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Hyperdrive Van

Archive: 8 posts

The Hyperdrive Van is a van with a special function built into it.. Hyperdrive. The van can drive in normal mode, or, if you turn Hyperdrive on, it can speed it's way across the level (and it looks like it's in an alternate dimension). It is two layers thick, so it is usable in levels. If enough people play this, and I have proof that I made it, I will release this as a prize bubble.


My PSN is robbit10, not robinlint, so you can find it on robbit10.
2010-06-16 20:46:00

Posts: 450

Sounds good! I love fancy vehicles, So I'll be sure to take a look!
Maybe if that's the kind of thing you enjoy building, you'd probably enjoy entering the Contraption Challenge 12 when it comes out!
2010-06-16 21:22:00

Posts: 2105

8D! Going too play this right now! And don't worry about proof, when you put an object in a prize bubble, and you hover over it in "community objects" It will forever say "Originally created by robinlint" Even if you re-capture it :]2010-06-17 00:08:00

Posts: 119

8D! Going too play this right now! And don't worry about proof, when you put an object in a prize bubble, and you hover over it in "community objects" It will forever say "Originally created by robinlint" Even if you re-capture it :]
Thanks for playing
Even if you set it to sharable? I remember someone discovered a glitch with which they could circumvent that so they could take away the copyright, but only if it was sharable.. Has that been fixed?
2010-06-17 06:04:00

Posts: 450

Sounds like a nice idea! I'll have to check it out to see it in action!!2010-06-17 21:18:00

Posts: 2979

I played it this morning! (I got up extra early so I could play before I left...)

I really love the effects of hyperdrive, but I'd suggest trying to incorporate those effects into a slightly more realistic looking van. But otherwise, it was great!

You did well with the logic too! Works flawlessly!
2010-06-17 21:31:00

Posts: 2105

I played it this morning! (I got up extra early so I could play before I left...)

I really love the effects of hyperdrive, but I'd suggest trying to incorporate those effects into a slightly more realistic looking van. But otherwise, it was great!

You did well with the logic too! Works flawlessly!
Thanks for playing it, and thanks for the compliments
I've made a prototype of a hyper-drive rocket that you can attach to anything you want. The effect is less than with the hyperdrive van, but the effect is still there.

A more realistic van? Naw, i like the sci-fi look of the van.
2010-06-18 06:50:00

Posts: 450

I'll check it out as soon as my hands touch my Ps3 controllers, shivering with excitement xD2010-06-19 03:12:00

Posts: 155

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