() Posts: 545 |
I second changing the Creatinator. Perhaps the ability to choose how it looks, or just a few preset appearances? A giant hat may be a bit weird for most instances when you'd want to use it. | 2010-06-19 17:45:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
More emotions as xKappax said ![]() | 2010-06-19 17:51:00 Author: Alec ![]() Posts: 3871 |
Here is what Sony should consider.![]() - Playstation bundle w/LBP2 - Guaranteed Beta access w/ Playstation + subscription - Game/controller bundle (special LBP2 controller) at launch. Here is what Mm should consider. ![]() - LBP2 Special Edition ( w/ Sackboy Plush - LBP Diorama - Artbook - Cardboard Packaging)<3 - Downloadable mini create mode on PSN for $5.99 - LBP 1 All Items 100% unlock on PSN for $1.99 ( I got a platinum and got a corrupt save soon after. So I use a copied save from GameFAQS. - Japanese Community Jam for TGS | 2010-06-19 18:17:00 Author: zekeike ![]() Posts: 71 |
Thin layer gas - C'mon, the PSP did it with no hitches. Also, to expand on the quicksand type thing: 1. You should be able to set it to lethal/non-lethal 2. Lethal means you die if you sink into it, non-lethal means if you reach the bottom of it, you just fall through(or if there's floor beneath it you can jump out) | 2010-06-19 18:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
- Bombs that don't do damage to Sackboy. - Beta Access for PSN+ users - A plant like object that grows when triggered...(Think Jack and the Beanstock) - Pourable water? ^_^ | 2010-06-19 18:31:00 Author: Smokeeye123 ![]() Posts: 66 |
Just a little thing but I thinks it's a good idea ! A material that has no texture at all, you have to choose the colour of this material, if it is shiny etc... It would be really useful. | 2010-06-19 18:39:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
If jackofcourse is correct with the feedback for Sony, I'd like to suggest changing the look of the Creatinator, it's a bit too big and I think it should be smaller. I think it shouldn't be so intrusive and odd. I can't make superhero Sackboys look cool if they have this giant hat with a light on it. They should have just made the thing a pair of gloves or something :l not a big helmet with a light on it. | 2010-06-19 18:47:00 Author: jjmusicman ![]() Posts: 234 |
The ability to have all altered logic in a level saved, so that when you return to that level all of the things that you did to affect it are still there. Also, the option to clear this data. | 2010-06-19 19:59:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
Global weather settings, like wind and rain. Also, check the suggestions forum. ![]() | 2010-06-19 20:04:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
-Ability to change point of gravity (walking on walls, ceilings, etc) -In the blank level template, ability to use materials to edit the background (3D layer glitch... make it happen!) -Multiple Sackbots talking (with recorded voice) in a single cutscene | 2010-06-19 20:11:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
Suggestions My List: Ability to share pods and costumes and give them to friends. Sack-boy super powers:super strength laser eyes etcetra The ability to force people into a costume {In one of your levels] Also ![]() ![]() | 2010-06-19 20:32:00 Author: supremeoverlord1 ![]() Posts: 117 |
When did I say that people shouldn't make suggestions? I said on two occasions in that post that giving Sony a list of ideas from the community could never be considered a bad thing. However the point of the post was to let people know, and ensure they don't get their hopes up, that any brand new suggestions that are made at such a late stage in development are highly unlikely to make it into the game for release. I was also warning Dan that Sony are more likely to be wanting feedback and suggestions in regards to the tools and features that are already in the game, just to ensure he goes back with some relevant and valid feedback, for his sake. I know exactly where you are coming from with that statement. You're trying to be the voice of reason. However, when a statement like the one in the video is made, that's pretty much a green flag for imaginations to run wild. Sometimes the best ideas are made when there are no restrictions in place. The idea can always be altered to make it more practical for implementation. Of course, the downside is always that the odds of people getting their hopes up is always going to be rather high. This is a video game, after all. Nature of the beast, and such. Anyways, I'm sure TPTB is already prepared for what they may or may not get from the request that was made, and I'm sure they gave specific instructions (hopefully) to what types of feedback and suggestions that they were looking for. Of course, all we really can do is speculate, since we don't want those ninjas to get angry. | 2010-06-19 20:50:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
