R.I.P. Purdy Cat
Archive: 27 posts
I remember it well, it was 21 years ago.. almost my birthday.. My father walked in with his jacket closed.. He sat down and all of a sudden there was this small furry face looking at me.. It was Purdy and would soon become one of my best friends.. About one year later.. my father died.. no mather how hard I cried.. Purdy was able to put a smile on my face.. he came to comfort me, or just be there for me when I felt alone.. Time passed by and he was always with me, If I took a walk.. Purdy walked with me. If I had a new girlfriend.. Purdy would check her out, see if she liked cats and if her hair (he loved long hair) was soft and cared for. We went on various trips together, Hiking in the woods, months roaming on the camping and even vacations.. Purdy was allways with me. On June the 9th 2010, the day after my birthday I had to make one of the toughest choices in my life. All the cats in my house where struck by the sneezing deciese.. and thats not something to take lightly.. as it can result in even killing the strongest of cats. Ive spend the last two weeks disinfencting the house over and over, feeding all the cats their medication and trying to keep them clean as they had a hard time doing it themselves.. Slowely all cats started to look and feel better again.. All but Purdy.. the virus was just too much for old and grumpy Purdy.. The last two days of his life he was not able to move and had to fight for even the smallest bit of air.. So after a lot of emotional crying and talking to friends and family... I decided it was best for old Purdy if I gave him a more humane end.... the other option would have been to wait it out.. see the cat I love with all my heart slowely die or choke on the slime that the virus causes... And the thought of that was just as horrible as the choice I had to make.. My younger brother took me and Purdy to the Animal hospital as I was not able to go alone.. The last week I might only have slept for 6 or so hours.. taking care of Purdy and the other cats.. and I was just too emotional. I feel like a hypocrite for the choice I made, But I could not watch Purdy's suffering... I hope he can forgive me for the choice I had to make, And for once.. I really hope that there is a heaven where my father and other relatives will take care of him. Rest in peace Purdy. You will never be forgotten. /Emo Just had to get this out of my system.. | 2010-06-16 14:24:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
I am so sorry to hear this. ![]() ![]() ![]() My father had our cat, otis, put to sleep because he was severely dehydrated and just crying in pain. It was unbearable to watch. I myself wasn't strong enough to make the decision. ![]() | 2010-06-16 15:34:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I cried. You deserve a thank. | 2010-06-16 15:35:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
Awww that's so sad! =( But you did the right thing! I got two cats a few years ago... The boy was hit by a speeding car outside our house (Because some people just don't know how to drive >=( ) and the second to a brain tumour... But your situation is so much more emotional! Very moving! :'( I feel really sorry for you now... I hope you feel better soon! | 2010-06-16 19:25:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
Sorry to hear your sad news ![]() | 2010-06-16 20:06:00 Author: mrsvista ![]() Posts: 755 |
I'm so sorry to hear this Luos! Purdy sounds like he was a wonderful cat and friend to you for a lot of your life. I can't imagine how I would feel if any of my cats passed away. Especially if they had to be put to sleep. :'( Here's to Purdy! | 2010-06-16 20:17:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
I'm so sorry for your loss. ![]() | 2010-06-16 20:26:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Man, that's a tough call to make. But you did the right thing. One of the hardest steps of pet ownership. I cried hard a couple years back when we put down one of the cats that I bought for my wife (now, ex-wife) while we were dating. That cat's brother is still with us - as old as the hills. I don't relish the day when we must make that choice for him. But as responsible pet owners, we cannot shy from this difficult decision. I am very sorry for your loss. | 2010-06-16 20:38:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Me being a cat owner, I've already experienced a loss of a cat, but I was all too young and never grew attached to the cat. I have two new cats now, and I can't even imagine how I'd feel if I lost them. I really can't understand how you feel right now. I'm very sorry for your loss, I truly am. ![]() | 2010-06-16 20:39:00 Author: Phosphorus15 ![]() Posts: 463 |
