Archive: 9 posts
TINTED"s 2nd LITTLE BIG MOVIE (LBM)TINTED My second movie and template, watch and enjoy. Movie and template are improved and better. Tutorial, tools, and template key are located in my level TINTED's TUTORIALS and PRIZES. New template is slower, longer, and easier to use. The template is incomplete without the tools given out at my level TINTED's TUTORIALS and PRIZES. | 2010-06-14 03:31:00 Author: TINTED ![]() Posts: 40 |
This sounds good | 2010-06-15 08:21:00 Author: Eronninja13 ![]() Posts: 637 |
I played it yesterday!! very impressive. its not the best easening(not sure if thats even possible in lbp... or if it would it would take alot more time) etc i have seen but its really cool for lbp movie. And cool that you made prize level :3 :star::star::star::star::star: <3 | 2010-06-15 12:21:00 Author: oblivios ![]() Posts: 143 |
thank you, it a movie would be a good project for a team of 4 | 2010-06-17 18:18:00 Author: TINTED ![]() Posts: 40 |
I wanted to add that everyone get my tools for making a movie from my other level, very important for creating a movie | 2010-06-19 06:47:00 Author: TINTED ![]() Posts: 40 |
VERY VERY COOL! that's all I can say ![]() | 2010-06-20 21:15:00 Author: wolverine_2008 ![]() Posts: 304 |
I'm glad you like my movies and I plan to not just make better movies in the near future but perfecting my other technologies like warp speed, collapsing buildings, compression tool, and more | 2010-06-21 21:23:00 Author: TINTED ![]() Posts: 40 |
Cute ![]() | 2010-06-25 03:14:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
thanks, it's a very fragile system with many easy errors to be made early enough to have to start from scratch 4 hours into making a template. i'm trying to perfect it but I need a silent magic mouth glitch. please message me if you know of one. | 2010-07-01 01:13:00 Author: TINTED ![]() Posts: 40 |
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