Anyways, I'm sure TPTB is already prepared for what they may or may not get from the request that was made, and I'm sure they gave specific instructions (hopefully) to what types of feedback and suggestions that they were looking for/ This was part of the reason for my post. I'm not sure if Dan misunderstood (or may just be acting off his own accord to give Sony a mass of ideas while he has the chance) but I doubt that what Dan asked for in the video is what Sony are actually after. It doesn't make much sense for Sony to get people in to spend sometime on LBP2 and then send them away to compile a list of generic ideas from wherever they want. Whereas to get them to play the game and then compile feedback in regards to the tools and features that they have just experienced makes a lot more sense. The post served two purposes, a message to Dan just to saying I'd prepare some feedback that's actually related to the tools in the game, and a message to everyone else of don't get your hopes up! ![]() | 2010-06-19 21:00:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Well then I sure hope there wasn't a miss communication between the two parties. However, I'm not sure if it makes sense that Sony would let Dan announce anything to the public that would misrepresent their intentions, or else those ninjas would have gotten him already. Anyways, just so that our own ninjas don't get angry, I'll just conclude with the fact that I'm sure that all opinions will be noted, and step aside for the oncoming deluge of suggestions. | 2010-06-19 21:28:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
I know its been mentioned earlier, but a 'slow down time' switch would be awesome for new puzzles and things! | 2010-06-19 22:02:00 Author: R0GUE--Elite ![]() Posts: 118 |
Oh, I also have some thoughts about the lighting. I would like to control the shadow's density, angle and length independently, unlike in LBP1, where the background light changes unless the fog is set to a certain colour. Asking for a greater variety within the layout, or whatever fits most, of the whole level colour palette would be silly, since I would expect there will be even more choices now ![]() | 2010-06-19 22:40:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
I laugh at how you just seem to point towards spaff's cupboard of death without a smirk on your face... Pretty funny... Hope you enjoy yourself with sony/mm/ninjas | 2010-06-19 23:22:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
With the Power Gloves, can we pick up objects and swing them around, but not necessarily throw them? Because if so, then we already kind of have our melee weapon fix ![]() Also like in Super Mario Galaxy 1 {i dont have 2 yet] there was an arrow or arrows that represented gravity there was one you could smack to change the gravity and one that you couldn't change i would love to see something like that. Yeah I'd love to play with gravity, but unfortunately it seems very limited in this game. Unless they include magnetism of some sort, you can't isolate gravity to an object, so you can't do things like upside-down platforming (unless you change the camera, but that just flips everything...it doesn't flip gravity) or walking along an object with centralized gravity, unfortunately. | 2010-06-20 00:56:00 Author: jjmusicman ![]() Posts: 234 |
With the Power Gloves, can we pick up objects and swing them around, but not necessarily throw them? Because if so, then we already kind of have our melee weapon fix ![]() Yeah I'd love to play with gravity, but unfortunately it seems very limited in this game. Unless they include magnetism of some sort, you can't isolate gravity to an object, so you can't do things like upside-down platforming (unless you change the camera, but that just flips everything...it doesn't flip gravity) or walking along an object with centralized gravity, unfortunately. actually maybe a trick to throwin...then we could make boomerangs and stuff as melee/long range weapons as well | 2010-06-20 01:05:00 Author: Shadowcrazy ![]() Posts: 3365 |
[list=1] A laser hazard (was said that this would be included but turned out to be plasmafication, which we can glitch now anyway) This doesn't work any more.{the plasma glitch] I think it was patched but i have it as an object,pm me if u want it. | 2010-06-20 01:38:00 Author: supremeoverlord1 ![]() Posts: 117 |