![]() ![]() | 2010-06-16 20:44:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I was so sorry to hear about Purdy ![]() I'm glad your other cats are on the mend, though. . | 2010-06-16 20:52:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Aww, sorry to hear that. I had a cat called Purdy too, we had her for 18 years, but her legs got bad in the end so had to go the same route. ![]() 21 years though? That's awesome for a cat, he must've been a very happy moggy! ![]() Glad the other cats are on the mend and I hope you're feeling better soon too. | 2010-06-16 21:03:00 Author: Kiminski ![]() Posts: 545 |
Maybe you could create an Egyptian themed memorial for him in LittleBigPlanet... Thanks to you, Purdy led a wonderfully happy life, And I'm certain he's very thankful! | 2010-06-16 21:18:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
AWWWWWWW!!! So sorry to hear that Luos! ![]() Not sure what words could ever be said that might help, but I really feel bad for you and wish you all the best during this time of sorrow. All the best... | 2010-06-16 21:49:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Bless your heart, Luos. ![]() | 2010-06-16 22:30:00 Author: TheCountessZ ![]() Posts: 537 |
This makes me very sad because I have an old cat and she's not doing well, my condolences Luos. | 2010-06-16 22:35:00 Author: fullofwin ![]() Posts: 1214 |
awwww.... :,( sorry to hear that Luos.. thats really sad i hope you get a new cat like Purdy! to make you smile like purdy did ![]() | 2010-06-16 22:52:00 Author: Joey ![]() Posts: 758 |
sorry to hear that ![]() my cat Jimi died a year ago... when we got a dog we gave Jimi for my grandparents sothe dog could grow up and then we would have tested that will they come along. but sadly three days after he moved car hit him... He was only something like 9 years old... but its ironic that in our family always when someon has joined it someone lelse soon have left us... | 2010-06-16 23:06:00 Author: oblivios ![]() Posts: 143 |
Luos, im sorry for your loss. I have always grown up with cats and have been through some tough times. One of my favourite cats was murdered. He got his head and taill cut off and was left in the bushes by my house for me and my sister to find him ![]() Oh and the cat in my avatar has a disease in its lung but its so small it doesnt harm her.....but one day it will like it did to her twin sister who had to be put down ![]() | 2010-06-16 23:16:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
Aww, stop making me sad T.T! Poor kitty ;-; Now im going to go cuddle my own cat. | 2010-06-16 23:39:00 Author: EvasiveSpoon ![]() Posts: 119 |
Back when I was 4, we were living in a trailer until we moved into our new house. In the middle of the night, we heard meowing, and when we checked under the trailer the next morning we found a few baby kittens! We named them Austin, Amarillo, and Houston. We had to give Austin away, and Houston ran away when I was 6, but my parents didn't let me know about it. I still have Amarillo, but I'm feeling that she'll live long. Outdoor cats aren't supposed to live past 5 years, and she's 10. Still very sorry to hear about your cat. And fender, that's awful! Who would do something like that to a poor cat? | 2010-06-16 23:44:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
awww!!!![]() ![]() | 2010-06-17 00:10:00 Author: ExplosiveCheddar ![]() Posts: 978 |
Agreed with your last comment, Arkei >.<. I don't know why people do the things they do. D:! | 2010-06-17 00:10:00 Author: EvasiveSpoon ![]() Posts: 119 |
Phew.. I must say I am overwhelmed by all the reactions and dont know where to start. If i'd go all metaphorical Id say something like "A warm bath" of kind words.. And that makes me feel kinda stupid on how i sometimes react on the forums. It.. it makes me feel a little more part of lbpc. Thanks so much. Lots of qut I am so sorry to hear this. ![]() ![]() ![]() My father had our cat, otis, put to sleep because he was severely dehydrated and just crying in pain. It was unbearable to watch. I myself wasn't strong enough to make the decision. ![]() It sure does, Purdy felt like he was my brother from another mother. Parents can be a great help when making tough decisions.. We sometimes forget all the trouble they go trough when we