One shot emitter... not working.... help!
Archive: 4 posts
Im currently working on something. I cant go into detail, but the problem is very simple. My emitters.... aren't emitting. Is this something to do with the massive amounts of wiring or the complexity of my thing, or something. Im going to be replacing the emitters in an attempt to fix it, but I'm worried this could put an end to my project, which is so close to being finished... so give me some advice on what I can do, or why this has happened please | 2010-06-13 12:36:00 Author: Xenon- ![]() Posts: 35 |
Is this something to do with the massive amounts of wiring or the complexity of my thing, or something. Nope. The only things I can think of that would stop then are: You have reached your max emitted limit The emitters are being blocked by something else in the level | 2010-06-13 12:44:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
well there are only 4 emitters, which are only emitting 1 different thing each. They are the output of all my switches and the like, and I know that they work. But for some reason they suddenly stopped. Therefore it must be option two, but when I put it into a big open space.. it still doesn't emit. If I cant fix it, Ill need to get someone in to look at the level or something. Okay wait, Im getting something. I've adjusted the piston length somewhat, and it looks like there may have been some invisible debris or something there... I have no idea how that got there, thanks for the help. And Ill be publishing this project, hopefully by next week. | 2010-06-13 12:49:00 Author: Xenon- ![]() Posts: 35 |
This can happen if your emitter is set to allow a maximum of one object (ever) and you have allowed that object to be emitted in create mode while testing the gameplay. When you go into play mode, because that object was already emitted in create mode, it essentially views the emitter as being empty. I don't know if that's the case here, but if it is than you can solve the issue by replacing the emitter altogether, or by temporarily putting a different object in the emitter and then replacing it with the original object again. | 2010-06-14 01:29:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
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