All spherical objects that come with the game should be in 1-layer-cubed, 2-layers-cubed and 3-layers-cubed sizes. I don't like how scaling golf balls and whatnot squishes them. | 2010-06-20 02:49:00 Author: estevangz ![]() Posts: 57 |
Ladders would be amazing! If it were added to the game, we would have no more platforms you have to jump through layers to. It could be like the ones in games like the original Donkey Kong | 2010-06-20 03:39:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
I'm thinking more costumes: Samurai, knight, and a Sackbot costume for a Sackboy. ![]() | 2010-06-20 04:19:00 Author: michaelplacke ![]() Posts: 39 |
There's already a ninja, I THINK there are Samurai parts somewhere in LBP1 DLC or something (not sure), and there's a knight confirmed for LBP2 anyway :l You should try to think of ways we can improve the game besides just costume pieces XD | 2010-06-20 04:37:00 Author: jjmusicman ![]() Posts: 234 |
separate headset channels options for pvp levels (ex. two teams in a versus level, and with separate headset channels, the two teams cannot hear each other) make improvements to water (preferably, make it a material) no H4H encouraging trophies. better stability; less bugs (hard to ask for, I know) better physics engine | 2010-06-20 05:17:00 Author: TheLawnStink ![]() Posts: 98 |
Easy one: Option to turn light sources invisible. (Sometimes I want localized lighting without a 'bulb'.) | 2010-06-20 09:38:00 Author: DrunkenFist_Lee ![]() Posts: 172 |
Ability to control the appearances of powerups via the tweak menu. For example, the creator of the level would go into the creatinator's tweak menu and select, from the appearance sub section a costume item pertaining to the location of the powerup, like for the creatinator, you could only select head costum items, and include the defualt apperance, aka the current powerup appearance. | 2010-06-20 16:42:00 Author: Super_Clone ![]() Posts: 849 |
I think it shouldn't be so intrusive and odd. I can't make superhero Sackboys look cool if they have this giant hat with a light on it. They should have just made the thing a pair of gloves or something :l not a big helmet with a light on it. I think maybe a Paintinator with a backpack, Ghostbusters style. The helmet is really strange, and why would you want to shoot things out of Sackboy's head? | 2010-06-20 17:02:00 Author: Zac ![]() Posts: 165 |
However, I'm not sure if it makes sense that Sony would let Dan announce anything to the public that would misrepresent their intentions, or else those ninjas would have gotten him already. I doubt Sony are keeping track of everything that gets posted about LBP2 on the internet, although if they were, I suspect they wouldn't disagree with Jack's concern about this. One of the interviews with Alex said they were hoping to go 'alpha' by the end of next week. In software development, that's typically the point where you discontinue adding any new features, and concentrate solely on testing and bug-fixing. In the video, Dan says he's going on Tuesday, which gives MM about 3 days to add new features before the feature cut-off, which is not enough time to add anything particularly substantial. More likely they'll just be after smaller 'cosmetic' things which are easily changed. Just something to bear in mind. ![]() | 2010-06-20 17:30:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
Something I've been wanting since day one of LBP is the ability to make creature navigators invisible. They are so annoying when you can see them everywhere. I agree with jj about the creatinator thing too. Why on earth would you want to shoot stuff out of your head. That's just plain stupid. You want it coming from your hand like the paintinator and not have to wear a ridiculous hat thing. | 2010-06-20 17:54:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
A Hover Material) Something that would be like Dark Matter, except movable. It would float in place, but is not affected by weight and can be moved by pistons/wenches/rockets/etc. Cross-game chatting) Be able to chat with friends with your microphone, even if they aren't playing with you (so long as they are online) Sword/Shield Upgrade) Like the Paintinator, you would get a sword to wave around to defeat enemies with. Or even a shield to defend against attacks. Could come in different shapes/settings, like Longer Swords to Blunt weapons, or a Full Barrier to a medieval Buckler. | 2010-06-20 18:13:00 Author: DarkFray ![]() Posts: 100 |
