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New Tools, Features, and Updates in LittleBigPlanet 2

Archive: 841 posts

At this point you’re probably vaguely aware of the Community Game Jam (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28709-Community-Game-Jam-2010). We thought that article detailing what it was like to be there would be an interesting read for you, but of course it wouldn’t be fair for us to tell you all about how much fun we had without sharing what we’ve learned while we were at MM Towers!

The version of the game that we had access to was by no means final and the time that we had with the game was nowhere near enough to experience all it has to offer. Also, keep in mind as well that there was a fair amount of partying, sleep deprivation, giggly girlish joy, and overall awesome that may have somewhat clouded our memories, so take this list as an indication of the power of the new game and understand that it may be subject to change between now and release.

So, many thanks to everyone at Media Molecule and Sony for being such fantastic hosts. Also many thanks to all the creators at the Creator Jam, it was an absolute pleasure meeting you all it wouldn't have been possible to put together this information to share with the community without your help over the last week:

Syroc, Wexfordian, StevenI, jump_button, jackofcourse, Poms, Julesyjules, Steve_big_guns, Anpostteller, rtm223, Jaeyden, FULLGORR, comphermc, JulesyJules, GruntosUK.

Interface Updates and General Stuff

Objects can be hidden, to edit things behind them.
Preview option allows all objects that are invisible in play mode to be made invisible in create.
Multiple select of objects (equivalent to ctrl-click on a PC) as well as box select.
Connectors are stiff by default.
When rotating objects, you can snap to a given angle - any multiple of 5 degrees.
Popit updates

Fullscreen mode (optional).
Categories can be collapsed and also skipped for faster searching.
There is a section detailing everything used in the level - very useful for your material / sticker palette.

New create tools

UV tool (possible placeholder name) - allows you to rotate and shift the texture on a material.
Advanced glue - allows you to select two objects to directly glue, rather than just objects that are adjacent.

Keyboard and Mouse support - uses standard keyboard shortcuts and should be possible to enter distances etc. using keyboard (not implemented in the version we played).
Plasma Hazard, with colour tweaks.
Visual overhaul is amazing, all of the effects (fire / smoke / lighting etc.) look beautiful. In general everything looks crisper and more detailed / polished.
Competitive Scoring modes in multiplayer
Competitive levels be can set to end on a timer, which will transport you deathlessly to the scoreboard.
Complete thermo overhaul - more intelligent & flexible system. Full details unknown.

Fullscreen Popit. Great for quickly finding stickers.

Switches and Related Changes

Wires are pulled from the centre of the switch rather than off to the side.
You can connect a switch to something that already has a wire connected - the new one replaces the old one.
You can zoom the camera whilst holding a wire!
Magnetic keys (and switches that detect them) can take a custom label as well as a colour - both colour and label must match to trigger the switch.
When tweaking a magnetic key, or devices that respond to magnetic keys, the game shows up ranges / angles etc. for all of the other devices that respond to the same keys.
Magnetic keys can be turned on / off via switch.
Magnetic switches and proximity switches can be configured to activate above a threshold - i.e. you can have a switch that activates when three or more sackpeople are in range.
Magnetic switches (possibly proximity switches too) can be limited to specific layers.
Signal type is determined at destination, not source. This allows for multiple signal types from a single device. So a magnetic switch could output speed to a wheel and on/off to an LED.
Wiring is neater and less ugly. It already has improved routing, but in the final game it should be greatly improved, making the construction of complex systems far less messy.


Emitters can now emit at 0.0s intervals, which makes them emit as soon as there is a free space.
An optional tweak stops the emitter from emitting when it reaches its max at once value.
Emitter can ignore parent's velocity, so the emitted object does not take into account the movement of the object that it is attached to.
Have effects for emit and destroy, including:

Explode - Note: the explosion is just aesthetic, does no damage.
Appear / disappear - vanishes with no sound.
Dissolve - as in LBP1
Shrink / Grow

You can link emitters to an object in the level, rather than something in your popit (although that is still an option).

Any changes to the object in the level are reflected in all emitters that reference it.
It works with nested emitters, so emitters inside emitters inside emitters, will update all of them with any changes made.
When done editing you can delete the object in the level and the emitter remembers the last version.
It's awesome!

Cameras and Magic Mouths

The camera can now be pulled out far further.
The camera can be rotated in the plane of the screen, so the view can be turned on its side or even completely upside down. This can also be controlled by having the camera on a rotating object (i.e. a vehicle or similar).
You can add activation times to cutscene cameras and magic mouths so that they close after a given time.
Magic mouths and cutscene cameras have output switches, so you can detect when the player has closed them, to open the next object or trigger timed events.
The custscene cameras have a whole host of cinematic options.

Changes to angle / zoom
Fades and other transition effects.
Camera shake effects.

The cutscene camera also lets you choose whether the player can interact (or whether they are frozen in place), if they can then you can use the cutscene camera as normal gameplay camera and integrate visual effects into your gameplay.
There is a tweak for "flatness", to make the level more like front view in create mode.
It is possible for each player to have their own camera when playing online (no splitscreen was evident).

Camera on its side. Also, vacuum material (see below) for the space-sacks.


Loads more sounds available than in the original game.
Volume control on individual sounds is supported.
A tweak that allows the sound to be heard no matter where in the level it is.
Reverb (and possibly other effects as well) can be added to sounds.
Global sound tool has been added - allows global control of sound volumes (music vs sfx) and also globally apply sound filters to everything in the level.


New lighting engine looks great.
Lights now have far more colour options available.
Fogginess is a percentage scale now, rather than on / off.

The new lighting effects are outstanding.

Bounce Pads
These are a massive improvement on the current piston-based bounce pads we have. The distance they fire you is tweakable and very accurate / consistent. In addition, they don't have any kind of reset time, so 2 Sackpeople hitting in rapid succession will both be fired the same distance. It doesn't sound like much on paper, but they really do make a big difference to high-speed bouncy gameplay.

Power Ups

Grappling hook - no tweaks, for consistency, but player can grapple anything grabbable and also control the length of the line whilst swinging (between preset min/max)
Creatinator (Possibly the rumoured "magic bag", we're unsure) - effectively an emitter gun. Has all the options of the new emitters and can be aimed much like the paintenator. Looks like a helmet with a flashlight on it Note that the creator is responsible for choosing the emitted object.
Power Gloves - allows the player to pick up objects, carry them above their head and throw them. Also allows the player to swap layers whilst holding the object and take it with them.

Logic Tools
These are all non-physical and can be placed inside microchips.

Basic logic gates: NOT/AND/OR/XOR - ANDs and ORs can take a variable number of inputs.
Battery - just outputs a constant full signal.
Toggle - inverts output each time and input is given.
Timer - can be used to output speed / strength proportional to its current value. Can be reset.
Selector - cycles through its outputs each time activated. Can also take overrides to jump to specific outputs.
Counter switch - increments each time it it activated up to a max value. Can be reset as well.
Randomiser - This is very versatile with a large number of options to vary up the randomisation pattern.
Splitters (unsure of name) - allows a bi-directional signal (i.e. from a three way switch or analogue stick) to be split into 2 signals.
Combiners (unsure of name) - allows two signals to be combined into a bi-directional signal.

Other Tools
These are all non-physical and can be placed inside microchips.

Magic Joystick - hard to explain, but can be used to map an analogue stick to a rotational mover (see movers below) so that if you push up and right, the object points up and right.
Anti-gravity device - allows objects to be unaffected by gravity (or partially affected by gravity). Also has a variable dampening tweak which will slow the object down as it moves, preventing it from flying off into the distance.
Movers - see section below
Collision Switch - Activates on any collision, or can be tweaked to only activate when hitting sackpeople, or when hitting an object which has a specified magnetic key (matches both colour and label).
Material tweaker - allows you to change the friction and bounciness of the object it is attached to. Also allows the object to be made indestructible (so excessive force will not crush it).
Lethaliser - allows object to be made lethal / not lethal at will.
Smoke machine - tweakable colour and intensity - gives far better effect than the current jet.
Score switch - can give or take away scores. Engine does a good job of detecting which player triggered it (when triggered by logic network) for competitive scoring.
Score detection - Will activate when the score is above a certain value.
Global sound object - vary music / sound etc. global controls, and also various global effects to be applied to all sound in the level.
Global gravity object - allows for altering of gravity.
End switch - ends the level instantly.
Notes - Just little text notes to allow for comments.
Also, not a tool, but there is a light source that is non-physical (note we're unsure exactly how this interacts with decorations / microchips etc.).

Points switch in action; point values are tweak-able.

There is a new category of tools called the "movers", which literally move objects about. They come in two broad types - linear and rotational. Both have simple variants that move the object in a specified direction, but can be switch controlled (on/off, speed, strength control), through to more complex versions. If you combine movers with anti-gravity devices, you can gain incredibly precise, complex control over contraptions for top-down dynamics and flying machines, etc. We spent loads of time playing with these and the possibilities are endless, hence why there is so much detail in this section.

The linear movers are controlled by x and y speeds and also have speed, acceleration, and deceleration properties. x and y are normally the x and y directions for the level, but it is possible to tweak them so that x and y are relative to the orientation of the object. The difference between these two modes is how the mover responds to the object being rotated. There are also follow devices, which can be used to follow (or flee from) a player or magnetic key. Maximum range to follow can be set, as can minimum range - so your object will stop if it gets too close. You can even get the follower to be locked into a single axis (so it only follows horizontally for instance). There is also a magic rocket device, which simulates the existing jet object, but as a non-physical tool that can be compacted down into microchips etc.

The rotational movers rotate the object, as with linear movers there are speed, acceleration and deceleration tweaks. Similar to the follow object, there is a "look at player" device, which will point itself at the player, or at a magnetic key. This gives very smooth aiming mechanisms. There is also the gyroscope tool which will attempt to keep an object upright by rotating it back to vertical - again, this can be tweaked to modify how well it corrects and can also be switch controlled.

