Pure Plataforms by cangri48
Archive: 2 posts
Pure Plataforms by cangri48 While apparently unable to spell platforms correctly cangri48 has made a nice original platforming level here inspired by LBP2. It's something different from usual platforming levels and it's fun to play. ![]() Here are some pictures: http://media79.net/image/1276557897.jpg http://media79.net/image/1276557903.jpg http://media79.net/image/1276557907.jpg http://media79.net/image/1276557918.jpg http://media79.net/image/1276557922.jpg http://media79.net/image/1276557927.jpg | 2010-06-15 00:26:00 Author: MalcolmHB ![]() Posts: 27 |
Played it, and while very good and similar in style to Techno Renaissance, the gameplay seemed a bit cramped or something. Nice level anyway. | 2010-06-21 21:01:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
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