Easy one: Option to turn light sources invisible. (Sometimes I want localized lighting without a 'bulb'.) I agree. ![]() Also, I would like to see more natural decorations, like moss, or fungus. ![]() | 2010-06-20 20:25:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Just a few things. Whether they are already present in LBP2 I don't know but I'd like to make sure that they are: - With the grid in create mode, make sure that the grid is always the same if you leave grid mode to tweak an object. In LBP1 I know that I'd make something in grid mode, come back and the grid would have changed, meaning I couldn't line up 2 objects properly. - Not sure if this is already possible, but I'd like to have the option to change the game from sidescrolling to top down with direct control and have my character act accordingly, eg falling to the floor in sidescrolling, stick to the 'wall' when I change to top down. (So, you could overcome an obstacle by switching to top down and walking along the wall and over it, then switch back and fall over the other side) This would make for some incredibly intricate puzzles... - The option to tweak checkpoints so that you have a certain number of lives, rather than the simple single/double/infinite options we have now. - The option to constrain the number of players who can play a published level if you want a dedicated single-player experience or strictly 2/4 player game, and such. - Have 'light sensor' logic, so that certain objects would react if a particular light is shone on them. - Ability to tweak the blast radius of explosives. - (Again, this might already be on there but in a slightly different guise) An extensive points system, whereby you could theoretically 'spend' points (for example, it could act as currency or resources in an RTS or action level) and have the game recognise when you have insufficient funds. You could also have certain events trigger once you've accumulated a certain number of points, like a boost in attributes to a vehicle or entry to a different section. - When mapping actions to the L2 and R2 buttons you could allow for degrees of action, eg letting you accelerate a car slowly if you press lightly. That's all I can think of for now... | 2010-06-20 20:32:00 Author: Avatar_of_Chaos ![]() Posts: 48 |
My Suggestions: -The ability to control the vibration. (The creator can place in the level a switch where when a character entered the area the Dualshock would vibrate and you could control if it vibrates heavily or lightly). -Create your own costumes. -Ladders. -A melee weapon like a sword or a staff. -A sticker cut-out tool. -Pen tablet support. -Global background changer. -More emotions. Thanks for listening that's pretty much all I really want, I'll edit if I want to suggest anything else. | 2010-06-20 20:47:00 Author: CYBERSNAKE ![]() Posts: 280 |
Well I'll just pop in here and add two things I think could really help for making machinimas, and shouldn't be a hassle to add in: The ability to take away the black border in cutscene cameras. This will help a lot when you want to use a sackbot for a scene, but don't want the scene looking different from when you are recording yourself. Also, the ability to turn off your HUD, so you never see the swirly 'Connecting to the Internet' symbol, or the score. These will really help make my machinima project much easier when I do it. ![]() | 2010-06-20 21:45:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
I don't know if this has been asked already and I haven't got time to read 12 pages so sorry if it has. I would like an assurance that LBP2 is NOT being made primarily for HD. If you've seen my posts in the Red Dead Redemption thread you'll know I had lots of trouble even reading the on-screen text in that game and had to send it back. I've just been told by Silverleon that he has seen the game on HD and SD and confirmed that it was indeed the game at fault as it was very diffeicult to see on SD as it was made for HD. You can view our conversation on either of our profiles if you wish. If this were to happen with LBP2 it would totally ruin the whole experience for me. Please find out and hopefully confirm it will be optimised for SD in the first instance. Thanks. | 2010-06-20 23:31:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