There is also a special mover, for shifting objects between layers. This is what is used in the trailer to make the wheel move out and what is used to make the little top-down racers work on ramps. Note that all objects are still locked into the existing layers - when you move it back a layer, the movement happens instantly as far as physics is concerned, but visually the object takes a short period to shift. You cannot stop an object between the layers so the game is very much still 2.5D.

Most of the movers can take one or more inputs, and a disable / enable signal which can be used to neatly override them.

Direct Control Chairs

Every button is mapped, bar R3, start, select and the PS button.
D pad is mapped as four separate buttons.
Analogue Sticks are mapped as two bi-directional controls each. i.e. each analogue stick has a x and y bi-directional control.
Sixaxis is fully mapped as three bi-directional controls.
Full analogue outputs (optionally).
Trigger radius can be tweaked (player is prompted to enter seat when within radius).
You can make the player automatically (force them to) enter the seat when within the trigger radius.
You can disable the player's popit and their ability to leave the seat.
Player in the seat is still detected by proximity sensors.
Can map player popit colour to objects controlled by the DCS (lights / vacuum material etc).

In LBP2, the microchip is a single place where you can compress all your logic down into a single device. What we found was that just about anything that you can stick onto the side of an object - including sounds, sensors, all the new logic tools, collision detection, gyroscopes, even emitters - can all be placed in a microchip. Microchips can even be placed inside one another!

For things whose positioning is important (i.e. magnetic switches and emitters), these are considered to exist at the point that the microchip exists, which means you can organize them however you want inside the microchip circuitboard making everything neater. When tweaking them, the engine shows the tweaking as though the object exists at the point of the microchip. For things that affect the object that they are on - material property changers, lethaliser, anti-gravity etc. - it is the object that the microchip is attached to that they affect. This effect works through multiple levels of microchip as well.

You can also wire-control the microchip to disable / enable everything inside it. This means that you can effectively have 2 microchips with different programming and just switch between the two very easily, which is fantastic for control systems and AI.


Tweak whether the sackbot can switch layers.
Tweak whether they are afraid of hazards and heights.
Tweak how fast they are.
Tweak whether they can use Direct Control Seats.
Recording player movements as we are aware.
Replay of movements can either happen once, loop from where the sackbot finished, or you can tell the sackbot to return to where it started before looping.
Various simple behaviours and animation styles allow for quick customisation.
Setting sackbot to follow does a pretty good job of following over basic platforming.
If sackbot is following and enters direct control seat, it will attempt to follow, as long as the control system isn't too complex.
You can use simple action triggers as well as user-recorded / default behaviours - includes run, jump & grab.

New materials

Loads of new materials, including the hairy / fluffy ones etc.
Light material - the floor from the disco in the trailer. Has the same extended colour range as normal lights and is switch controllable.
Vacuum material (see below).
Animated materials, can have the animation speed tweaked.
Filter materials - can be placed in front of objects and everything behind them is filtered.

Retro Neon Green outlines on black background.
Possibly more to come.

Light Material on display.

Vacuum Material
Worth mentioning on its own is the vacuum material, which looks a lot like a holograph. Visually it looks pretty cool - it is lit up without actually casting out any light and has a translucency as well as an animated texture. Colour is tweakable to all of the new colors available for lights, and the brightness can also be tweaked - turning the brightness down to 0 will make it completely invisible and up to full will make it intensely bright and opaque. It's also possible to control its color/intensity by switch - on / off and "fade" are the options - fade allows you to control it in an analogue manner. However, you can tweak the colour and brightness for both on and off states, so you could fade between visible and invisible, or between two different, visible colors, etc.

You can also modify the transparency by using stickers - dark colours will make the area less visible and light colours will be more visible. This also works with gradient stickers and custom stickers, so the customisation possibilities of trasparency fades etc. are fantastic.

The ability to switch it on and off and the brightness of it makes it perfect for retro-style effects and for designing custom HUDs / player interfaces. At this point it is worth noting that there is not a default customisable HUD - it's all created by you. That said, Christophe at MM showed us the RTS level he's made, which is mind blowing - you can place buildings and spawn units, select them, tell them where to go etc. so the scope for HUDs is fantastic, and Johnee has made some levels out of purely vacuum (giving cool retro visuals), which are mindblowing.

Thin, pink vacuum over thick, translucent purple vacuum. Gives a nice effect.

Physically it is similar to gas (although it can exist as a thin layer) - it is unaffected by gravity and does not collide with anything. However, you can make it so that when it overlaps with other objects, it triggers collision switches. This is great for weapons etc, but is also very useful as you can create a custom shaped magnetic key detection area using this vaccum material. Both visually and in terms of your logic, vacuum is almost certainly going to become one of the most significant things in the new game.

Music Editor / Custom Music Creation
Despite this being rumoured along with the announcement video, we have no information to give you on on the music creation facilities in LBP2 Thought I'd add this in as it's been asked a lot. Sorry guys.

Community Updates
The entire Community system will be given a complete overhaul. Tags are being redone in an effort to ensure they are meaningful. You will be able to search for individual tags this time around as well. The creator may assign tags themselves with far greater weighting than the players. Players can improve their weighting by writing quality reviews (other people vote upon how useful the review is) either in game or on LBP.me. Simply yea / nay style voting, so no one person can skew the average. On LBP.me you can heart a person and then get a twitter-esque feed of the levels they have hearted and reviewed. Through all of these improvements, it now becomes advantageous to heart players with good taste as well, even if they aren't skilled creators themselves.

There will also be an Mm "seal of approval" for levels that get into Mm picks.

MM are hoping to be involved with the moderation and greatly improve the moderation system.

So, there is a lot to take in, and of course this is just an overview of individual features. I'm sure most of you are aware that it's the interplay between the tools that will really open up the possibilities in LittleBigPlanet 2, as it is with LittleBigPlanet now. Based on our 27 hours with an early build of the game, all of us have been blown away by the scope of what will be possible when we get our hands on the game proper. Indeed, what we achieved in this short period of time is clearly a testament to how powerful the new tools are. Not only has the scope been massively increased, but the ease and swiftness with which it takes to create complex things with the editor has improved in kind. Even creators who tend to stick to art and steer away from contraptions were able to quickly create thoroughly enjoyable gameplay mechanics that would be almost impossible to achieve with the current tools.

But it’s not only the new tools that improve create mode. Just about every existing tool has new features and tweaks that make the mind race with the possibilities that are available. At the same time, the new interface also adds a number of subtle new changes that make the creation experience many times smoother than the original LittleBigPlanet.

There is no doubt in my mind: this game is going to be awesome
2010-06-15 23:51:00

Posts: 6497

Awesome... thanks Rich!

World Exclusive, right here!
2010-06-15 23:51:00

Posts: 5338

Get ready for mind blowing!!

Most thanked post in the history of LBPC? I think so!
2010-06-15 23:52:00

Posts: 1494

YES! Thank you, this had absolutely everything I wanted to know.2010-06-15 23:53:00

Posts: 1432

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Great list to see! :]2010-06-15 23:53:00

Posts: 2979

WOW!! That's awesome!2010-06-15 23:53:00

Posts: 1800

Remember everyone, you will be required to memorise the entire post...

There will be a test.
2010-06-16 00:07:00

Posts: 6497

I'm thinking about reading this right now, but the downside to reading it would be nothing at all (as in, there are no downsides), whereas there are huge upsides to reading it right now. Especially that I've wanted to know a lot of this info for a really long time and now here it is.

So I don't know, I guess.. hmmm... Nah, I'll go make a sandwich.

No. No... I'll read it.
2010-06-16 00:08:00

Posts: 1937

But I can just copy and paste it. In fact, I already did.2010-06-16 00:08:00

Posts: 1432

I thanked that post, now I have to read it...
EDIT: tl;dr just kidding, lol
2010-06-16 00:09:00

Posts: 1653

Why is there no emoticon for 'sackgasm'?2010-06-16 00:09:00

Posts: 379

Fantastic summary rtm. Refreshing myself on that list makes me salivate for LBP2. 2010-06-16 00:10:00

Posts: 564

To all of our Game Jam creators... if there is anything that we missed, chime in. We can edit those things in if need be. 2010-06-16 00:11:00

Posts: 5338

To all of our Game Jam creators... if there is anything that we missed, chime in. We can edit those things in if need be.

Ohhh don't worry, I'll chiming in with a few changes from my 'special memory'
2010-06-16 00:13:00

Posts: 1494

Oh my.....that's a lot of information there. I just fainted with a brain overload!2010-06-16 00:14:00

Posts: 1969

Good Lord there are some nice features there!!2010-06-16 00:14:00

Posts: 572

So no word on any Move support?2010-06-16 00:17:00

Posts: 1432

This was my reaction; (Not the eating veggies part!)

2010-06-16 00:19:00

Posts: 2358

So no word on any Move support?

No word, I'm afraid.
2010-06-16 00:22:00

Posts: 6497

So no word on any Move support?

Wasn't at the event, no. But in other threads, it was confirmed that some of the story levels would support move. We don't know much beyond that.

