PSN Game Trading
Archive: 25 posts
So, August I might download a game or 2 from PSN. I was wondering if any of you have any PSN games that you'd want to trade. If you have one that I was gunna get then maybe I'll swap it up to get a larger collection.. Anyone? | 2008-07-27 01:27:00 Author: PhunBox ![]() Posts: 18 |
So, August I might download a game or 2 from PSN. I was wondering if any of you have any PSN games that you'd want to trade. If you have one that I was gunna get then maybe I'll swap it up to get a larger collection.. Anyone? aint that illegal lol | 2008-07-27 02:14:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
So, August I might download a game or 2 from PSN. I was wondering if any of you have any PSN games that you'd want to trade. If you have one that I was gunna get then maybe I'll swap it up to get a larger collection.. Anyone? what you gonna get? | 2008-07-27 02:27:00 Author: Jack ![]() Posts: 999 |
aint that illegal lol no its not | 2008-07-27 02:28:00 Author: Jack ![]() Posts: 999 |
no its not yes it is.... did you even read the user agreement? statement III, bullet 11 "You may not provide anyone with your name or any other personally identifying information, or the name, password or personally identifying information of any other person or business through any means, including messaging, chat or any other form of PSN communication. " also mentioned again in statement III, bullet 18, Also known as Amentment 7/15/08 to the online contract "You may not sell, buy, trade, or otherwise transfer your Online ID or any personal access to PSN through any means or method, including by use of web auction sites. " | 2008-07-27 03:05:00 Author: Reshin ![]() Posts: 1081 |
yes it is.... did you even read the user agreement? statement III, bullet 11 "You may not provide anyone with your name or any other personally identifying information, or the name, password or personally identifying information of any other person or business through any means, including messaging, chat or any other form of PSN communication. " also mentioned again in statement III, bullet 18, Also known as Amentment 7/15/08 to the online contract "You may not sell, buy, trade, or otherwise transfer your Online ID or any personal access to PSN through any means or method, including by use of web auction sites. " cheers reshin. it's a naughty way of getting games for free lol | 2008-07-27 03:19:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
I would, but now that I've lost my hard drive, I really don't want to risk running out of downloads. What do you get, 5? Actually, I just got Pixeljunk Monsters. I'd be willing to trade that one. Anyone got anything to trade for it? | 2008-07-27 03:21:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
yes it is.... did you even read the user agreement You mean you actually sat there and read the whole thing?? And Phunbox, we can't talk you out of this, its your choice, but you gotta be careful who you give your details to.. Gia is trustable but i'm not sure about that bbroman... grr Loool just kidding bbro, and you cant have Eden yet, its not out yet.. | 2008-07-27 11:29:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
Gia.. I'm not quite sure.. Cheaper ones? Lol.. I'm on a budget.. Any suggestions? Maltay, theres a way of trading through sub-accounts, which wont allow the other user to access your real account nor credit-card info/put a spending limit of $0 and your good to go.. | 2008-07-27 11:46:00 Author: PhunBox ![]() Posts: 18 |
Ahhh...I meant Monsters, not Eden. :o | 2008-07-27 12:09:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
Gia.. I'm not quite sure.. Cheaper ones? Lol.. I'm on a budget.. Any suggestions? Maltay, theres a way of trading through sub-accounts, which wont allow the other user to access your real account nor credit-card info/put a spending limit of $0 and your good to go.. Oh? But can you then get the game on your main account so you can get any possible trophies? And another thing, if you do get hacked or similar one day, you can't call sony for support without admitting to game sharing... Ahhh...I meant Monsters, not Eden. :o I'd like to play both ![]() AND I JUST NOTICED Gia double posted. Off with his head xD | 2008-07-27 12:34:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
Oh? But can you then get the game on your main account so you can get any possible trophies? And another thing, if you do get hacked or similar one day, you can't call sony for support without admitting to game sharing... I'd assume the trophies would work fine, doesn't matter what account you download it on, it all goes to the HDD, so if you PLAY it on your regular account than I"de assume it'd be fine. I can't think of anyway they could hack you. The worste they could do is take your pointless sub-account that you deactivate after they steal it, and they might learn your regular PSN ID (Not your E-Mail nor your password.) I guess HYPATHETICALLY if we were dealing with some hardcore world known genious hacker, then yes, Sony service isn't an option. I'll take my chances. ![]() | 2008-07-27 13:08:00 Author: PhunBox ![]() Posts: 18 |