K, if you say one thing, make it this since this is big and easily fixable: Tell them to make Power Gloves/ Creatinator less "in your face", k? K. | 2010-06-20 23:43:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Well I'll just pop in here and add two things I think could really help for making machinimas, and shouldn't be a hassle to add in: The ability to take away the black border in cutscene cameras. This will help a lot when you want to use a sackbot for a scene, but don't want the scene looking different from when you are recording yourself. You can just use normal cameras rather than cutscene ones. ![]() Also, the ability to turn off your HUD, so you never see the swirly 'Connecting to the Internet' symbol, or the score. YES! These will really help make my machinima project much easier when I do it. ![]() Comments in BOLD. Also... find out if you can use any microphone for voice acting. ![]() | 2010-06-20 23:45:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
K, if you say one thing, make it this since this is big and easily fixable: Tell them to make Power Gloves/ Creatinator less "in your face", k? K. YES! Totally agreed. If this doesn't happen in LBP2, I will metaphorically hunt you, Dan, and Mm with paintinators and... *shudders* ![]() | 2010-06-20 23:49:00 Author: Super_Clone ![]() Posts: 849 |
YES! Totally agreed. If this doesn't happen in LBP2, I will metaphorically hunt you down and Mm with paintinators and *shudders* ![]() Wait... you'll hunt... me...? What did I do? D: Ah, frak. I got a crazy person after me D: | 2010-06-20 23:51:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Wait... you'll hunt... me...? What did I do? D: Ah, frak. I got a crazy person after me D: Nah! Sorry 'bout that, edited post for clarification. | 2010-06-20 23:54:00 Author: Super_Clone ![]() Posts: 849 |
@moleynator If you want to be off screen, and you are using a sackbot on screen you have to use a cutscene camera ![]() | 2010-06-20 23:57:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
@moleynator If you want to be off screen, and you are using a sackbot on screen you have to use a cutscene camera ![]() I guess for simultaneous movements you would need it then. I was only thinking of one person or if you are included. ![]() | 2010-06-21 01:02:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
updated this post: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28833-Sony-want-suggestions-for-LBP2-VID!&p=501197&viewfull=1#post501197 added some new suggestions. | 2010-06-21 11:56:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
I would like an assurance that LBP2 is NOT being made primarily for HD. I think that's going to be a very very hard assurance to give in this day and age, to be honest. | 2010-06-21 12:17:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Higher resolution level icons & better tools for designing them! | 2010-06-21 12:34:00 Author: DrunkenFist_Lee ![]() Posts: 172 |
tell mm to not include trophies that require people to get hearts etc. it just ends up with comments of people screaming they need them and some very dud quick levels purely to try and get hearts | 2010-06-21 15:29:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I suggest something small and subtle: an additional setting on grab switches: "Requires all". | 2010-06-21 17:01:00 Author: Xario ![]() Posts: 238 |
This actually happened to me just now so I decided to add this. I was connecting a whole bunch of a wires to a whole bunch of pistons. I was using the grab switch. After I finished connecting everything I realized that I didnt need a grab switch...I needed a magnetic key : I know that was entirely my fault BUT I was thinking maybe Mm could add an option to maybe change any type of switch to any other type of switch? And just transfer all the wires, not all the tweeks that were in the switch before? Idk, but it would really help people that make mistakes like that ![]() | 2010-06-21 17:33:00 Author: Amigps ![]() Posts: 564 |
Here's one: Y'know when you select the camera tool, and this rectangle comes up which you can resize, and the picture is taken inside it? They should make it resizable horizontally and vertically(like the capture object tool). I'm fed up with the default shape. They should also add a circle shaped one for level badges etc. | 2010-06-21 21:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
They should have a switch on the cutscene camera so you can change the facial emotion of the players sackboy for that specific cutscene. For example, if in a scene you want the player's sackboy to be mad, it'll be mad for that one bit of dialog and it will go back to normal at the end of the cutscene. It will be good for making more realistic cutscenes if you want to make sackboy talk. | 2010-06-22 00:32:00 Author: NickTNT ![]() Posts: 9 |
