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HAGAD-T02 Heavy Air Ground Assault Dropship By Ragnarox12

Archive: 7 posts

HAGAD-T02 (Heavy Air Ground Assault Dropship) Codnamed "Beautiful Ruin"
Published level name under Ragnarox12 : HAGAD-T02 Heavy Air Ground Assault Dropship - Type 02

The HAGAD is a pretty big dropship, it moves by a piston/rail system (as you can see on the pic)

Weapons: 4S-QRMB DS-T (4 Silos Quick Reload Missile Battery Diagonal Strike Type T , located on top of the ship)
HGM Mk1 (heavy gatling minigun Mark I , located under the main hatch and cotnrols)

Systems: Radar antennae (located on front of ships, its used to detect enemy troops and vehicles), communications antennae (located on top of ship, its used to communicate with control base and companions) and main decomposing antimatter radioactive isotope engine (MDARIE).

Background: (my background story, cant have a complete vehicle if it doesnt have background, dont have to read it so just roll down for the pics...) The HAGAD-T02 was designed by the ASR faction (Artic Steath Recon) a subdivision of the Prevention and Execution Military (PEM) sent to stealth missions on some outskirts freezing planets to gain intel on a strange anomaly that interfered with interplanetary location systems, the ASR faction disappeared and never responded back. Years later on a second mission it was found that all ASR faction became hostile and began mass producing military vehicles including the HAGAD-T02 designed to drop on troopers on heavily defended enemy grounds and for tactical lifts. It is mostly covered by T01 QAF "chaser" fighters (in construction : D)
(This ship and many other vehicles will feature on an upcoming level series, maybe out by lbp2 era)

Here are some more pictures

Antimatter engine

Main pilot controls (and me XD)

side view of controls

Militar painting

Ship logo

The pictures were on create mode because the ship is way too big to take the photo on play mode due to the camera range being too small.
Let me know what you think.
2010-06-09 20:09:00

Posts: 898

WOW! That's looks really neat! I don't know how you did it! Haha!

It looks especially good in the dark with the lights glowing. I'll check this out soon :]
2010-06-09 20:25:00

Posts: 2979

heh, just took 2 full days of heavy detail work and some inspiration, by the way, i wish the camera on lbp had a greater range you can barely see what you do on the dropship due to that its pretty big, i am holding my hopes on lbp 2 to give a better camera range.
P.D (i doubt you could see it any time soon, psn is under maintenance or something like that since 12:00 p.m.)
2010-06-09 20:32:00

Posts: 898

looks really sweet

maybe you can help me, i want a dropship looking like that, except it has to have a really big roof (your not going in it, so its covered)

as long as it maintains a similar shape, i need it to hold something several sackboys tall (10ish) but it looks more boxish than slim
2010-06-10 20:53:00

Posts: 835

Nice dropship.
I especially like reading the background stories on all sorts
of things. It's pretty sweet how lbp MAKES you creative, whether
you're in the mood to be or not.
2010-06-11 04:39:00

Posts: 195

hehe thanks for the feedback people, this didnt came out of nowhere i did really made a drawing before designing, maybe i can get a scan and post it here soon.

@ johnrulz, yes i can help you out with the design and even logic and weapons if you wish, just add my psn: ragnarox12 (i only connect during middle week on the mornings usually from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and mostly play lbp, dont expect a response on the weekend because i wont connect).

@ jpkiid: thanks for the comments!, and yes i do express alot on lbp, but i used made stories time before after it, just that now i have where to place them in movement.

Cya around.
2010-06-11 21:23:00

Posts: 898

lol my idea for the engine was 3 different angled white on orange lights, so it makes like an engine fire shape, but your back is way better !2010-06-12 16:48:00

Posts: 835

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