2010-06-16 00:22:00

Posts: 5338

Very good, I just finished reading, and from what I hear about DCS and control mapping, it sounds like you can lock sackpeople permanently into a chair.
2010-06-16 00:25:00

Posts: 4193

Great info. Thanks very much. Even more eager than before to actually get to experience it first hand now.2010-06-16 00:26:00

Posts: 2210

I don't think Magic Rocket was mentioned or entire pieces of material being able to take on the property of Mag Key.2010-06-16 00:27:00

Posts: 564

This is amazing, just the type of information I've been craving since the LBP2 teaser trailer. Thanks for all the great work compiling this and getting it out there for all of us to fondle and caress. And I mean that is a soft and cuddly kind of way. -ahem-2010-06-16 00:27:00

Posts: 297

This makes me feel so insignificant. All you guys got to go because of you skill...2010-06-16 00:27:00

Posts: 332

Thank you!!! I enjoyed reading that!! and congrats on being picked to go there guys!!!2010-06-16 00:27:00

Posts: 746

Wow. My mind has been blown! I thought LBP2 would open up a few more possibilites, but I never imagined anything like this! I might just go and throw LBP1 away right now, it already seems terribly outdated. Really excited about movers and everything in the other tools section.

Thanks everyone for putting all this info together - really appreciated. Who cares about LBP2 being shown at E3 tomorrow, we have all the info we could ever need right here!

Anywho, guess this means I don't need to think of any more sneaky questions...
2010-06-16 00:27:00

Posts: 927

Lots of love!

I have posted a link to this on the video of E3 that I uploaded on Sackinima.
2010-06-16 00:27:00

Posts: 2914

Very good, I just finished reading, and from what I hear about DCS and control mapping, it sounds like you can lock sackpeople permanently into a chair.

I had an awkard moment in create mode where I thought I'd done exactly that. You can escape in create mode, I was just struggling for a bit until a friendly molecule helped me out lol.
2010-06-16 00:29:00

Posts: 6497

This makes me feel so insignificant. All you guys got to go because of you skill...

Well, mostly...it just so happens that Spaff loves that lipstick look that Comphy pulls off so well...
2010-06-16 00:31:00

Posts: 1494

Hehe lot of things that figure it out on suggestion section ^^ still stuff that supriced me2010-06-16 00:31:00

Posts: 3991

Oh yeah. Water and fire projectiles.2010-06-16 00:32:00

Posts: 564

So, what I could do is have each player spawn in their own checkpoint, into a direct control seat, allow them to pick a class of vehicle, create a new checkpoint for each player in those vehicles, so that when they die, they get respawned back into their own class of vehicle? Because if this is possible, you could recreate TF2 with gigantic flying machines.2010-06-16 00:33:00

Posts: 1432

Can you make it so that explosives don't make stickers go everywhere?

EDIT: And I mean the kind of explosives that destroy things.
2010-06-16 00:33:00

Posts: 4193

Sometimes things that are "too good to be true" turn out to be true. I think LBP2 is one such thing! :hero:

Needless to say, mind = blown.
2010-06-16 00:34:00

Posts: 2536

WOAH! You just made me REALLY HAPPY!
I also noticed the global sound object (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=25020-global-sound-object) in the list, coinsidense? Because I can't help but feel they looked at my thread...
2010-06-16 00:35:00

Posts: 1653

Oh, quick question about this end switch - when you say it ends the level instantly, do you mean that all players are instantly transported to the scoreboard? I'll need to watch those E3 levels again but is that what was happenning at the end of those?2010-06-16 00:35:00

Posts: 927

I don't think Magic Rocket was mentioned or entire pieces of material being able to take on the property of Mag Key.

Magic rocket should be under movers, hang on I'll check, and I'm unsure what you mean about being able to take on the properties of a mag key - isn't that just for collision detection, or did I miss something?

Added extra clarification for direct control chairs

Oh, quick question about this end switch - when you say it ends the level instantly, do you mean that all players are instantly transported to the scoreboard? I'll need to watch those E3 levels again but is that what was happenning at the end of those?
Possibly.. or the display timer might be doing it. I didn't play with those features at all, so the subtleties are lost on me
2010-06-16 00:35:00

Posts: 6497

Ooooh, I have plans for this - the LBP universe will never be the same again! ... *manic, devilish gleam in button eyes*

As it turns out, the full extent of my plans include a primitive game of pong.
2010-06-16 00:39:00

Posts: 875

Hold on, is it possible to map an analog stick to a bolt, as in so that the attatched object will point in the direction you flick the analog stick?2010-06-16 00:39:00

Posts: 1432

Also - LOVE the fact you can snap when rotating objects. Every level I make seems to involve circles of some kind with objects around it at precise angles and distances. Life will be so much easier!2010-06-16 00:39:00

Posts: 927

Aren't they Direct Control Seats, not chairs? Not a big deal but people have already started calling them dcs's.

Yeah, and mind = blown.
2010-06-16 00:40:00

Posts: 3251

Hold on, is it possible to map an analog stick to a bolt, as in so that the attatched object will point in the direction you flick the analog stick?

Ummmm, I'm not sure. Probably. If not, you could definitely hack it using a loose bolt, a mover and a magic joystick, but I doubt that would be required.
2010-06-16 00:41:00

Posts: 6497

Thanks very much for this guys! You rock! <3

Wow it's like everything we could ask for! The improvements are huge... I can't wait now!

Ok I have a question, and sorry in advance if it is mentionned in the OP, in a way or another, but maybe I missed it... :blush:

By default, in create mode, does all the objects and shapes still affected by the gravity, like in LBP1?

What I mean is, do we still need to use dark matter to immobilize stuff?
Or is there a kind of static/dynamic option like the PSP version or something else?
2010-06-16 00:43:00

Posts: 1486

Whatever happened to forums sending questions to MM?2010-06-16 00:43:00

Posts: 3251

Thanks very much for this guys! You rock! <3

Wow it's like everything we could ask for! The improvements are huge... I can't wait now!

Ok I have a question, and sorry in advance if it is mentionned in the OP, in a way or another, but maybe I missed it... :blush:

By default, in create mode, does all the objects and shapes still affected by the gravity, like in LBP1?

What I mean is, do we still need to use dark matter to immobilize stuff?
Or is there a kind of static/dynamic option like the PSP version or something else?
I think there is still dark matter, because LBP1 levels will be seen in LBP2, and I don't think it would work right with some levels with DM and some not.

Sorry for answering something that wasn't for me.
2010-06-16 00:45:00

Posts: 4193

Whatever happened to forums sending questions to MM?

Dig out the list of questions, we'll see if any of them are still worthwhile

There is still DM, and I don't actually think there is a static tweak on materials.
2010-06-16 00:47:00

Posts: 6497

Even if they would have a static tweak, they shouldn't ditch dark matter, logic just doesn't look right on the PSP... I like dark matter 2010-06-16 00:49:00

Posts: 1653

Hmm, I have an idea. You control a sackbot with a cannon on its head, and an inventory on its back. The cannon shoots out a simple grabber-thingy. When the grabber touches an object, it will add that object to the inventory. When the inventory is full (this is shown on the HUD), you have the option to either heal another sackbot who took damage, or fire the object back at enemies. Would this even be possible? Because I have a very awesome idea that it could be used for.

Also, I think it would make sense to have both DM and static/dynamic options, so that it wouldn't break original levels, and it would make it easier for LBP2 users.
2010-06-16 00:50:00

Posts: 1432

Just thought of something none of you have mentioned at all!

Did you get to see anything to do with linking levels together?

EDIT: Basically what Teebonesy has asked below, but in much more detail than I did.
2010-06-16 00:53:00

Posts: 927

Amazing. I can totally understand now what you guys went through when you sat in that room getting the tour from the Molecules and being tasked with creating something. Where do you BEGIN? There's so much to see and do and tinker with.

I'm still intensely curious as to how a cross-level series would work like an rpg, in terms of carrying over info between and among levels. If you're going to do a proper rpg, spanning many canvases, and have an XP/level-up system, you're going to need some way to carry over your data between levels. Right now you'd have to do something like create a separate sticker for each level, and emit it for the player just before the scoreboard so they can sticker it first-thing on a switch at the beginning of every single level in the "RPG". Not ideal to be sure... Any ideas or info on this?
2010-06-16 00:55:00

Posts: 1937

Mm doesn't point out that you can build FPS's, layer glitch or not. With movers and all that neat stuff, I'd imagine that it would be a lot easier.2010-06-16 00:58:00

Posts: 4193

That's a great question Teebonesy and not one easily answered. As far as I know I don't think you'll be able to transfer data between levels. Could be in the works but we didn't see anything like that. I wouldn't put it past the community to come up with a clever solution to it though.2010-06-16 01:00:00

Posts: 564

Can you use more than one powerup at a time? Such as using a jetpack and an emitting helmet thing? Would make for some awesome gameplay! I think I know the answer is no, but it is worth asking I guess... right?

I am totally overwhelmed by all this stuff. Too much is going on in my life at the moment! First I get a message from machinima saying they want to hire me (Us... Sackinima. ) and now all this excitingly beastly stuff!
2010-06-16 01:01:00

Posts: 2914

Mm doesn't point out that you can build FPS's, layer glitch or not. With movers and all that neat stuff, I'd imagine that it would be a lot easier.

You're stuck in the three layers though... your enemies are going to be like looking at three cylinders of material, so it's not really going to be all that good to create a TRUE fps, rather than something that has a gun and a first person perspective.
2010-06-16 01:02:00

Posts: 6497

Ummmm, I'm not sure. Probably. If not, you could definitely hack it using a loose bolt, a mover and a magic joystick, but I doubt that would be required.

Analog Stick > Bolt. Done.
2010-06-16 01:04:00

Posts: 5338

Thanks a lot guys! Loving that they built for loops and Math.random() into the logic. :arg:

The camera can be rotated in the plane of the screen, so the view can be turned on its side or even completely upside down. This can also be controlled by having the camera on a rotating object (i.e. a vehicle or similar).

The first thing I tried in the original LBP beta was attaching a camera to a rotating wheel to see if I could make an upside down level.