Health Power Up (Armor) - Able to survive hazards Ex: Fire, Plasma Ball, Explosions, Spikes. You can tweak the Maximum Health. Health Object - Replenish health Carry more than one Power Up - Ex: Jet pack with Paintinator. Extra Creatinator Features- Setup more than one emitted object. Can cycle through the emitted items while playing. Ex: Choose to shoot Paintballs or Missiles. Creatinator Bubble - Similar to the prize bubble, but adds the object to another slot on the creatinator or replaces the previous object. Split-Screen Multiplayer | 2010-06-22 00:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hi guys! Thanks SO much for the suggestions! Didn't think I'd get anywhere near this amount. Just about to leave to catch the train to London, I'll be sure to read through all of them on the train. ![]() Thanks! Dan. | 2010-06-22 12:45:00 Author: DanC ![]() Posts: 433 |
Hi guys! Thanks SO much for the suggestions! Didn't think I'd get anywhere near this amount. Just about to leave to catch the train to London, I'll be sure to read through all of them on the train. ![]() Thanks! Dan. HAVE FUN!!!!! Get photos! lol | 2010-06-22 12:47:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
So you haven't even read the questions yet!?! Leaving it a bit late to choose aren't we? Have fun though. ![]() | 2010-06-22 12:55:00 Author: Leather-Monkey ![]() Posts: 2266 |
You better beat them over the head with all these suggestions ![]() ![]() | 2010-06-22 15:26:00 Author: Amigps ![]() Posts: 564 |
Make your own stickers with a sort of paint program!!!!! ![]() | 2010-06-22 16:03:00 Author: TheOfficialVen ![]() Posts: 155 |
I was wondering if you could ask them what happened to the spray painting tool that I saw when they first announced LBP in GDC of 2007 I think it was.It was kinda like a sticker spray painter and it just had a really nice effect and I was wondering if that is gone forever or did they just forget about it? CX Also wondering if they could put it back in O.o (ignore the repeated word but for soome reason when I just type in one it repeats it idk) | 2010-06-22 16:07:00 Author: Amigps ![]() Posts: 564 |
I was wondering if you could ask them what happened to the spray painting tool that I saw when they first announced LBP in GDC of 2007 I think it was.It was kinda like a sticker spray painter and it just had a really nice effect and I was wondering if that is gone forever or did they just forget about it? CX Also wondering if they could put it back in O.o (ignore the reapeted word but for soome reason when I just type in one it repeats it idk) They removed it because it was messy and was replaced with the sticker system. | 2010-06-22 16:32:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Oh ok ![]() | 2010-06-22 16:59:00 Author: Amigps ![]() Posts: 564 |
Some really awesome suggestions from people here about stuff I never even thought of! I like the idea of being able to tamper with how the controller vibrates... that could be put to exceptional use. | 2010-06-22 17:50:00 Author: Avatar_of_Chaos ![]() Posts: 48 |
ooh btw, what about making your level copy-able but not editable and or publishable. This way you could allow people to take a look at the level in the editor to see how stuff works, without able to steal/copy anything from it. | 2010-06-22 19:21:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
Didn't think I'd get anywhere near this amount. Well you picked the wrong community, if you expected otherwise ![]() Of course, shame shame for waiting until the day of to wait to look compile your list. ![]() | 2010-06-22 21:12:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
Well you picked the wrong community, if you expected otherwise ![]() Of course, shame shame for waiting until the day of to wait to look compile your list. ![]() A bunch of us have been chatting about it for awhile, there was some preparation before today ![]() | 2010-06-22 21:51:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Yeah, pretty much 2 years of preparation ![]() I'm somewhat surprised that he didn't realize the that he was opening up the floodgates when he made his post... or maybe he did. :eek: | 2010-06-22 22:16:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
Personally, I'd love a Flashlight Power-Up...but then it'd create much too many "ReAl FlaSHliTe OUt NoWz!!!1!" levels... | 2010-06-22 22:22:00 Author: RJA00000 ![]() Posts: 387 |
Hi everyone! I have made a new vlog about my trip to Sony: <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vmYiZ1uPQag&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vmYiZ1uPQag&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> | 2010-06-23 07:10:00 Author: DanC ![]() Posts: 433 |
nice didnt watch yet but about too | 2010-06-23 07:25:00 Author: Crazed Creator ![]() Posts: 177 |
Hilarious video! ![]() | 2010-06-23 07:36:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
