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puzzle emitter project

Archive: 16 posts

DEMO LVL Completely remade + Prizes

Ok... this uses some tricky mag key logic see below

Now what is so special about this device??

1 lever spawns 10 different items which stay permanantly after being emitted, but are also destroyed on command when in range of "destuction key" emitter (SAME LEVER).

Main focus is the emitter with the 10 way incremental bolt.
And there are 20 emitters just for objects.

When lever is grabbed it emits 1x object and 1x object killer in this order

1: [Object A (blue mag switch)] + [Object J killer block (yellow key, purple key, pink switch)]
2: [Object B (purple mag switch)] + [Object A killer block (blue key, pink key, red switch)]
3: [Object C (pink mag switch)] + [Object B killer block (purple key, red key, yellow switch)]
4: [Object D (red mag switch)] + [Object C killer block (pink key, yellow key, blue switch)]
5: [Object E (yellow mag switch)] + [Object D killer block (red key, blue key, purple switch)]
6: [Object F (blue mag switch)] + [Object E killer block (yellow key, purple key, pink switch)]
7: [Object G (purple mag switch)] + [Object F killer block (blue key, pink key, red switch)]
8: [Object H (pink mag switch)] + [Object G killer block (purple key, red key, yellow switch)]
9: [Object I (red mag switch)] + [Object H killer block (pink key, yellow key, blue switch)]
10: [Object J (yellow mag switch)] + [Object I killer block (red key, blue key, purple switch)]

This way I can set the lifetime of the objects to infinite. to be taken and used as puzle keys themselves.
I needed a sequence of 5 combinations, so that the items wouldn't destroy themselves imediately and the number had to fit into 10 (can't use combo of 3 because 3 does not go nicely into 10) either use 2 or 5. Couldn't use 2 for the above destruction reason.
If I used 8 or 12 emitted options I could use a sequence of 4 combinations.

Can I make it any more simple for you???
2010-06-12 22:41:00

Posts: 445

Ok, I don't understand how it works and what its for:

What coins, and how do you insert them? Where? And is that important?
Okaaay...So is that like the tricky part for a player? Or is it just "choose an object"? Do we pick it or something?
The object we just carefully chose among those 10 goes into nothingness now? Or did we save it by choosing? What's happening to it? (if that's important)
MORE!?! We just removed (at least) one, I thought? Where does even more stuff come from? And why?
...and I don't see yet how it ends up as a "puzzle emitter", though I'm not totally sure, what that actually is. Neither purpose of this object nor an application come to my mind...
Sorry, I'm not really helpful I guess...
2010-06-12 23:21:00

Posts: 238

Could you clarify? It's not entirely clear what this thing does, or even what it is?

2010-06-12 23:25:00

Posts: 1113

So it's a sort of inventory?2010-06-12 23:42:00

Posts: 572

lol, happy guessing :-D The mysterious object - a puzzle itself, it vanishs stuff and creates objects. Emitters seem to be involved and the lever of destiny plays a certain role and yet we are unsure if pulling it through an heroic act in the right direction will lead to the desired effect. Will the meaning of "10" help us to solve the puzzle? Or will the conveyer only be on, to bring us MORE? That and its complicated logic may or may not remain...
a mystery.

2010-06-13 00:54:00

Posts: 238

Let me explain... It is a contraption.. yes sort of an inventory NOT a finished level! I have posted here to show you what it does... I am busy making a level for it to fit into.
As for what it does... (an example) you may come across a puzzel that requires you to get 4 mag keys (3 green x's and 1 red arrow) to open a door. So you go to the machine select what you want and take it, then say in the next room you enter you need 2 blue hexes, 3 yellow triangles and a pink square... do you get it yet???

The triky bit of logic was getting the items to remain permanet once emitted but also demit on command.

I did this with a combination of emitting a sequence of 5 different mag key blocks each with 2 key colours and 1 switch on, on the block emited behind each object to spawn is another disolve block with the magnetic key to destroy the item previously spawned. then when the switch is triggered it spawns the next item and the next block to demit the previous item AND the disolve block previous to itself!!
2010-06-13 12:07:00

Posts: 445

So, for the idea of the whole thing, coins, levers and conveyers are like ideas for how to implement? :-D

Your logic sound like stuff I would use for such a thing as well.
Though I would have it not like all in one contraption, I would use like five emitter mechanisms (if I want five items) and one destroyer emitter mechanism. Meaning, all my emitted items have the same "on purpose destroy" - switch* (each has it's own, but they're all equal) and the destroy mechanism will get active four times (or has four clones) by emitting a selfdissolve with the required magkey. Is that what you did?