Would anyone who attended be able to tell me if you can use direct control seats to somehow control a user's Sackperson? I'm presuming you could just create a Sackbot with the standard Sackperson measurements/look and use it from the start of the level, but it would be nice to be able to control each person's unique character.
2010-06-16 01:05:00

Posts: 2575

Mm doesn't point out that you can build FPS's, layer glitch or not. With movers and all that neat stuff, I'd imagine that it would be a lot easier.

Actually, FPS is probably one of the things you can't do, according to MM about five minutes into this video (http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2010/06/14/littlebigplanet-2-video-interview/).
2010-06-16 01:06:00

Posts: 2870

What about backgrounds? Didn't the E3 video have a moving background that looked a little like a spinning retro Saturn, or was that user-created? How refurbished will the old backgrounds be?2010-06-16 01:08:00

Posts: 3251

Analog Stick > Bolt. Done.

Nope, that would make it turn left or right, not point in the direction of the analogue stick. You need the magic joystick either way I think.
2010-06-16 01:08:00

Posts: 6497

Oh, good call... it's possible, but I'd need to tinker.2010-06-16 01:10:00

Posts: 5338

Oh, good call... it's possible, but I'd need to tinker.

Must be time to pull out that copy of LBP2 you secretly stole from the office.
2010-06-16 01:14:00

Posts: 2870

Just wondering... Not sure if this was in the post or not, but if it is then I'm sorry for asking buuuut....

Do you know how they created that race from overhead view type thing? Would that be a complicated thing to make?
2010-06-16 01:15:00

Posts: 1113

You had me at
Objects can be hidden, to edit things behind them.
2010-06-16 01:17:00

Posts: 1878

I think I just died...2010-06-16 01:17:00

Posts: 3149

Do you know how they created that race from overhead view type thing? Would that be a complicated thing to make?

Yes and no. The race itself is the easy part... creating AI to race against is the hard part.
2010-06-16 01:19:00

Posts: 5338

Yes and no. The race itself is the easy part... creating AI to race against is the hard part.
How is it that the sackpeople are viewed from above? Is this a special control seat that appears vertically?
2010-06-16 01:21:00

Posts: 4193

Did any of you get a chance to bring in an LBP level to LBP2?

Also: Creatinator + Wall = A big tease. Sackboy tries to go this way, a wall appears. Sackboy turns around, the wall from before disappears, and a new one appears in front of him.
2010-06-16 01:21:00

Posts: 2358

How is it that the sackpeople are viewed from above? Is this a special control seat that appears vertically?

It's a tweak on the control seat. You can choose to have the sack boy mount it upright or viewed from the side. Hence side view will look like its from above on a top down perspective.
2010-06-16 01:23:00

Posts: 564


...and after reading the Expo story, I didn't think the day could get better With these changes, I can easily see why this is a platform for games.
2010-06-16 01:24:00

Posts: 3322

Direct Control Seats can also be oriented and slapped on the sides of stuff. It's very versatile.2010-06-16 01:24:00

Posts: 5338

Day one purchase pl0x.

It sounds like the level browsing will actually be good?! That's impossible. I won't believe it.

They'd better not block LBP.ME at my school... Or else I'll cheat my way in... (Some computers allow you to get through with Google Translator...)

I'll totally be making an 8-Bit platformer...
2010-06-16 01:26:00

Posts: 1106

This is a lot to take in - it is a bit intimidating isn't it?
How would I be able to get my levels to stand out then?
Bit worried (That crazy?)

2010-06-16 01:28:00

Posts: 1113

Surprise surprise - I have a question!

Can you change the colour of the light material (and regular lights) using switches (e.g. from red to green) or are we limited to one colour per light as in LBP1?
2010-06-16 01:29:00

Posts: 927

Thant wound be really cool I hope they put it in the game
Surprise surprise - I have a question!

Can you change the colour of the light material (and regular lights) using switches (e.g. from red to green) or are we limited to one colour per light as in LBP1?
2010-06-16 01:33:00

Posts: 1843

I should have wrote that, look at all those thanks! 2010-06-16 01:33:00

Posts: 1653

I just had to after reading that one bit about Mm's Seal of Approval.

Anyway, this is all highly interesting! I'm so glad you took the time, rtm, to sit down and type all this up. This info is fantastic and I can't wait to get my hands on just this stuff. There are too many things to mention that I'm excited about, but the one thing that got me was the "Vacuum" material. Wow, this stuff sounds amazing. I can't wait to get my hands on this stuff and start making HUDs and the like for all my levels (Well most of them at least)! The emitters just sound awesome too. My prayers have finally been answered with the ability to demit the object without a sound! And even better: You can expand/shrink them too (something I've wanted to do for a long time now). Lights get me hyped too, as I love lighting in the first game. I can't wait to see LBP1 story (and some community) levels in the new LBP2 visuals.

One thing I didn't see: Level linking info. :o Where oh where might this be? I just assume you guys didn't get the opportunity to work with the new tool. ;D Can't wait to see the intense speculation and other ideas that will sprout from this info. Thanks.
2010-06-16 01:36:00

Posts: 392

Oh, oh, question heres, presumably about the control seat, but maybe a bit of gravity and... well, you guys will have to figure it out.

How tweakable are platforming controls do you reckon? Sackboys by default control like floppy potato sacks filled with... lead clouds? They're floaty and way too heavy all at the same time. So if you wanted to create, say, a Mario clone, the only way to do it would be to get really quick, tight, responsive platforming controls. I'm presuming with a sackbot and direct-control seat.

Did anyone try anything like this? If so, how did it work? Is it possible to fairly simply clone the controls from say, the original Super Mario bros?

Speaking of sackbots, the write-up mentioned their AI and recordable animation routines, but not much about directly controlling them (unless it's been updated since I first read it). Any details on what can be accomplished with a DC seat on a sackbot?
2010-06-16 02:07:00

Posts: 1937


I really don't know about all of that. Not many of us played with sackbots, as the other tools were more intriguing. That said, I'd imagine that you aren't going to be able to change a lot of physics of the game with sackboys/sackbots.

An alternative would be to make your own little avatar and control it using the new tools... it might allow you more freedom, at the price of being harder to make.
2010-06-16 02:12:00

Posts: 5338

I don't think many of us spent much time with the sackbots TBH, I went there with the full intention of spending half my time with the sackbots... but I got distracted

stuff about thinking well inside the box

You can DC seat a sackbot, so I'd imagine you can do a fair amount of stuff to modify his physics with some trickery - for example attaching a material changer to your sackbot and setting the friction up high sounds like a good way to reduce skid on landings. Gravity switches and movers seem like they'd be a good way to increase the amplitude of forces and make the sackbot less floaty.

Or it cold be there are much easier, built in tweaks. I'm sure it could be done, at least to some extent, but not sure I'm afraid.
2010-06-16 02:14:00

Posts: 6497

I don't think Magic Rocket was mentioned or entire pieces of material being able to take on the property of Mag Key.

Magic Rocket?
2010-06-16 02:15:00

Posts: 73

Awesome! I am soo preordering!2010-06-16 02:22:00

Posts: 1030

I hope the beta comes out soon, even though i just beat the collector on lbp1... got it 1.5 weeks ago lawl2010-06-16 02:29:00

Posts: 155

Magic Rocket?


^^ Thems. It's another mover that mimics a rocket / jet / whatever it is called, without having to have a physical presence I think. It is mentioned in the OP, in the movers section though. It's hard to keep track - I actually had to write most of this twice, as my computer crashed and I hadn't saved the draft yet
2010-06-16 02:29:00

Posts: 6497


^^ Thems. It's another mover that mimics a rocket / jet / whatever it is called, without having to have a physical presence I think. It is mentioned in the OP, in the movers section though. It's hard to keep track - I actually had to write most of this twice, as my computer crashed and I hadn't saved the draft yet

What does it do?
2010-06-16 02:32:00

Posts: 1030

What does it do?

mimics a rocket / jet / whatever it is called
2010-06-16 02:34:00

Posts: 6497

Real quick...is it possible to have moving parts inside of microchips? It seems as though you're not. But I'm assuming with all these new logic pieces, it would be less necessary for moving parts to create logic.2010-06-16 02:35:00

Posts: 392

So yeah, question: Do you know if there will still be more powerups, or is that it?
2010-06-16 02:38:00

Posts: 10882

Real quick...is it possible to have moving parts inside of microchips? No, don't think so.

But I'm assuming with all these new logic pieces, it would be less necessary for moving parts to create logic. It's going to be very rare to need moving part logic. Johnee and Christophe are pretty solid they can do anything with the electronics that can be done with our LBP1 traditional logic. I have a challenge I'm going to send them, but I wouldn't like to place bets on which way it'll go - I've not played with it enough to no where the boundaries lie

@rock: we don't know for sure. We didn't see any.
2010-06-16 02:39:00

Posts: 6497

Oh man, the fact that you guys got to get hands on with the game so early, and got to go C the molecules themselves... it really inspires me to start fine tuning my skills.. It's time for me to spend weeks in my basement creating levels!! hahaha. Thanks for this so much guys, I am really excited about this new news.
The first two things I plan to make are Pong and Pac-man!
Did you guys C how the RTS worked out? Could you give details on that?
2010-06-16 02:46:00

Posts: 695

I'm with Ontom on this. It really has sparked a huge amount of inspiration to the point where I'm drawing out ideas on paper for the first time ever (since before I had the game, and they had to be scrapped because of the lack of necessary tool...and look, we got the tools now. xD)2010-06-16 02:48:00

Posts: 392

Did you guys C how the RTS worked out? Could you give details on that?

It's all movers and vacuum material. Beyond that, lots of work and ingenuity
2010-06-16 02:52:00

Posts: 6497

Media Molecule i now hate you for being so extraordinarlly awesome!

