Kingdom of the Lost Souls 1
Archive: 2 posts
Join Kingdom of the Lost Souls, a RP forum. Have fun!! You're ship smashs and you're the only person left alive. You end up on a huge island with almost everything, except for people. There's forests, castles, swamps, mountains, houses, etc. You search around and then something touches you. You turn around to see what touched you, but nothing is there. As you start to explore the island, things get stranger. There are flesh-eating plants, timid alligators, and much more. But the main thing you realize..............it is the GHOSTS. You are in the Kingdom of Lost Souls. It is your job to find out about the ghosts. You search around a bit and you find a weapon and an amulet carved like two snaked wrapped around each other. You put the amulet on and grasp your weapon. It is your job. Your time. Your responsibility. ![]() ![]() You decide! Decide which side you are on, either the Warriors or the Ghosts. To join, fill out this form: Name: Side: Gender: Rank: Weapon: Here are the ranks: Warriors: Commander- Deputy- Skilled Warriors (can be a lot) - Blackwolf (lightningbug1) Apprentices- Hunters- Ghosts: Commander- Souleaters- Hunters- Followers- Apprentices- Spies- Attackers- | 2010-06-10 22:12:00 Author: lightningbug1 ![]() Posts: 515 |
i'll start. name: Blackwolf side: Warriors rank:skilled warrior gender: female weapon: knife Blackwolf looked around. She stalked angrily over to a flesh-eating plat and chopped it off by the stem. She was furious! "If anyone's on this island besides ghosts, come on out!!" she yelled patiently. Blackwolf looked around at the line of trees. She could barely make out the faint lines of the ghosts. Blackwolf wondered if anyone would come. | 2010-06-10 22:16:00 Author: lightningbug1 ![]() Posts: 515 |
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