*: If unclear: the destroyer switch is like a unit itself, either selfcontained (like a creature brain meachanism) thats linked to the item (via zero strength elastic) of it could be incorporated into the item's emitter meachanism via moving parts that only get activated on purpose and move the emitter away for demitting technique.
2010-06-13 18:39:00

Posts: 238

Have a Switch with 5 that drag it. Then you have so one expand as you insert a coin. You can have it permanent and have a dissolve material so the dissolve dissapear when you insert. Then you have 5 coins and 5 permanent switches.

and the other stuff i didnt understand a **** of.
2010-06-13 19:36:00

Posts: 11

post moved2010-06-13 23:38:00

Posts: 445

I would consider that logic quite ... complicated and hard to expand or tweak...have you read m'post 3 above? The thing you're working on is in short: Emitting differing items, that can vanish on command independantly, where ever they are, right?!2010-06-13 23:48:00

Posts: 238

I would consider that logic quite ... complicated and hard to expand or tweak...have you read m'post 3 above? The thing you're working on is in short: Emitting differing items, that can vanish on command independantly, where ever they are, right?!

You can make them vanish so long as they are in reange of the killer block's key so range can be as small or large as you like.

If small proximity field the object stays after it has been moved when next object is spawned.
If large proximity field then YES it will disappear on command anywhere.

The items emmited could be anything... even creatures, weapons... whatever

I hope now you can imagine some of the uses to what it might be put.
2010-06-14 00:56:00

Posts: 445

we're getting closer! Last question (or maybe not..anyway): Do you have to tweak the items you wanna emitt a little before using with this mechanism? (Like adding a magkey or something) or can you, once the design stands, fill in everything without any modification to the items?2010-06-14 04:13:00

Posts: 238

Yes once I make it available I will include instructions,

I also understand that this device may be a bit like too much hard work for some creators.

The objects should be made from disolve material or be destructable by the means of a mag switch. If made of material other than disolve attach coloured mag key (see below) to the it, and include in your object to be emitted trip090's destruction device connected with elastic (strngth 0.0) and connect afore mentioned mag key on object to disolve of trip090's device.

1st item Blue, 2nd purple, 3rd pink, 4th red, 5th yellow and repeat sequence.

you can use any other of the 3 key colours for activating switches elswhere. Beware if you use any of the other (above) key colours to activate your puzzle make sure it doesn't clash with the "kill block" that is spawned next otherwise the next "kill block" may not appear and you will stuff up the sequence.

In theory you can use 6 of the 8 key colours for your own purpose... or the of that is to tricky I recomend using the shape of the object and the hole you put it in to determine if it triggers your device (ie. if the square does not fit in the round shape hole the then the key trigger radius will not reach)

Oh regarding your comment about conveyer.... try hitting the button that comes down on your right!
2010-06-14 08:53:00

Posts: 445

yes once i make it available

now available
2010-06-15 15:04:00

Posts: 445

Urg...I'm afraid there is no way of putting this in a clearly positive way, please don't react.
I playtested your level yesterday and I must say... I hated it. ... Actually that's wrong: I couldn't relate to it in any way (and that's what I hate).

The straightest way would be just to accept, that the both of us simply have very different ways of doing stuff and we probably won't be able to help each other. No negative feelings, I'm just a bit sorry, that I haven't realized this earlier and wasted some time (cause this thread is paved with crossed wires).

I don't think anymore, I qualify as usefull feedbacker, it would be like "Get straight what you want to do and change everything completely" and I doubt, that's what you are looking for.

So I just gonna quit this thread, if you have read this post so far, I'm willing to repeat my core-questions, that I may have already raised in previous posts without clear answer (not for me, for yourself):

Why such a complicated way of activating the machine, after the third item I only wished it would emitt its stuff outside, sure coins and conveyer look cool, but I don't want to have to use them repeatedly (the coins are only at the beginning, I know)
I failed to find the "choose item" section or is it intended to spit out RANDOM items? That's not an entertaining puzzle (not for me) and after the 5. unsuiting item I got bored to hell, took the jetpack and quit.
I consider any puzzle like "Find Item into fitting shape" braindead. In real life that's baby toys, even apes might be able to do it?!? (just my 2 cent)
An object showcase level should present how the object works, how it does what it does and especially explain what this what really is?!? Am I wrong on this? Cause I totally failed to find info to that inside the level. (Yeah, there are two mm's, but they're not thaaat informative)
So it's kinda like back to square One, cause I ended my first post with an equal statement I use now: I'm sorry, that I can't help you better. I won't fill this thread anymore.
2010-06-16 18:33:00

Posts: 238


feedback noted, (feel it was a little harsh tho, it is my first object showcase) I will redesign whole level to show what is existing is just an example of an aplication. and also show the device as skeleton, with more detailed instructions for each section.

Anyone else care to comment?
2010-06-16 23:09:00

Posts: 445

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