You had to talk to them while they sat behind a see through mirror? That's creepy. ![]() ![]() | 2010-06-23 07:42:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
Imygosh that was my profile you showed.. I got to say, that new vid you added about the trip.. its rofl! Chair too squaky!! | 2010-06-23 11:46:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
Hah hah. I saw my kitsune avatar at one point. That was a ridiculous video. ![]() | 2010-06-23 11:59:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I know it is most likely too late for any more suggestions, but I think there needs to be a way to make a sackbot look like the character controlling it. (costumes, stickers...) | 2010-06-23 14:54:00 Author: Vacant_Face ![]() Posts: 15 |
Yes, probably likely too late, but I am posting this anyway, I would like mid-stops on Pistons and Wobble bolts etc. Around 3 as max would be cool. It's more or less mid-stops between the the one side and the other on pistons and wobbles. You can decide their positions, along with how long they will be there. When you have the randomizer tool working, when you have a mid-stop, it will randomly stop here and there. | 2010-06-23 17:21:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
Cockfosters station? What is it? Its killing me ![]() | 2010-06-23 17:36:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Why the hell are you filming Ke$ha and random parts of the car WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING?!?! LOL | 2010-06-23 21:54:00 Author: jjmusicman ![]() Posts: 234 |
Why the hell are you filming Ke$ha and random parts of the car WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING?!?! He's not driving. Steering wheel's on the other side in the UK. | 2010-06-23 22:22:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
Haha Awesome video ![]() lol | 2010-06-23 22:34:00 Author: Alec ![]() Posts: 3871 |
LOL at random captions and stuffs. Really great vid, thanks for the laugh! ![]() | 2010-06-23 22:44:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee ![]() Posts: 1370 |
Congratulation DanC you are so luck just like the guys from the community jam 2010 im still jealous.... | 2010-06-24 04:31:00 Author: Arnald23 ![]() Posts: 1843 |
Man, you loaded! | 2010-06-24 15:15:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
The video looks funny! I watched a bit without sound lol im at work so il watch it properly when im home! I saw my sig in it near the end HARHAR! | 2010-06-24 15:53:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
He's not driving. Steering wheel's on the other side in the UK. Oh, right. Totally forgot XD | 2010-06-24 22:06:00 Author: jjmusicman ![]() Posts: 234 |
This has probably been mentioned (and hopefully noted already), but having logic and the associated tutorials built into the game would be absolutely fantastic! Also, a way for things like the 11 Layers and Background glitches (by Bakscratch, i think that's how you spell it?) were merely glitches, but actually a space meant to be designed in. | 2010-06-25 21:38:00 Author: Ragfell ![]() Posts: 729 |
"I like cookies...." So creepy... Anyyywaaaay.... Glad you got to go, and I hope to see moar info in the future from you! [Keep up the vlogs as well! They are hilarious and the editing is excellent! ![]() | 2010-06-25 21:56:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
1# Mortal Kombat DLC(Sub-Zero FTW!!) 2# Certain Costumes have special moves, maybe Scorpion(MK) uses his spike hand thing as his grapple hook, or Sub-Zero can freeze a sackboy/girl in place for 3 secs(etc ect) 3# you can programme sackboy to be able to melee, good for a fighting level 4# some new tools maybe a laser tool to create cool effects, instead of ripping the MGS laser turret apart then attaching it to black matter, just to look cool 5# more costume options like edit Only the sacks head, or left arm for more precise costumes 6# make the story mode a Lot longer 7# More Stephen Fry 8# More tutorials for new players 9# to be able to suggest New DLC, Mortal Kombat, DC universe, Marvel, ect ect... WTF!?! im psychic lol, there making Marvel DLC, look at the last line of the quote ![]() | 2010-06-26 00:44:00 Author: AfterBurner9901 ![]() Posts: 113 |
Bugger, couldn't get my suggestion in. Oh well, I'll post it anyway; be able to emit stickers/decorations onto a surface. http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/272671-Blackfalcon/671/5/animal0064hb2_display.gif | 2010-06-26 10:33:00 Author: Blackfalcon ![]() Posts: 409 |
