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T-34 Russian Tank (pics)

Archive: 16 posts

A while ago whilst on my secondary account (Horwitzer2) i made a T-34 Russian tank. At the time i made it it ushered in many new improvements to my tanks. It was the first of my tanks to use my V.1 swing arm suspension successfully. it also was one of my first tanks to feature acceleration and deceleration, a feature overlooked by many of my newer tanks. Anyway, it was one of my favorite tanks when i built it but its age was showing. It still featured the open turret controls where you had to see what you where doing, and was not of very realistic scale (it was a bit too big), aside from another few minor deficiencies. So i decided to make a new V.2.0 on my new account (PurelyWisdom if you want to add me).
The new tank is a major improvement over the older one and has an immense amount of improvements, both visual and performance wise. I am currently working on a Vault level to showcase it exclusively to anyone on LBPC, so check back soon for that.

New tank features:
-improved suspension
-improved tracks
-improved hidden control scheme
-improved visuals overall
-realistic recoil
-shell cam on/off
-auto gun stabilizer
and many more....

Things i will be adding soon:
-realistic destruction (when is hit the tank will stop functioning rather than go crazy)
-paintball coaxile (don't have MGS pack yet... it got deleted)
-better lighting effects when gun fires
-fix gun stabilizer bug (when you drive forwards the gun slowly aims up)
-acceleration (not currently in the tank due to limitations on the logic)
-improved mg (again no MGS, also its a bit ugly now)


hatch closed

hatch open

front view

demonstration of V.2.0 suspension

more suspension

MG (will improve soon)

gun stabilizer: how it works

how reload logic works

Thats all for now, suggestions and comments appreciated and i hope to have the vault level up soon. Also, im going away until Monday so it may be a while before it is.
2010-06-17 16:46:00

Posts: 255


Love the colors, love the design, love the gun.... Heck, I love it all ;D
2010-06-17 21:17:00

Posts: 2979

http://www.peachmountain.com/5star/images/AberdeenProvingGrounds/20060509_2143_NSengupta_AberdeenProvingGroundss.jp g
(A pic of the real thing)
I love it! It looks exactly like the real thing! It may be my perception of it, but isn't the turret a little large?
Hey tomorrow(if your here)I can hook the MGs with paint balls. Later, I'll post up teh M2A3 Bradley and M8 Greyhound
2010-06-17 21:37:00

Posts: 192

Awesome. I've just gone to the trouble of creating a tank, mostly inspired by your awesomeness, and now you have to bring this out and make it look amateurish again! . Just out of intrest, how long did it take you to make this? My most recent effort took about 6 days, half as long as The Crate Escape, although It was my first tank so I ripped it apart a few times to improve it. I can't imagine how long it must take you to do something like this. Any tips on suspension, btw? My tank doesn't feature it (yet), nor sprockets, because the track design doesn't allow them, but suspension looks like a goos modification, particular as it's designed for rough terrain. do you use the 'ole spring and weak piston method? I'm thinking of trying that, with springs connecting the bits the wheels are attached to together. My most recent tracks take falls very well (theres a fall of about 120 small grid squares at the end of the demo, which it CAN survive, though it usually breaks.), but the control system is very jumpy, it uses a huge amount of logic, and I wanted seamless moving-and-firing without switching between driving controls and turret controls, so it takes a while to get the hang of. It also has problems with sackboy auto layer shifting when climbing up hills, which means you often have to aim while ascending (grabbing aims) so the tank doesn't lose control. If I send you a friend request, could you take a look at it and maybe give me some advice? I want a gun stabiliser, but it'll have to be bolted gas rather than your design, because your design would unfortunately breal the gun on steep hills. Have you thought about doing multiple variations on the same chassis? I want an AA vehicle, tank destroyer and MBT from the same chassis - do you think it would be possible to achieve this?
Andway, i'll stop rambling and derailing your thread now lol.
2010-06-18 21:12:00

Posts: 187

http://www.peachmountain.com/5star/images/AberdeenProvingGrounds/20060509_2143_NSengupta_AberdeenProvingGroundss.jp g
(A pic of the real thing)
I love it! It looks exactly like the real thing! It may be my perception of it, but isn't the turret a little large?
Hey tomorrow(if your here)I can hook the MGs with paint balls. Later, I'll post up teh M2A3 Bradley and M8 Greyhound