If it wasn't for the price i'd buy this game 20X
2010-06-16 02:54:00

Posts: 6707

Is it possible to do a 3rd person shooter in this, there was some speculation as to whether the camera would be able to handle that?2010-06-16 03:05:00

Posts: 695

I have another question for you guys. Can you create rounded objects such as a rectangle with rounded edges? By rounded I mean 3 dimensional roundness like the golfballs.2010-06-16 03:09:00

Posts: 2575

I have another question for you guys. Can you create rounded objects such as a rectangle with rounded edges? By rounded I mean 3 dimensional roundness like the golfballs.

I don't believe so, but there may be a material hidden away in there...
2010-06-16 03:14:00

Posts: 5338

Excellent information right here. Loving it. Although, i wish you guys got more time so you could play around with the level linking tool. I would be interested to know if it would be possible to create a mario-party type of game with a lot of small mini-games . That would be awesome !!!!!!<3<3<3

Edit: OMG how awesome would it be to play an rts online with other people in online play?! But, then both people would have to know how to play. . .
2010-06-16 03:14:00

Posts: 180

Then make a tutorial level and link it to the main level.2010-06-16 03:22:00

Posts: 1432

Oh yeah. Water and fire projectiles.

Could one of the pilgrims please expand on this? Sounds intriguing enough to warrant a verb or two. I understand the whole thing about the PS3 hardware not being able to support real time volumetric physics simulation and so on, but could these be used to closer approximate water falls and the like?

Also speaking of water, did anybody play with the our LBP1 water in LBP2? Any noteworthy new interactions there, maybe with regards to gravity, movers, vacuum, power ups, DCS submarines etc, or even just in terms of pretty effects?

(Thanks to RTM and all the contributors for this great information!)
2010-06-16 03:25:00

Posts: 324

Another thing I was wondering; what level did each of you create? I wanna know who made what from that trailer-ish thing.2010-06-16 03:32:00

Posts: 2358

The new tools sound soooooooooooooooooooooo good 2010-06-16 03:37:00

Posts: 234

oh criminy
im gonna die of ideas before i even get close to playing this
2010-06-16 03:39:00

Posts: 730

Another thing I was wondering; what level did each of you create? I wanna know who made what from that trailer-ish thing.

Hah, well I can tell you for a fact the UFO hunting cows was 100% Grant. actually I had a strong suspicion of that the second I saw the footage...
2010-06-16 04:16:00

Posts: 1937

I think I shouldn't read this because I dont want to spoile myself lol

Also I have a question can the sackboy do flits and jumps like in LBP PSP
2010-06-16 04:28:00

Posts: 1843

Could one of the pilgrims please expand on this? Sounds intriguing enough to warrant a verb or two. I understand the whole thing about the PS3 hardware not being able to support real time volumetric physics simulation and so on, but could these be used to closer approximate water falls and the like?

Also speaking of water, did anybody play with the our LBP1 water in LBP2? Any noteworthy new interactions there, maybe with regards to gravity, movers, vacuum, power ups, DCS submarines etc, or even just in terms of pretty effects?

(Thanks to RTM and all the contributors for this great information!)

Think plasma ball but with water or fire. Emit them as a hazard.
2010-06-16 04:29:00

Posts: 564

Think plasma ball but with water or fire. Emit them as a hazard.

Thanks...are the water ones like paint balls then, giving you a non-lethal shove? Do they dissolve on first contact with anything? Do they float?
2010-06-16 04:44:00

Posts: 324

Really didn't get to play with them so I can't really expand much on it. I know someone was messing around with em, so maybe they'll tell you a bit more.2010-06-16 04:50:00

Posts: 564

OMG I just read the first post and fell off my chair right there.

MIND BLOWN. With as little as details we have right now, I am already voting this THE GAME OF THE FOREVER.

OMG. I am simply speechless.

I got one question thought. In the video the Sony press conference, in a menu somewhere it was clearly written "music composition" as a feature...

So did you guys saw the music composition tool or feature?

2010-06-16 04:56:00

Posts: 3901

OMG I just read the first post and fell off my chair right there.

MIND BLOWN. With as little as details we have right now, I am already voting this THE GAME OF THE FOREVER.

OMG. I am simply speechless.

I got one question thought. In the video the Sony press conference, in a menu somewhere it was clearly written "music composition" as a feature...

So did you guys saw the music composition tool or feature?

I think that's the most I've ever seen you excited. LBP2 really is insane! So much stuff!! It's hard to withstand!!!

I wonder what there is tomorrow?
2010-06-16 05:04:00

Posts: 4193

no word, i'm afraid.

2010-06-16 05:05:00

Posts: 192

I think that's the most I've ever seen you excited. LBP2 really is insane! So much stuff!! It's hard to withstand!!!

I wonder what there is tomorrow?

I'm gigling like a 14 years old kid.
( I am 31 here lol)
2010-06-16 05:07:00

Posts: 3901

Ranger I know you would have gone nuts. Remember when your PSN comment said LBP GOTF, you were right. This one will just keep going and going and going.2010-06-16 05:09:00

Posts: 564

Question to the people who went, I saw the RTS that was made, how was it made so you can select the movers and move them about?2010-06-16 05:13:00

Posts: 695

Too... Much... Excitement... *dies*2010-06-16 05:24:00

Posts: 1054

really amazingly detailed insight...thanks so much2010-06-16 05:25:00

Posts: 1308

Looks like some fun stuff. Even some details on the interface. The level palette option will definitely help with setting up levels. Still keeping my fingers crossed for some better asset management features.2010-06-16 05:33:00

Posts: 672

so yeah like i'm gonna pre-order this now

they fixed everythinggg
2010-06-16 05:38:00

Posts: 1361

Question to the people who went, I saw the RTS that was made, how was it made so you can select the movers and move them about?

We didn't actually get to see that level in create mode. The logic is probably pretty complicated for the level as a whole. With out thinking too hard, the cursor probably has a lot of hidden functions. You hover over a vehicle with the cursor. The cursor has a mag key on it that is mapped to the x button. You hit x it turns on the mag key, that key activates a mag switch on that vehicles circuit board. That logic is now "On". A mover on the circuit board is set to follow a separate colored mag key, you click somewhere else and the cursor either emits that color of mag key and the vehicle moves to it...or (maybe)the front layer of the entire level is vacuum material with keys set on a grid or who knows how Christophe did it, but he's a genius none the less.
2010-06-16 05:43:00

Posts: 564

Is the RTS level part of the story? If so, very interesting...2010-06-16 05:56:00

Posts: 1361

Okay so here's a question!

You've had your hands on the game enough to at least get a wee bit of an idea of what create mode has in store and had a couple of weeks to mull it over.

So now I'd like to hear some ambitious ideas - what do you guys think is possible that perhaps we haven't seen yet? Any outside-the-box concepts for gameplay or levels that you're dying to try out?
2010-06-16 06:04:00

Posts: 1937

How does the top down system work? What is this vacuum material, although I should check in the OP.2010-06-16 06:04:00

Posts: 695

they fixed everythinggg

Until the community gets a hold of it and breaks it all over again

Anyways, looks like I'm going to have to start saving up. This game is going to get expensive. :eek:
2010-06-16 06:05:00

Posts: 672

Now for the big questions...

Does the camera tool actually work now?
2010-06-16 06:18:00

Posts: 4193

good that they made more easy abd better for using logik2010-06-16 06:40:00

Unknown User

Is...that...all?2010-06-16 06:45:00

Posts: 5112

This thread was one super awesomely improved feature away from making me scream like the little girl I once was.2010-06-16 06:56:00

Posts: 724

Thats awesome and exciting2010-06-16 06:59:00

Posts: 637

Randomiser? FINALLY! No more false Randomizers and sad attempts at harvesting the random movement of sackpeople!2010-06-16 07:10:00

Posts: 73

Surprise surprise - I have a question!

Can you change the colour of the light material (and regular lights) using switches (e.g. from red to green) or are we limited to one colour per light as in LBP1?

Lights have an off state and an on state now. You can alter both the colour, and brightness, fogginess etc of each state independently and switch between them. So the answers yes, I messed around with it for a little while
2010-06-16 07:26:00

Posts: 1754

sounds like they included everything we asked for, like magic mouth output switches. 2010-06-16 07:28:00

Posts: 1562

Imma go ahead and say it... LOVE YOU!!2010-06-16 07:35:00

Posts: 121

Wexfordian, StevenI, jump_button, jackofcourse, Poms, Julesyjules, Steve_big_guns, Anpostteller, rtm223, Jaeyden, FULLGORR, comphermc, JulesyJules, GruntosUK.

2010-06-16 07:38:00

Posts: 3193

This is simply amazing... *giggles maniacally*2010-06-16 07:44:00

Posts: 218

Me.... wanty...2010-06-16 08:13:00

Posts: 490

So can you please confirm to us whether or not a Sackperson by himself/herself or by means of a Sackbot can walk on the "top-down" perspective without having to be in a machine?2010-06-16 08:14:00

Posts: 234

So, what would be the beat way to recreate gliding?
Low gravity?
Vehicle with timed flying capabilities?
Sackbot with timed flying capabilities?
Jump pads?

Keeping in mind that the creatinator will be worn most of the time in my project. I'll probably go with the jump pads.
Any other possibilities?
2010-06-16 08:17:00

Posts: 1518


OMG how did comphy miss that. You're in like... every picture.
2010-06-16 08:22:00

Posts: 564

I immensely thank rtm -who I assume wrote this giantic post- for giving such a detailed insight on everything he could remember. You really made my day, and I'm guessing that you also made everyone's day too (:

Disclaimer: I know its a bit stupid of me to be actually bothered by this, but I get the feeling that even if they have completeley revamped the way in which we can find lvls now, they just didnt -from what I read- put much thought into correcting the cool pages. I was really hoping to read "restarts stop counting as plays"
Well, that if cool pages still exist! Do they?
2010-06-16 08:26:00

Posts: 628

So can you please confirm to us whether or not a Sackperson by himself/herself or by means of a Sackbot can walk on the "top-down" perspective without having to be in a machine?

