Seperated Missile Glitch
Archive: 5 posts
So I was able to sepeaate a missile and save the top pat or red part. This may be fairly useless but can fool people into thinking its not an explosive and gives the appereance of curving with in it's own plane. I may try to give a tutorial level on how to make it but it would take forever. 2 hours of trials. Anyways if you want to see the item add me and I'll sow you.Xario is my witness. | 2010-06-15 01:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Sorry, this isn't new. I'm not sure how to recreate it on the spot but it happens a lot in general. | 2010-06-15 02:35:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
Oh, it happens.63 degree angle sideswiping a metal corner. | 2010-06-15 02:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Sorry, this isn't new. I'm not sure how to recreate it on the spot but it happens a lot in general. When I made mine a few months ago I just pasted a bunch of missiles together, saved them, and put it back down, then I was able to detach it. ![]() | 2010-06-15 02:48:00 Author: GreatWhite000 ![]() Posts: 673 |
I made some by accident when I emitted hundreds of missiles point blank into the ground at high speed. When I paused the game, I saw that some missiles were split. Discovery by boredom. | 2010-06-15 04:26:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
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