Wood, Balloons, and the Sky
Archive: 6 posts
Wood, Balloons, and the Skyrobbit10 http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/8687/aphoto29.jpgA wood and sky-themed platforming level where you get to soar across the sky in a flying ship. As usual, i welcome any constructive criticism, ratings, or comments. | 2010-06-16 20:38:00 Author: robbit10 ![]() Posts: 450 |
This level was really in-congruent, the themes were all over the place and I couldn't really pinpoint one setting, or style. The entire level's design was really very poor, I'm sorry to say. Alot of the mechanics you used were not executed well at all and while some parts of the level did work, such as the spinning circles, most of it was very buggy. For one on my first trial, I didn't even realize that their was a huge sky ship behind, I thought it was decoration and so I decided to jump on clouds with didn't end too well ( however I did last a long time) and lost all my lives because I didn't see the checkpoint on the ship. That was simply poor design on your end, and at the least you could have had a sign or something pointing to the large structure hidden in the background. On my second run, when I found out the background was a flying ship, I realized that it didn't even help that much, because the controls were very screwy, it was really difficult to control and it was hard to find the exit (it took me about 10 minutes which was way too long) there was no indication of where to go so I hopped of and walked the rest of the way. The rest of the level after that wasn't bad, just random, and I was really confused as to what they had to do with a flying ship. Overall the level wasn't bad, just all over the place. If you were too add some magic mouths giving a bit of direction (and maybe even a bit of background as to where you are and why you're flying a big flying ship into random obstacles) it would vastly improve the level. I gave :star::star: If you don't hate me by now, I would appreciate it if you would critique my level in my signature, much thanks ![]() | 2010-06-17 06:39:00 Author: optimafrogg ![]() Posts: 98 |
This level was really in-congruent, the themes were all over the place and I couldn't really pinpoint one setting, or style. The entire level's design was really very poor, I'm sorry to say. Alot of the mechanics you used were not executed well at all and while some parts of the level did work, such as the spinning circles, most of it was very buggy. Care to explain what exactly was buggy about it? In my playtesting, it all worked fine. As for the themes.. Yes, it contains many different themes. I like putting multiple themes in my levels. For one on my first trial, I didn't even realize that their was a huge sky ship behind, I thought it was decoration and so I decided to jump on clouds with didn't end too well ( however I did last a long time) and lost all my lives because I didn't see the checkpoint on the ship. That was simply poor design on your end, and at the least you could have had a sign or something pointing to the large structure hidden in the background. Bad design? Really? Nearly everyone who played my level knew what the flying ship was and what it was for. It's supposed to be obvious. You walk out of a building, see a flying ship, a control panel inside it, and not much else beside it. What do you do? Enter it. On my second run, when I found out the background was a flying ship, I realized that it didn't even help that much, because the controls were very screwy, it was really difficult to control and it was hard to find the exit (it took me about 10 minutes which was way too long) there was no indication of where to go so I hopped of and walked the rest of the way. I wanted that part of the level to have a lot of freedom in where to go, so that you could explore the cloudscape at your own pace and then find the exit (which is far to the right of the cloudscape). The rest of the level after that wasn't bad, just random, and I was really confused as to what they had to do with a flying ship. Nothing, it was just some platforming segments. Overall the level wasn't bad, just all over the place. If you were too add some magic mouths giving a bit of direction (and maybe even a bit of background as to where you are and why you're flying a big flying ship into random obstacles) it would vastly improve the level. I gave :star::star: But there are magic mouths giving direction, for example when you hop into the ship, you get instructions on how to control it. Then the player takes it from there, and flies through the clouds. I didn't really add a story to it, because not every platforming level needs a story. I think this review will bump this level far to the bottom of the pages, because nobody will bother to check it out now. So, To the rest, please do give this level a chance even though this guy rated it fairly low. Chances are, you might like it. If you don't hate me by now, I would appreciate it if you would critique my level in my signature, much thanks ![]() I'll do the F4F stuff when I get back from school. | 2010-06-17 07:02:00 Author: robbit10 ![]() Posts: 450 |
I'm sorry if I have upset you, allow me to reword my review a bit. "Buggy" was not the right word, but some of the mechanics like the ship (The wheel and lever were a good idea in theory, but for me it just didn't work very well at all, and I kept falling off), and and the platforms moving in and out of the gas didn't work as well as they could have (They were just way too fast and frustrating for me) , and needed some adjusting. It's fine that you want to put multiple themes in your levels, but for me, it didn't feel right, and didn't connect well. I may have missed/ forgotten the magic mouths in your level so I apologize, and you're right you don't always need a story, but I just thought that maybe if you would have given a bit of background, it would have improved the level. As for the exploration in the clouds element, I just didn't feel there was anything to explore (They were all just clouds right?). I really am sorry if I upset you but I was just critiquing the level, that's what you're gonna get if you set your level up for F4F, I was trying to help you improve it, not tell you how bad it was (which it wasn't that bad). However I'm not going to change my score, the visuals were sub-par, the mechanics didn't work as well as they should, and it didn't feel connected for me. To everybody else, I do encourage a playthrough, there was still alot of work that went into it, and I think it has room to improve. | 2010-06-17 18:34:00 Author: optimafrogg ![]() Posts: 98 |
Ah, no problem ![]() As for the controls, no one has ever fallen off without jumping off. When and how did that happen? And the platforms moving into the gas go fast for a reason: challenge ![]() Thanks for apologising and explaining the motives behind your post. I'll review your level as soon as i have the time ![]() (I have made an F4F list to keep track of it all) | 2010-06-18 07:01:00 Author: robbit10 ![]() Posts: 450 |
Even when you feel like you're being bashed, that's not the time to get defensive of your level. Doing so will only impede improvement. | 2010-06-18 13:15:00 Author: LilNeL ![]() Posts: 34 |
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