Top down perspective is a "trick". You're still looking at the screen angle you would if playing a side scroll. It's just made to look like its top down. So no, you wouldn't the top of sackboys head if he was walking, you'd see sackboy.

And yes, cool pages will be a thing of the past. There are much much better things in store for good levels.
2010-06-16 08:37:00

Posts: 564

Sweet mother of god...2010-06-16 08:55:00

The Gentleman
Posts: 360

wow jeeezzz thx man for the list 2010-06-16 09:02:00

Posts: 668

Top down perspective is a "trick". You're still looking at the screen angle you would if playing a side scroll. It's just made to look like its top down. So no, you wouldn't the top of sackboys head if he was walking, you'd see sackboy.
What if you were in a sackbot DCS and made all the controls the same and everything?
2010-06-16 09:39:00

Posts: 2914

Perfect, thank you 2010-06-16 09:41:00

Posts: 32

LBP2 is going to be so awesome. =D2010-06-16 09:44:00

Posts: 121

I know its a bit stupid of me to be actually bothered by this, but I get the feeling that even if they have completeley revamped the way in which we can find lvls now, they just didnt -from what I read- put much thought into correcting the cool pages. I was really hoping to read "restarts stop counting as plays"
Well, that if cool pages still exist! Do they?

There is much less of a focus on cool pages and more about following community members that are known for fairly reviewing levels to find their hearted lists. So lets take for example the spotlight crew here will naturally through reviewing decent levels and people agreeing with that review have a very strong influence over the community pages. So when people like Morgana an Co. or StevenI (or anyone who builds themselves up to be a respected reviewer) will influence what rises up the ranks far more than someone who is playing the game for the first time or someone who writes reviews that nobody agrees with. This way, the better levels get that little more of a push towards the top they so desperately need. Also I think they are going to do away with the star system and just have "yay" or "nay" which means one person voting 1 stars doesn't bring the average down to 3 star if the 4 people before think its a 5 star.
2010-06-16 09:51:00

Posts: 1904

Woah now I know everything, thanks rtm for putting this huge massive post with information together

2010-06-16 09:51:00

Posts: 3871


OMG, dude... comphermc added in that bit I think, I just left it as -list of creators - then he swooped in an screwwed it up. You helped loads with the features list. Adding you right now!

@jjmusicman: Nah, not that we saw.
2010-06-16 10:16:00

Posts: 6497

So can you please confirm to us whether or not a Sackperson by himself/herself or by means of a Sackbot can walk on the "top-down" perspective without having to be in a machine?

You're never going to believe that you can't do this until you see it for yourself are you?

Trust me jjmusicman, just like I said weeks ago, the top down view is all an illusion...I wouldn't lie to you...I PROMISE
2010-06-16 10:21:00

Posts: 1494

You're never going to believe that you can't do this until you see it for yourself are you?

Trust me jjmusicman, just like I said weeks ago, the top down view is all an illusion...I wouldn't lie to you...I PROMISE

What if you were in a sackbot DCS? It seems likely to me.
2010-06-16 10:27:00

Posts: 2914

You'd be sitting down in a chair... You can configure the chairs to give top-down vehicles that you sit on.... or you could probably scoot around on your bum using an invisible vehicle, but that's not exactly the same.

In fairness, even if it were possible, the jump mechanics would be screwwed up anyways, so it would still be very limited
2010-06-16 10:32:00

Posts: 6497

Well this said has certainly grown since I went to sleep (sleeping is actually quite nice, judging from wex's sig some of you should try it sometime ). Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about my idea for a level I'll make, and I've got another question!

Can you use a points switch can you make some sort of multiplier? So, ahem... say you had some bounce pads with a collision switch connected to a points switch, so that you get 100 points every time you touch it and bounce (I assume that's right?). Would you be able to, say, after five quick bounces add a multiplier to your score, similar to how point bubbles currently work?
2010-06-16 11:09:00

Posts: 927

yep, did you see that demo vid with the x's and o's? Johnee made that and it has a multiplier for the more you get right in a row. Not completely sure how he done it but it is possible.2010-06-16 11:11:00

Posts: 1904

Thanks! I really should watch that E3 vid again...2010-06-16 11:21:00

Posts: 927

Wow, that is a lot to digest (almost too much lol). I can't wait to get my hands on this game 2010-06-16 11:21:00

Posts: 1536

I got one question about the creatinator, Can you control when it's supposed to emit like if I press "R1" it emits?2010-06-16 11:23:00

Posts: 3871

Oh, and another question - can you destroy any object by exploding/dissoolving/disappearing/shrinking, or can that only be done with emitters?2010-06-16 11:32:00

Posts: 927

Hmm, so you can attach an object to an emitter so that it can be changed during emitting... can you do the same for the emitter gun thingy?2010-06-16 11:34:00

Posts: 1653

Oh, and another question - can you destroy any object by exploding/dissoolving/disappearing/shrinking, or can that only be done with emitters?

With the destroy switch, all of that.
2010-06-16 11:47:00

Posts: 5338

I got one question about the creatinator, Can you control when it's supposed to emit like if I press "R1" it emits?

Yep, you use R1 to shoot it.

Oh, and another question - can you destroy any object by exploding/dissoolving/disappearing/shrinking, or can that only be done with emitters?

yep you can destroy anything as you say by a simple switch.

Hmm, so you can attach an object to an emitter so that it can be changed during emitting... can you do the same for the emitter gun thingy?

you can emit that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters.....
2010-06-16 12:00:00

Posts: 1904

That list was AMAZING! I think you can do away with the suggestions section now!

There's nothing left to suggest!
2010-06-16 12:05:00

Posts: 841

With the destroy switch, all of that.

Destroy switch?? Maybe I just didn't look hard enhough, but I didn't see that mentioned in the first post. I'll check again.
2010-06-16 12:06:00

Posts: 927

you can emit that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters.....

2010-06-16 12:07:00

Posts: 1653

you can emit that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters that emits emitters.....

More to the point, you can do that, then tweak the object at the end of the list, and the whole thing will update for you, without recapturing and re-tweaking all of your emitters in the chain.
2010-06-16 12:09:00

Posts: 6497

OMG, dude... comphermc added in that bit I think, I just left it as <list of creators> then he swooped in an screwwed it up.

Ah, the old "if in doubt, blame Comph" routine. Works every time.

You helped loads with the features list. Adding you right now!

I asked lots of annoying questions. Does that count?
2010-06-16 12:18:00

Posts: 2870

Just checked the first post and can't see any mention of these destroy switches you speak of, so you might want to add that in!2010-06-16 12:20:00

Posts: 927

Did you put anything about voice overs, because I don't remember reading that... It is kind of important for me and Leather. 2010-06-16 12:21:00

Posts: 2914

Did you put anything about voice overs, because I don't remember reading that... It is kind of important for me and Leather.

That wasn't working with the build we had but it "should" be a matter of hooking up a pseye or mic and hitting record in the magic mouth options.
2010-06-16 12:23:00

Posts: 1904

I actually completely forgot about voice overs when writing up It will be working though, in some of the MM levels they've got one of their programmers doing all the voice acting as place holders until they can get some pros in - it's pretty funny stuff 2010-06-16 12:26:00

Posts: 6497

As long as I can use my sexy mic and it is easy to do then I shall be content. 2010-06-16 12:31:00

Posts: 2914

Exactly the stuff about I wanted to know about!

Thank you very much for this, I'm really happy to hear about it. It's really nice to see that this time not only good creators will get recognized, but also reviewers (aka spotlighters)!
I really couldnt be more satisfied with all this; now I just pray for Mm to keep an eye on this system and add minor tweaks whenever its necessary to prevent it from being eventually so abused as the system in LBP1 is!
2010-06-16 12:51:00

Posts: 628

Very interesting information,
2010-06-16 13:00:00

Posts: 2136

No words for how awesome tis is...

I'd like to know what awesome things you guys created during the GameJam, to get some idea of what's possible
2010-06-16 13:02:00

Posts: 57

Thank you for this, amazing details. I think this has EVERYTHING I ever wanted in LBP1 so I'm freaking out. I started reading with a smile and buy the end my jaw was on the floor. Too much to handle is right. I cannot wait to get my hands on this!2010-06-16 13:20:00

Posts: 1370

Sweet, so the lazor was in fact plasma?2010-06-16 13:21:00

Posts: 5078

Oh, there is one thing that I haven't seen mentioned yet and that still remains a mystery.
2010-06-16 13:26:00

Posts: 628

Here's hoping they put a Static/Dynamic option in the Material Tweaker. Having just moved from PSP to PS3 I gotta say I really miss that. Dark matter sucks!2010-06-16 13:29:00

Posts: 309

Here's hoping they put a Static/Dynamic option in the Material Tweaker. Having just moved from PSP to PS3 I gotta say I really miss that. Dark matter sucks!

There wasn't afaik, but you could use a antigravity switch for that. Not sure if that would be more efficient than using dark matter though.

Still exists but the interface is much better.
2010-06-16 13:32:00

Posts: 3193

Rtm must have got a new green bar after posting that. I wouldn't mind posting the next offial news about LBP2 .2010-06-16 13:32:00

Posts: 396

Here's hoping they put a Static/Dynamic option in the Material Tweaker. Having just moved from PSP to PS3 I gotta say I really miss that. Dark matter sucks!

