The Four Temples
Archive: 6 posts
The Four Templeswaranabatokwa http://images.waranabatokwa.multiply.com/image/1/photos/73/600x600/51/Merge.jpg?et=uloIosKIqMrWyFOifjetww&nmid=230007541 Hi! I just started playing LBP last month and I am having a blast. Here is a level I created three days ago. I've put a lot of time and effort on this one so i'll really appreciate if you could check it out. The Four Temples is basically 4 mini-levels in one. There are four temples and you must restore the Elemental Gems to "finish" the level. I would love suggestions and feedbacks. Thanks! | 2010-06-12 22:34:00 Author: waranabatokwa ![]() Posts: 3 |
The pictures look very nice! Maybe I'll check the level out :] | 2010-06-12 23:26:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
Thanks! Please do check it out. I'm thinking of a lot of more stuff to add to this level. | 2010-06-13 00:12:00 Author: waranabatokwa ![]() Posts: 3 |
Yeah man, I like these sorts of elemental themed levels. Here's what I thought; Good stuff : - Game play aspects divided well between sections and I like how you have to do a thematically different task at each crystal - Some bits were very detailed, all the actual crystals looked nice as well as all of the material selections. - I liked the ice boss particularly, he had a good face ![]() Stuff to think about : - One of the first fire sections is a pain in the neck, the bit where you jump on the stone slabs in a short corridor, the smallest one to land on is a bit too small, the perspective makes it very difficult to not just ricochet around on the fire and die. Took too many tries to get that bit. - SOUNDS! There are loads of opportunities for sounds throughout this level that aren't capitalized on! two examples here, turning the wheels on the sky section and freeing the gem, all of those things could have mechanism whirrs and clinking/clanking. - Getting to the sky temple is a bit tetchy, I got killed in the neck gap on the character standing in front of it the first time, some times it doesn't bounce you high enough and some times, if you miss and come straight down on the guys hat it'll just bounce you right down to the start again :@ - The Earth temple is the least decorated, going back and bringing it up to par with the ice and fire sections would be nice. The middle transition section could also do with some tarting up, although I do realise that it is the temples that are the focal points of this level. - The ending is a bit anti-climactic, the least you should add is some stairs that slam down in the starter section that let you walk up to a nicely decorated section where the end is with a character thanking you, not just plonk a scoreboard down ![]() | 2010-06-18 17:08:00 Author: Asbestos101 ![]() Posts: 1114 |
thanks for the wonderful suggestions.. yeah, i guess i was rushing a bit on the earth one.. that's why it looked like that.. i don't know if i could add more because i'm at the limit of my thermometer.. lol.. thanks a lot man.. | 2010-06-29 05:38:00 Author: waranabatokwa ![]() Posts: 3 |
Good level. I'm impressed with the multi-pathness of this level and you added different gameplays in each temple. Although there are some things that need to be fixed, here's what I had to say about each of the temple in this level. EARTH- The temple doesn't seem to be polished but it has a good platform. Also the music that continues after the start doesn't sound so earthy so you should add something like "The Crystalis of Eternity", or "Temple IntMusic". One of the seeds that's behind a layer is hard to find and it took me 5 minutes to find it so you should make it visible. ICE- Really like the boss in this section. While I launched myself to the level's starting point, I noticed the dark matters that features the snow emitters so you should try putting them even higher. WIND- The temple has some nice Jetpack feature and clean visuals. Nothing needed to be changed so far. FIRE- Awesome temple entrance and amazing Hammer. Nothing needed to be changed so far. Overall it's a fun level and it reminded me of one of my levels "The Hero Quest LV9 The Temple of Elements". 4 :star:s and a <3. | 2010-06-29 21:51:00 Author: JustinArt ![]() Posts: 1314 |
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