Profile Help
Archive: 7 posts
Hello everyone. I just joined up to ask for some help. Recently, I was working with my saved pods and accidentally deleted a sonic-based pod that had taken me a long time to make. "It's no big deal" I thought. "This is what I've been backing up my profile for, right?" So I import my backup profile, and LittleBigPlanet gives me a message that I am using data from another Profile and will not be able to unlock any trophies, and that I need to delete the data from Game data Utility to continue. It turns out that deleting the profile brings back my profile from about a year ago when I had Profile problems before. tried several other things like moving different Profiles around and copying and deleting things, but it doesn't work. Help! EDIT: Anyone? c'mon, I'd at least like to know if you think I'm doomed. | 2010-06-12 12:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You can still play with the copied profile you just can't unlock the trophies. You shouldn't have had to delete it... | 2010-06-12 19:50:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
Aren't profiles stored in a different place now, to allow for more levels to be saved to our moon? Could it be it's out of date as you're loading the one from the original location? Not sure they patched it a year ago, but it has been a while. I would check the other folders if I were you, see if you can find another profile. | 2010-06-12 20:35:00 Author: Kiminski ![]() Posts: 545 |
man i still get that popup now, kinda frustrating considering im missing like 20trophies im supposed to have.. gl tho | 2010-06-12 20:53:00 Author: johnrulz77 ![]() Posts: 835 |
So I import my backup profile, and LittleBigPlanet gives me a message that I am using data from another Profile and will not be able to unlock any trophies, and that I need to delete the data from Game data Utility to continue. You should only get that message if you've transferred the profile (or profile backup) from one PS3 local user account to another, and the two accounts don't share the same PSN login. | 2010-06-13 00:03:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
You should only get that message if you've transferred the profile (or profile backup) from one PS3 local user account to another, and the two accounts don't share the same PSN login. The backup I tried to restore hasn't ever changed hands, but I did notice that there were 2 Profile datas in my account. One was named Alex (The year-old profile data) and the other one was called Profile Data (The one that I'm trying to restore) I've put the new one in place of the year-old one, with no results. I guess I'm screwed. Oddly enough, the only thing I'm worried about is if this will affect bringing stuff over to LittleBigPlanet 2 at all. In my mind, I'm already playing it. ![]() | 2010-06-13 13:42:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The backup I tried to restore hasn't ever changed hands... Odd. Did you perhaps transfer from another PS3? Here's a quote from a post of mine (http://forums.littlebigworkshop.com/t5/General-Discussion/Somebody-please-help-me-Data-lost/m-p/223300/highlight/true#M120937) on LBW... When you create a new local user account on a PS3 system, it generates a random 128-bit number which is associated with that account. This number can be viewed by copying one of your save games to a USB stick, plugging it into a PC, and loading the PARAM.SFO file into a text editor. When you copy a save game from one account to another, it compares the number in the save file to the one associated with the account, and if they don't match, you get a warning telling you that you can't use this save game to collect trophies. This is how the system detects whether a save game is yours, or copied from someone else. ...so as long as you've always used the same account on the same PS3, that number shouldn't change. What I wasn't aware of at the time is that the save file also takes your PSN ID into account, so if the two local user accounts are both associated with the same PSN ID, then it doesn't matter if the number matches or not. | 2010-06-13 16:18:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
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