are young... Awww that's so sad! =( But you did the right thing! I got two cats a few years ago... The boy was hit by a speeding car outside our house (Because some people just don't know how to drive >=( ) and the second to a brain tumour... But your situation is so much more emotional! Very moving! :'( I feel really sorry for you now... I hope you feel better soon! You cant compare such emotional things.. we all go trough such stuff differently, For one person the loss of her dog can be just as devastating as for another person losing her child. Our naburs had a very cute cat named Nemo.. less than 4 months old... to make a long story short.. a car got him. They just dumped him in the carbage can.. I still cannot forgive them for that. (thanks for the support btw!) Man, that's a tough call to make. But you did the right thing. One of the hardest steps of pet ownership. I cried hard a couple years back when we put down one of the cats that I bought for my wife (now, ex-wife) while we were dating. That cat's brother is still with us - as old as the hills. I don't relish the day when we must make that choice for him. But as responsible pet owners, we cannot shy from this difficult decision. I am very sorry for your loss. I dont want to sound sinister, but I hope Brother Cat has a long life and dies respectfully of old age. Many years ago we had a cat called "Moppie" dutch for "Cutiepie" and was quite old when we got him. For some reason he knew the end was night.. not leaving his box. We all (Mom, Brother and me) sat next to him and he was slowely purring and looking at us with such calmth.. For some reason I cant remember we left the room and when we came back Moppie had left us. It felt so.. how do I put this.. so calm.. serene.. Me being a cat owner, I've already experienced a loss of a cat, but I was all too young and never grew attached to the cat. I have two new cats now, and I can't even imagine how I'd feel if I lost them. I really can't understand how you feel right now. I'm very sorry for your loss, I truly am. ![]() It seems you are less unemotional than you think ![]() Thanks! ![]() ![]() Your story about your cat also gives me a :/ face.. They could have put him up for pet-adoption, but they must have had their reasons.. ( i think/assume). thanks! Aww, sorry to hear that. I had a cat called Purdy too, we had her for 18 years, but her legs got bad in the end so had to go the same route. ![]() 21 years though? That's awesome for a cat, he must've been a very happy moggy! ![]() Glad the other cats are on the mend and I hope you're feeling better soon too. Purdy's legs where also on the bad side.. I remember dropping him as a child and damaging his first tail-bone so he allready had a slightly weird way of walking and sleeping but luckily without any pain. If id see myself do such a thing now id slap myself silly. I am glad Purdy didnt hold it against me.. I did for a while. (as did my parents.. boy I can still feel that spanking.. one of only a few I have ever had). And thanks! Maybe you could create an Egyptian themed memorial for him in LittleBigPlanet... Thanks to you, Purdy led a wonderfully happy life, And I'm certain he's very thankful! I hope so, sure I did some stupid things as a kid (read reply on prev. quote) but I tried my best making it up to him. I wouldnt like to use Purdy as something in LBP, even if Id put all my love and respect into it.. it would feel weird and wrong. I did write a story a long time ago about a boy and the seven guardians of the Island.. those seven being the cats he grew up with. Purdy being the leader of the pack. And as one of my friends stated "Purdy will allways be the king of the streets in my book". Thanks! AWWWWWWW!!! So sorry to hear that Luos! ![]() Not sure what words could ever be said that might help, but I really feel bad for you and wish you all the best during this time of sorrow. All the best... Thanks Jww, even your unspoken words are kind! Bless your heart, Luos. ![]() I assume its something that will stick with you the rest of your life, even though all other memories are wonderfull. This makes me very sad because I have an old cat and she's not doing well, my condolences Luos. If the unfortunate time comes, you can always pm me for a good talk, In the meanwhile I suggestyou give her an extra hug and the big steak or sausage she so likes ![]() awwww.... :,( sorry to hear that Luos.. thats really sad i hope you get a new cat like Purdy! to make you smile like purdy did ![]() Purdy was the