Dan, your sister reminds me of my sister. Except you two seem to get along in some weird way - me and mine, not so much. Man, I will get out to the UK at some point and, when there, I will make a point to visit you. Somehow. Not sure how I'm gonna fund it yet. We'll see. ![]() | 2010-06-26 23:41:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
A portal gun!!! Doesn't half to look like a portal gun but a certain power-up that creates portal holes that you (and objects) can go through. That would be THE BEST! | 2010-06-27 02:33:00 Author: Jord-bord ![]() Posts: 153 |
Anyone else played Joe Danger? In its level editor mode you could rotate objects layer-wise. Even if it would only work with some objects, this would be a useful thing if you're trying to place stickers on all sides of an object and you still can't get it just right by moving the camera. And to go with that, bolts that can rotate objects layer-wise (even though it'd probably only work in the center layer) and creatures that can move between layers. A crawly material. You know how the spongy material, you hold R1 and you grab it. With a crawly material, you'd hold R1 and be able to climb on it, then you could make a real ladder instead of doing that grab sponge piston wall jump. | 2010-06-27 02:47:00 Author: Chdonga ![]() Posts: 388 |
i know this has come and gone now, i really want the radius of sounds, trigger switches like the ones used for the camera, the circle is ok, but the scalable square is much nicer and versatile ...dunno if this is already added or not. | 2010-06-27 22:49:00 Author: Spyre-wolf ![]() Posts: 63 |
i know this has come and gone now, i really want the radius of sounds, trigger switches like the ones used for the camera, the circle is ok, but the scalable square is much nicer and versatile ...dunno if this is already added or not. Oooh yeah! That'd be a really nice option. | 2010-06-28 02:56:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
i know this has come and gone now, i really want the radius of sounds, trigger switches like the ones used for the camera, the circle is ok, but the scalable square is much nicer and versatile ...dunno if this is already added or not. Do you mean a rectangular trigger area? If so, you can already achieve this (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=17405-How-to-make-rectangular-sensor-areas%21) with two proximity switches and an AND switch. | 2010-06-28 03:41:00 Author: schm0 ![]() Posts: 1239 |
Cool vid! And if you don't mind me asking, where did u get that laptop from? Looks awfully familiar to the ones we have in our school lol | 2010-06-29 18:17:00 Author: bs58qw ![]() Posts: 59 |
Tell them to make it more awesome, it's lacking new tools at the moment ![]() ![]() | 2010-06-29 19:06:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Do you mean a rectangular trigger area? If so, you can already achieve this (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=17405-How-to-make-rectangular-sensor-areas%21) with two proximity switches and an AND switch. hey that's a nice little work around! - although if they just implement this feature that too would be nice. | 2010-06-29 19:49:00 Author: Spyre-wolf ![]() Posts: 63 |
We need ladders! We need color-coded filerable wires. Hmmm, what else? | 2010-06-29 19:54:00 Author: Fishrock123 ![]() Posts: 1578 |
The ability to record gameplay footage, and export it to HDD. I know this would be a great help to me, and other people who are kids and/or broke and/or just don't want to spend the money, on expensive video recording software..... Thanks, hope you have a good time.... They said they were in the middle of making an in-game recorder. Tis would be epic | 2010-06-29 20:43:00 Author: acdramon ![]() Posts: 332 |
Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't suggestion time over with? | 2010-06-30 07:40:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't suggestion time over with? Guess so, but its still fun to share your suggestions with other people and see what they think. ![]() | 2010-06-30 16:57:00 Author: DanC ![]() Posts: 433 |
Guess so, but its still fun to share your suggestions with other people and see what they think. ![]() Sure, but we have a whole forum (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?116-LBP2-Speculation-and-Suggestions) for that, so... Locked. | 2010-06-30 17:21:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
I've unlocked this quickly, just to say thanks very much to everyone who left suggestions and commented on the vid. Will think about starting vlogging. ![]() Thanks for contributing! Locked....again. ![]() | 2010-06-30 18:00:00 Author: DanC ![]() Posts: 433 |
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