I don't use dark matter anymore. I tend to use the anti gravity tweaker when creating in LBP2 now. I turn the anti gravity and the dampening upto 100%, place it onto the material, and then it acts just like dark matter It's easier because once you have one switch on one of the materials, you can then just go and copy that and stick it onto any other. A lot quicker than having to get a piece of dark matter and then glue it down every time.
2010-06-16 13:35:00

Posts: 1494

WOW!! amazing!!
i was just some time ago wondering that there should be something like daily deviations in DA or editors pick in Sketchstar!!
2010-06-16 13:35:00

Posts: 143

I don't use dark matter anymore. I tend to use the anti gravity tweaker when creating in LBP2 now. I turn the anti gravity and the dampening upto 100%, place it onto the material, and then it acts just like dark matter It's easier because once you have one switch on one of the materials, you can then just go and copy that and stick it onto any other. A lot quicker than having to get a piece of dark matter and then glue it down every time.

I'm warning you!!!

I'll give you a kernel infraction!
2010-06-16 13:40:00

Posts: 5078

I don't use dark matter anymore. I tend to use the anti gravity tweaker when creating in LBP2 now. I turn the anti gravity and the dampening upto 100%, place it onto the material, and then it acts just like dark matter It's easier because once you have one switch on one of the materials, you can then just go and copy that and stick it onto any other. A lot quicker than having to get a piece of dark matter and then glue it down every time.

Hmmm, it's liable that won't actually work out well in the final game, seeing as the object would technically still be moveable, right? Kinda like now where using a stiff rod to hold up a object in LBP1. Obviously this is massively speculative - I've done no thermo testing and the thermo code isn't complete, but I'd probably be wary of that as a standard development technique. Although it will be very useful for mocking up scenes / tweaking them, until you are ready to glue down...
2010-06-16 13:40:00

Posts: 6497

Having the dampening at 100% basically makes it an immovable object It works very well, I promises.2010-06-16 13:44:00

Posts: 1494

Having the dampening at 100% basically makes them an immovable object

Indeed, that was the reason my walker didn't move. ^.^
2010-06-16 13:45:00

Posts: 3193

This is very epic thank you alot for posting all this2010-06-16 13:46:00

Posts: 135

Having the dampening at 100% basically makes it an immovable object It works very well, I promises.

Yeah, so does using a stiff piston.... Plus wouldn't you need lots of gravity switches? I'm not saying it doesn't work, just that you're shooting yourself in the foot in terms of thermo. Possibly.
2010-06-16 13:47:00

Posts: 6497

Thanks team - just another reason why this is the only LBP site I go to!2010-06-16 13:47:00

Posts: 1230

Yeah, so does using a stiff piston.... Plus wouldn't you need lots of gravity switches? I'm not saying it doesn't work, just that you're shooting yourself in the foot in terms of thermo. Possibly.

Yeah definitely. I'm not saying put an anti gravity tweaker on absolutely every bit of material, but if you put it on the larger ones, then glue the smaller bits to that, it still works out a lot quicker and easier than using dark matter. If you did start running out of thermo due to using too many of one switch you can always revert to using dark matter easily enough. (Although the thermo is supposed to be much improved in terms of balancing out your thermo allowance!)

Anyway, I can definitely promise it is a good technique on the whole. It is quite popular in these parts
2010-06-16 13:51:00

Posts: 1494

It's more the "moving objects" are around twice as thermo consuming as the static objects ATM. It's reasonable to assume that with the new thermo system that moving objects will still cost more and in many ways it's more significant with the new thermo system - you no longer have "throwaway" thermo like you often do now, if it's coming out of one or two pools.

I'm not just being anal about 1 or 2 switches here or there this time jack

It's certainly one to go on the thermo testing list when the game comes out though, to see how much (if any) difference it makes

And of course, as I say, this is all highly speculative and entirely based upon the assumption that 0 gravity / 100% dampening are still counted as moving objects, they might not be, in which case this method would almost certainly be optimal
2010-06-16 13:59:00

Posts: 6497

You may be right, I guess it depends on what you're building as to whether it matters really. If you are attempting to squeeze every ounce out of the thermo then it definitely may not be the best move, however for the majority of uses (including a good selection of the story mode levels) it's a good time saver and works effectively 2010-06-16 14:09:00

Posts: 1494

*doing a little celebration dance for LBP2*

Looks awesome!
2010-06-16 15:03:00

Posts: 1627

*Raises hand*

Did you guys see or hear anything about recording your own sounds?
2010-06-16 15:23:00

Posts: 2575

Did you guys see or hear anything about recording your own sounds?

You can do that.

Edit: Well, they said you could, don't think anyone of us actually tried it.
2010-06-16 15:26:00

Posts: 3193

What do you mean by plasma hazard?2010-06-16 15:27:00

Posts: 186

*Raises hand*

Did you guys see or hear anything about recording your own sounds?

It wasn't working on the version we had but it will be the release.

What do you mean by plasma hazard?

you can plasmafy an object just like you can electrify one. same deal just different effect
2010-06-16 15:29:00

Posts: 1904

So can sackbots be destroyed by hazards?2010-06-16 15:36:00

Posts: 186

So can sackbots be destroyed by hazards?

not 100% on this but I'm pretty sure they can. If not, you could always hook up a destroy switch to them that are triggered by the hazard. You can set them to be afraid of hazards so they actively avoid them also.
2010-06-16 15:41:00

Posts: 1904

Yes they can. What I'm not sure of is if you can make them immune to hazards...2010-06-16 15:45:00

Posts: 6497

If the Sackbot is set on fire...then he can walk on fire and the same with electric floor and electric Sackbot etc.

I definitely knew this off the top of my head and didn't need to test it...
2010-06-16 15:50:00

Posts: 1494

Um, wow!?

That's not everything, I presume? Did you get to use any of the LBP1 stuff (eg water, paintinator)? These still look amazing mind. I'm particuarly excited about the SackBots and Direct Control Seats
2010-06-16 15:56:00

Posts: 1893

If the Sackbot is set on fire...then he can walk on fire and the same with electric floor and electric Sackbot etc.

I definitely knew this off the top of my head and didn't need to test it...

Does this work if he is set on fire / electric etc. by the lethaliser tool - i.e. can we switch and make him immune to multiple hazards?
2010-06-16 15:58:00

Posts: 6497

Does this work if he is set on fire / electric etc. by the lethaliser tool - i.e. can we switch and make him immune to multiple hazards?

Sure, don't see why not. Fire is fire, right? Whether you use the danger tool or danger trigger to get it, it's still the same effect

Simple rule is: In order to be immune to a hazard the Sackbot also has to be that hazard.
2010-06-16 16:08:00

Posts: 1494

Does this work if he is set on fire / electric etc. by the lethaliser tool - i.e. can we switch and make him immune to multiple hazards?

Presumably they've kept the "vulnerable" setting should you want to decide if a sackbot is immune to hazards or not.
2010-06-16 16:12:00

Posts: 2870

Presumably they've kept the "vulnerable" setting should you want to decide if a sackbot is immune to hazards or not.

I don't think so. If the Sackbot is on fire then I would guess that he is simply immune to fire no matter what. However you didn't want him to go onto the hazard you can simply set it to 'be afraid of danger' and he doesn't go near it. Although if the Sackbot considers himself to be 'fire'...maybe he doesn't see other things that are on fire as danger at all.

So in conclusion...yeah, no, probably, maybe and dunno.
2010-06-16 16:19:00

Posts: 1494

So can sackbots be destroyed by hazards?
It makes you think, if you stick a DCS to a sackbot, and accidentally walk on fire, if the sackbot DOES die, what would happen to Sackboy? :
2010-06-16 16:24:00

Posts: 72

It makes you think, if you stick a DCS to a sackbot, and accidentally walk on fire, if the sackbot DOES die, what would happen to Sackboy? :
I don't know what happens in that specific case, but if Sackboy is in a direct control seat and the object it is on is destroyed Sackboy dies.
2010-06-16 16:35:00

Posts: 3193

I, too, am excited about LBP2. I have a few questions:

Can Sackbots be adjusted so they match your costume during game-play?
Are we going to have infinite lives at all times, like in LBP PSP?
Voice acting. If a level uses it, would it be needed to be checked over first? I'm kinda worried if people may abuse it and include inappropriate language.
Speaking of inappropriate language, does LBP2 fix the stupid and awful and broken word censors?
2010-06-16 16:36:00

Posts: 200

Are we going to have infinite lives at all times, like in LBP PSP?
No, but you can still infinite live checkpoints.

Voice acting. If a level uses it, would it be needed to be checked over first? I'm kinda worried if people may abuse it and include inappropriate language.
Probably will be censored later if anyone notices it. Otherwise all levels would have to be checked first which I can't see happen.
2010-06-16 16:37:00

Posts: 3193

I don't know what happens in that specific case, but if Sackboy is in a direct control seat and the object it is on is destroyed Sackboy dies.
Actually, I think I remember seeing that in the Sony Press Conference yesterday. They hit the electrical thing, they exploded, and, somehow died by being squashed (confusing).
2010-06-16 16:39:00

Posts: 72

Can Sackbots be adjusted so they match your costume during game-play?
Great question and the answer is yes. So you can enter a level and not even realise your controlling a sackbot. So you can do whatever you like then to manipulate the player. give him laser beam eyes with the triangle button perhaps?

Are we going to have infinite lives at all times, like in LBP PSP?
Checkpoint are going to be the same as ps3, I didn't personally notice any difference.

Voice acting. If a level uses it, would it be needed to be checked over first? I'm kinda worried if people may abuse it and include inappropriate language.
As with anything it obnly gets moderated if people flag it.

Speaking of inappropriate language, does LBP2 fix the stupid and awful and broken word censors?
No idea sorry.
2010-06-16 16:43:00

Posts: 1904

Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together, glad you all had a great time.

I feel ten years old again! - Too excited! o/
2010-06-16 16:48:00

Posts: 545

But now isn't nearly all the features revealed?

So much for suprises...
2010-06-16 16:54:00

Posts: 405

But now isn't nearly all the features revealed?

