Invisible cameras and zone viewing
Archive: 4 posts
It would be so useful to have invisible cameras so you could put them closer to the Place where it should be. It would also be awsome if when you set the zone for the camera, the player camera would follow the zone and expand with it! I've been in countless situations where I've had to guess where the zone is and check it by walking around. Hopefully I'm not being stupid and overlooking some easy way to do this? | 2010-06-13 15:47:00 Author: The Forgotten ![]() Posts: 316 |
Huh, The cameras are invisible..? | 2010-06-13 16:03:00 Author: Kn0cked-0ut ![]() Posts: 562 |
It would be so useful to have invisible cameras so you could put them closer to the Place where it should be. I believe the cameras are already invisible. In create mode, of course, you see them, but they're invisible in play mode....unless I'm missing something. It would also be awsome if when you set the zone for the camera, the player camera would follow the zone and expand with it! I've been in countless situations where I've had to guess where the zone is and check it by walking around. I have found myself in the same situation many times. This is something the could very well be useful in my opinion too.... | 2010-06-13 17:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I believe the cameras are already invisible. In create mode, of course, you see them, but they're invisible in play mode....unless I'm missing something. Oh, I'm so stupid! I've never experimented with them, so I'll try soon. | 2010-06-13 19:42:00 Author: The Forgotten ![]() Posts: 316 |
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