Part of that is the perspective, but aswell i can't make it round like the real thing which makes it look bigger (because i based it exclusively on the side view blueprints). but it is a bit bigger than usual, to allow for everything to fit better.
2010-06-22 03:31:00

Posts: 255

Hey, your tanks are amazing. Great job.2010-06-22 03:32:00

Posts: 5208

Awesome. I've just gone to the trouble of creating a tank, mostly inspired by your awesomeness, and now you have to bring this out and make it look amateurish again! . Just out of intrest, how long did it take you to make this? My most recent effort took about 6 days, half as long as The Crate Escape, although It was my first tank so I ripped it apart a few times to improve it. I can't imagine how long it must take you to do something like this. Any tips on suspension, btw? My tank doesn't feature it (yet), nor sprockets, because the track design doesn't allow them, but suspension looks like a goos modification, particular as it's designed for rough terrain. do you use the 'ole spring and weak piston method? I'm thinking of trying that, with springs connecting the bits the wheels are attached to together. My most recent tracks take falls very well (theres a fall of about 120 small grid squares at the end of the demo, which it CAN survive, though it usually breaks.), but the control system is very jumpy, it uses a huge amount of logic, and I wanted seamless moving-and-firing without switching between driving controls and turret controls, so it takes a while to get the hang of. It also has problems with sackboy auto layer shifting when climbing up hills, which means you often have to aim while ascending (grabbing aims) so the tank doesn't lose control. If I send you a friend request, could you take a look at it and maybe give me some advice? I want a gun stabiliser, but it'll have to be bolted gas rather than your design, because your design would unfortunately breal the gun on steep hills. Have you thought about doing multiple variations on the same chassis? I want an AA vehicle, tank destroyer and MBT from the same chassis - do you think it would be possible to achieve this?
Andway, i'll stop rambling and derailing your thread now lol.

Wow, big response... well, it took me about 6 hours total time to build (take into consideration i am extremely familiar with tanks as i have sunk literally hundreds of hours into building them on LBP). the suspension is a new design that features both up and down movement of the swingarms (which are all dynamic except for the drive and idler wheel) and is very smooth. it doesn't use sprockets (most of my new tanks don't as it is unnecessarily complex and very hard to build. i can help you with the suspension, controls and the auto gun balancer. also it would be cool to design one chassis for multiple vehicles. i have often thought of that myself. i have since added you on Psn and i can probably help you sometime soon.
2010-06-22 03:38:00

Posts: 255

hey that's a very amazing job, you have a lot of inspiration or you got lots of time (hell 6 hours X_X), in any way, the work that you did with the details is impressive2010-06-22 06:36:00

Posts: 132

very nice work. Ive got a number of your levels favorited too. Stil have no luck with making treads that dont break if you look at them wrong though. if i sent you an image of a tank i designed think you could make it for me? 2010-06-23 21:17:00

Posts: 139

very nice work. Ive got a number of your levels favorited too. Stil have no luck with making treads that dont break if you look at them wrong though. if i sent you an image of a tank i designed think you could make it for me?

sure i can make it for you. also if you add me on psn i can quickly show you how to easily make good tracks every time in about 5 minutes.
2010-06-24 02:40:00

Posts: 255

Outstanding, man!2010-06-24 07:23:00

Posts: 369

what user name should I add you under? I know you are up as horwitzer but I also see a different one listed under you avatar here. Im always up for learning more stuff, so thanks in advance 2010-06-25 05:21:00

Posts: 139

sure i can make it for you. also if you add me on psn i can quickly show you how to easily make good tracks every time in about 5 minutes.

5 minutes? That's a long time for making tracks. Lol
2010-06-25 09:38:00

Posts: 192

what user name should I add you under? I know you are up as horwitzer but I also see a different one listed under you avatar here. Im always up for learning more stuff, so thanks in advance

add: PurelyWisdom
2010-06-28 01:23:00

Posts: 255

sent, thanks again.2010-06-28 02:21:00

Posts: 139

Very awesome i have always been a fan of your tanks in LBP1. You dont just make the same one that everyone makes all the time (M1A1). I would love to see you make a sdkfz 251 with Nebelwerfer launchers on the side or the new new U.S.M.C. EFV. Im thinking about putting treads on my "Puma" but i have only made treads one time and that was a disaster, could you help me out?2010-12-25 15:22:00

Posts: 15

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