GIF resizers?
Archive: 1 post
Sorry if this isn't in the right section.![]() ![]() Anyway, does anyone know where I can resize (I'm trying to shrink) animated GIF's (or how)? I'm trying to use one as an avatar, but it won't animate, even though it will accept the GIF. I'm looking for one that's: free quick and I don't have to join any websites or sumin* Thanks. ![]() *If there are no resizers that follow this guideline, I'll knock it off so I can expand options EDIT: here's the GIF: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081231092320/digimon/images/c/cf/Imperialdramon_Paladin_Mode_vg.gif | 2010-06-17 06:25:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
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