So much for suprises...

Well there's still this "Magic Bag" power up. Which, judging by the comments, they didn't get to see or aren't allowed to talk about.
2010-06-16 16:55:00

Posts: 2575

The magic bag is the old name for the creatinator.

As far as surprises go...no one made you read it all!
2010-06-16 16:57:00

Posts: 1494

I think there is plenty of stuff not covered here - especially the little things and lets be honest, sometimes the little things make a massive difference (angle detection on sensors for example), so there is still going to be plenty for us to explore when we get our hands on it properly 2010-06-16 17:02:00

Posts: 6497

Yah, I'm sure we forgot to mention something and didn't notice everything.2010-06-16 17:03:00

Posts: 3193

Still, havn't said anything about all the new music, materials, objects, stickers, decorations and costumes.....
Still quite a bit of that info to be released.
2010-06-16 17:08:00

Posts: 1904

Now as someone who couldn't care less about costumes...I can safely say that some of the new costumes in LBP2 are INCREDIBLE. Like seriously, WOW.2010-06-16 17:10:00

Posts: 1494

Can Sackbots be adjusted so they match your costume during game-play?
Great question and the answer is yes. So you can enter a level and not even realise your controlling a sackbot. So you can do whatever you like then to manipulate the player. give him laser beam eyes with the triangle button perhaps?

Now that's something that once again, made my day. I just can't recall how many times my day has already been "made" !
2010-06-16 17:12:00

Posts: 628

Thank god for the removal of the cool pages! I was about too pull my hair out because I cannot find any quality levels anymore.... Did the molecules recognize the problem that is currently going on, with the spammers like stephanie_ravens?2010-06-16 17:13:00

Posts: 695

Well, the list of new features does mention there being tags (which are now more meaningful) and level reviews. That along with the stream would seem to suggest that it won't be a problem any more.

EDIT: and speaking of stream, any idea about how it works?
2010-06-16 17:21:00

Posts: 186

Love i think it was a robot cat costume,Plus New lighting ,Morgana will be very happy2010-06-16 17:33:00

Posts: 247

All this information is class and i've been waiting for such info, i just hope there will be plenty of surprises left over come November.

Can I go into cryosleep til November?
And the DLC.... Its going to be savage.
2010-06-16 17:34:00

Posts: 291

Awesome, Thanks <32010-06-16 17:50:00

Posts: 27

Its going to be awesome!!!2010-06-16 18:08:00

Posts: 606

idk if anyone point this out but Mm did say the Power Gloves may not make it into the game so dont get your hope to hight for it2010-06-16 18:14:00

Posts: 1014

So could you tell us a bit about the music? Any more new songs? And how do you compose music in LBP2?2010-06-16 18:38:00

Posts: 186

idk if anyone point this out but Mm did say the Power Gloves may not make it into the game so dont get your hope to hight for it

Shame, but then again I can't see much point as you could just alter the gravity to feign the appearance of super strength.
2010-06-16 18:40:00

Posts: 1518

Shame, but then again I can't see much point as you could just alter the gravity to feign the appearance of super strength.

well you could toss what you was holding too

as for music that was one thing Mm did say we cant talk about
2010-06-16 18:49:00

Posts: 1014

Here's something I thought up recently, and someone who tested the game may have an answer.

The Sackbot Paradox:
-Sackbots can be fitted with a control seat
-Sackbots can enter control seats

Thus the potential for a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat ..... or is there something in there to prevent this?
2010-06-16 19:40:00

Posts: 572

I don't believe that is a paradox... More pointless

@jedi: layer shifting and throwing as jump says. They will actually make a big difference IMO.
2010-06-16 19:46:00

Posts: 6497

Here's something I thought up recently, and someone who tested the game may have an answer.

The Sackbot Paradox:
-Sackbots can be fitted with a control seat
-Sackbots can enter control seats

Thus the potential for a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat ..... or is there something in there to prevent this?

Yes, that proud feeling you get when after three hours of waiting for your thermo to overload. But seriously, I guess there isn't, or need to be. It would be their thermo wasted, not ours. Apart from the fact that MM said that sackbots may not be able to control direct control seats that are too complicated- and controlling a dude that is controlling yet another sackbot who's controlling another may cause a big No-No to appear on the screen. But I'm not sure.
2010-06-16 19:48:00

Posts: 59

Now as someone who couldn't care less about costumes...I can safely say that some of the new costumes in LBP2 are INCREDIBLE. Like seriously, WOW.

As long as I've still got my frying pan, I'm happy.
2010-06-16 19:48:00

Posts: 379

@jedi: layer shifting and throwing as jump says. They will actually make a big difference IMO.

Glad to be wrong!
2010-06-16 19:50:00

Posts: 1518

How many sackbots does it take to eat up the thermo?2010-06-16 19:50:00

Posts: 3251

Thermo code is incomplete, so it's pretty moot atm. I think Dave Smith said he was working pretty hard on getting as much as possible into it though 2010-06-16 19:52:00

Posts: 6497

Here's something I thought up recently, and someone who tested the game may have an answer.

The Sackbot Paradox:
-Sackbots can be fitted with a control seat
-Sackbots can enter control seats

Thus the potential for a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat on a sackbot in a control seat ..... or is there something in there to prevent this?

You'd need to make the first Sackbot pretty huge for that to work.
2010-06-16 19:54:00

Posts: 927

It's a Sackbot Matyushka doll!2010-06-16 19:56:00

Posts: 379

Putting players into sackbots without them even knowing? this is possible? awesome!

Can we then set them on fire? That would be such a trip
2010-06-16 19:58:00

Posts: 1361

So could you tell us a bit about the music? Any more new songs? And how do you compose music in LBP2?

This is one of the bigger questions for me, in fact. MM's been stressing you'll be able to compose music in LBP2. You guys get a glimpse of that, perhaps?
2010-06-16 19:59:00

Posts: 2046

Top down perspective is a "trick". You're still looking at the screen angle you would if playing a side scroll. It's just made to look like its top down. So no, you wouldn't the top of sackboys head if he was walking, you'd see sackboy.

And yes, cool pages will be a thing of the past. There are much much better things in store for good levels.

That didn't necessarily answer my question. So far they've said Sackboy has to be in a DCS, but he can do that and play the part of another Sackbot. Does that mean he can walk around on the wall?

Also, jump_button at NeoGAF said that the Power Gloves might not make it into the final game...why not? That's a useful power up. Sackboy can't pick up ANYTHING and throw it around, so that's a very useful tool.
2010-06-16 20:23:00

Posts: 234

Sackbots cannot walk around on the background.

The layers are EXACTLY the same as in LBP1. It's just that now we have movers it is possible to make objects move in anyway we like, but still on the same axis. The only way to make it LOOK like sackboy/sackbots are on the background is by putting them in a Direct Control Seat...

I'm running out of ways to tell you this now JJ
2010-06-16 20:27:00

Posts: 1494

That didn't necessarily answer my question. So far they've said Sackboy has to be in a DCS, but he can do that and play the part of another Sackbot. Does that mean he can walk around on the wall?

There are two responses just below jaeyden's, that both explicitly say no. And you've already had responses saying no. I guess jack was absolutely right lol:

So can you please confirm to us whether or not a Sackperson by himself/herself or by means of a Sackbot can walk on the "top-down" perspective without having to be in a machine?

You're never going to believe that you can't do this until you see it for yourself are you?

Also, jump_button at NeoGAF said that the Power Gloves might not make it into the final game...why not? That's a useful power up. Sackboy can't pick up ANYTHING and throw it around, so that's a very useful tool.
I think this might not be ready / stable by then, or they might make a marketing decision to add it in later, but then it may well get in. The final list of features is completely open to change anyway, the game wasn't even alpha when we saw it.
2010-06-16 20:29:00

Posts: 6497

Sackbots cannot walk around on the background.

The layers are EXACTLY the same as in LBP1. It's just that now we have movers it is possible to make objects move in anyway we like, but still on the same axis. The only way to make it LOOK like sackboy/sackbots are on the background is by putting them in a Direct Control Seat...

I'm running out of ways to tell you this now JJ


My gosh it's like I have to squeeze a straight answer out of this forum sometimes.

That is too bad, though. Kills my hopes of Left 4 Dead 2 top-down shooter.

There are two responses just below jaeyden's, that both explicitly say no. And you've already had responses saying no. I guess jack was absolutely right lol:

I suppose I didn't see them. Kind of skimmed through the page.
2010-06-16 20:30:00

Posts: 234

My gosh it's like I have to squeeze a straight answer out of this forum sometimes.


Seriously, you're joking right?
2010-06-16 20:32:00

Posts: 6497

That is too bad, though. Kills my hopes of Left 4 Dead 2 top-down shooter.

You can still do that. Just not with sackbots.
2010-06-16 20:33:00

Posts: 3193

Hm... So, with DCS, is it easy to rotate objects? Like when you're controlling a character in a top down game, can you easily rotate the object (say I made a cardboard Link for that) so that it faces the other way, or do I need to do some complicated switchamaroo?2010-06-16 20:37:00

Posts: 10882

Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! H-how c-c-can it be EVEN BETTER THAN LBP1!!!2010-06-16 20:37:00

Posts: 209

Hm... So, with DCS, is it easy to rotate objects? Like when you're controlling a character in a top down game, can you easily rotate the object (say I made a cardboard Link for that) so that it faces the other way, or do I need to do some complicated switchamaroo?

Very, very easy. Check out the movers section of the OP.
2010-06-16 20:42:00

Posts: 6497

Didn't really read taht section too carefully last time. reading it on an iphone in the car must have made it harder

But what exactly is the difference between movers and bolts/ pistons and ect? Doesn't seem to be too different to my untrained eye.
2010-06-16 20:48:00

Posts: 10882

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