I'm fine with doing it w/ people I know, or at least know online. I wouldn't do it with just some random guy though. | 2008-07-27 14:32:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
I'm fine with doing it w/ people I know, or at least know online. I wouldn't do it with just some random guy though. Alright, Well I'd like to try Monsters.. I have PAIN, SSHD and High velocity bowling | 2008-07-27 15:26:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
meh look on the internet u can find some that u can dl ![]() | 2008-07-27 18:31:00 Author: knightofhull ![]() Posts: 382 |
meh look on the internet u can find some that u can dl ![]() Some what? Games? Explain? I've looked all over for freebies.. No such luck. (PS, where do all your guys' neat sigs come from?) | 2008-07-27 19:09:00 Author: PhunBox ![]() Posts: 18 |
Some what? Games? Explain? I've looked all over for freebies.. No such luck. (PS, where do all your guys' neat sigs come from?) I dont think he was talking sense.. he does that sometimes ![]() And uhh, I made mine, ryryans, hulls, overworks and cartmans sigs... You want me to make you one? PM me with any specs you might have (Picture/colour scheme/style) | 2008-07-27 20:27:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
Malt, how's PAIN? I've already got SSHD, and I don't want the bowling game. | 2008-07-27 23:09:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
Not that im a beacon of morality (I do my fair share of torrenting online), but you shouldn't share games on PSN. So many of them are totally worth their price, and the developers really deserve the money. Especially Q Games (PJ Racer, Monsters, and upcoming Eden) Can't go wrong with high quality games for under $10. | 2008-07-28 03:43:00 Author: Harrisment ![]() Posts: 136 |
Not that im a beacon of morality (I do my fair share of torrenting online), but you shouldn't share games on PSN. So many of them are totally worth their price, and the developers really deserve the money. Especially Q Games (PJ Racer, Monsters, and upcoming Eden) Can't go wrong with high quality games for under $10. Bleh.. Some of us need to get as much as possible as cheap as possible. Livin' on Welfare and $10 could mean groceries for a couple days. | 2008-07-28 07:32:00 Author: PhunBox ![]() Posts: 18 |
Malt, how's PAIN? I've already got SSHD, and I don't want the bowling game. PAIN is pretty fun.. and NOBODY wants the bowling for some reason, lol.. its cool though, you play it like a wii. but sure, PAIN for monsters? Not that im a beacon of morality (I do my fair share of torrenting online), but you shouldn't share games on PSN. So many of them are totally worth their price, and the developers really deserve the money. Especially Q Games (PJ Racer, Monsters, and upcoming Eden) Can't go wrong with high quality games for under $10. You're right and I do feel guilty if I were to actually do this, but I would'nt but the game anyway.. I think i'll do it 3 times max, then quit? K ![]() | 2008-07-28 08:34:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
yes it is.... did you even read the user agreement? statement III, bullet 11 "You may not provide anyone with your name or any other personally identifying information, or the name, password or personally identifying information of any other person or business through any means, including messaging, chat or any other form of PSN communication. " also mentioned again in statement III, bullet 18, Also known as Amentment 7/15/08 to the online contract "You may not sell, buy, trade, or otherwise transfer your Online ID or any personal access to PSN through any means or method, including by use of web auction sites. " oh noes! ive been doing it since january, nothing has happened. Only the second part of your post says no game trading, first part talks about how you cant tell each others info through PSN COMMUNICATION. @phunbox well the summer sale is going on right plus eden is coming out on thursday. | 2008-07-29 00:32:00 Author: Jack ![]() Posts: 999 |
Its suppose to be any info in total, thats why the contract was changed in July 15.... and yes nothing has happend, doesn't mean its ok... Nothing has happend with game, music, video piracy. Does that make it legal? | 2008-07-29 01:47:00 Author: Reshin ![]() Posts: 1081 |
Its suppose to be any info in total, thats why the contract was changed in July 15.... and yes nothing has happend, doesn't mean its ok... Nothing has happend with game, music, video piracy. Does that make it legal? Well no, not stopping me though. | 2008-07-29 03:09:00 Author: Jack ![]() Posts: 999 |
i got Mortal Combat II, Warhawk, PAIN, Twisted Metal 2 and Elefunk anyone wanna trade for anything??? You can also Private message me if you want i'm on | 2008-07-30 18:13:00 Author: Frank-the-Bunny ![]() Posts: 1246 |
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