first cat I got, but we have/had several more, At the moment we still have six cats roaming around and especially "Spot" has been kind for me and demanding some attention to put my mind at ease. To think we also have Spots daughter, son and grandchild "Cow" walking around the house does make me smile. sorry to hear that ![]() my cat Jimi died a year ago... when we got a dog we gave Jimi for my grandparents sothe dog could grow up and then we would have tested that will they come along. but sadly three days after he moved car hit him... He was only something like 9 years old... but its ironic that in our family always when someon has joined it someone lelse soon have left us... We have had several dogs and its actually best if they grow up with the cats around them.. But that also depends on the breed of dog, my nieces dog was so big as a puppy he could easily kill the cats while playing with them. And please dont hold to much onto the ironic part of happenings.. My family also tends to think like this and in that way often remembers the sad things that happened every time something sad happens.. Be strong! Luos, im sorry for your loss. I have always grown up with cats and have been through some tough times. One of my favourite cats was murdered. He got his head and taill cut off and was left in the bushes by my house for me and my sister to find him ![]() Oh and the cat in my avatar has a disease in its lung but its so small it doesnt harm her.....but one day it will like it did to her twin sister who had to be put down ![]() We lost two cats that way, not in such a brutal way as you discribed (thank god).. we had this insane nabur-woman.. it started with her offering her husband to my mother, and eventually killing and burying two of our cats in the bushes near our home. Freakazoid nabur eventually died of a brainanurism.. After everything she did.. cant really say I feel sorry for her.. I do feel sorry for her husband though. I hope Avatar-Cat has a long and healthy life ahead of him, for his and your sake. Thanks fender! Aww, stop making me sad T.T! Poor kitty ;-; Now im going to go cuddle my own cat. give him a cuddle from me as well! Back when I was 4, we were living in a trailer until we moved into our new house. In the middle of the night, we heard meowing, and when we checked under the trailer the next morning we found a few baby kittens! We named them Austin, Amarillo, and Houston. We had to give Austin away, and Houston ran away when I was 6, but my parents didn't let me know about it. I still have Amarillo, but I'm feeling that she'll live long. Outdoor cats aren't supposed to live past 5 years, and she's 10. Still very sorry to hear about your cat. We "adopted" this stray cat about 8 years ago called "Gizmo".. well.. rather.. He adopted us ![]() Sometimes he is away for weeks or months at end, but then occasionally drops by saying hello, eating a meal and off to his next adventure. Gizmo must be about 15 now, havent seen him in a month or two.. but in this case thats a good thing as he missed the virus that got to the cats.. (I so hope this) but I am sure he'll live to be 20 as can yours. Sometimes i think cats feed on our love ![]() Phew this has been some quoting, took me an hour to get trough this. Thanks so much guys and gals for this warm metaphotical bath. | 2010-06-17 00:59:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
Sorry to hear Lous I can't even Imagine how it is ![]() @Fender, who can be that cruel to murder an cat that brutal way? ![]() | 2010-06-17 21:02:00 Author: Alec ![]() Posts: 3871 |
Awe.... I'm sorry to hear that.. ![]() Losing pets is really like losing a family member... | 2010-06-17 21:11:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
All I can say to your story, Luos is this;![]() Fender, that's horrible, and I will send a great big spit of contempt to that disgusting person! It's sad to the think that some people can sink that low and be that disgusting... About 6 years ago (I was 7 at the time) by dad went out to walk our dog, and he came back with a cat who kept meowing and meowing and meowing and pooing and peeing and scratching and biting everything - after a few days, he got used to us, and I love him. We really don't know how old he is, because he was a stray, but he might be 7 or 8, I don't know. We have another cat who is the same age as me, and he's still going. ![]() ![]() | 2010-06-17 21:54:00 Author: Richasackboy ![]() Posts: 619 |
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