A friendlier community?
Archive: 27 posts
Hey everyone. I've been pondering this for quite some time, and wanted to get your opinions on it. Every now and then I pop over to the PS3 sections of the site to see levels and assorted stuff. What I've sadly been finding is that people who spend hard time working on a level are viscously attacked for the smallest things. Cries of "rip-off" are near constant, and using community objects is treated as a death penalty. What often occurs goes beyond fair and constructive criticism into cruel and rude attacks. I can't honestly imagine that anyone on the receiving end of these rants wants to create again, and I wonder how many more great creators they might have if they didn't react with hatred. So I guess the point of this is to ask - what do we have that makes our community over here in the PSP section so much nicer? Thoughtful, B3 | 2010-06-09 14:59:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
This is a great post, B3, and one that I could go on and on and on about. I actually had some very rough experiences on LBPC back in the day when I was searching the different LBP sites. In fact, I tried integrating myself into the PS3 community on two different occasions, and by that I mean that I was posting all over the place and trying to be my normal cheerful self, and I was literally attacked to the point that a moderator had to come in and defend me! It really doesn't say anything bad about LBPC and it's Mod team, but rather about how hateful and Elitist the members can be. It almost feels like going to Jr. High all over again. LBPC has it's groups, and if you show up and try to fit in, they will make sure to let you know that you don't fit in. When I came over here to post my Now and Then thread, I wasn't actually expecting much feedback, and I wasn't expecting to visit the site much. I had been burned twice by the site, and I certainly wasn't going to open myself up to it again. There are plenty of other LBP sites, so why bother getting beat up when I can go where there are nice sackfolks. Boy, was I surprised when I received very kind feedback, huge support, and found an amazing community. It still blows me away that the PSP side is sooooooo much nicer. I have some old PS3 friends from other sites, and they ended up getting LBP PSP in the last few months and I tell them that they NEED to check out LBPC's PSP side because it is incredible. I ALWAYS get the same response: "What?!?! LBPC? Those guys are a bunch of elitists! Why would I go there? I think I'll just stick around here and see who else is playing PSP". I have begged and begged and begged some people to come here, but the PS3 side has burned them so bad that they just don't want to come again. So yeah, I agree with you B. There are some INCREDIBLE people on the PS3 side (xkappa, FULLGORR, RockSauron, Fenderjt, etc... the list really goes on and on and on....), but there are also an alarming number of people who just love to gang up on newer folks and tear them to pieces. Thanks so much to all of you in the LBPC PSP community for being so kind and considerate, even though my Fastbro song drives you mad, I smell bad, and my Hidy Ho's might drive you up the wall. It is great that we are all grown up enough to accept the way that everyone else is ![]() | 2010-06-09 15:13:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
I think it's a question of scale. There are much fewer members playing the PSP version than the PS3 version, so that means there are fewer bad eggs. Also, because there are fewer threads being made daily, it's easier for disruptive behavior to be spotted and called out/set straight. I believe the majority of PS3 players are just as friendly as PSP players. It's just that the minority is more vocal. | 2010-06-09 15:20:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
I don't think the PS3 side is very mean. The reason I came to LBPC PS3 was because they seemed nicer and more helpful than The Workshop forums. Now my PS3 got YLOD and I'm thinking of buying LBP PSP instead. ![]() | 2010-06-09 15:28:00 Author: Sunrise_Moon ![]() Posts: 469 |
Given that I'm not exactly a longtime member, I never experienced unfriendlyness here. If I ever do, I will ask those nice people, who offered support in my intro thread for a third opinion. Keep in mind, that communication via forum very easily leads to misunderstandings for several reasons. Staying calm is ALWAYS the best option. | 2010-06-09 16:20:00 Author: Xario ![]() Posts: 238 |
I like the PS3, but I don't know anybody on the forums, besides 2 people. This site is awesome, especially since most of the awesome PSP creators come here. Seriously, when I joined this site, I didn't know Amazingflyingpoo, tsr13, or Lleonard would be on this site. At first, I thought, "They're great creators, they don't talk to newbies" I was wrong, you guys are ver supportive, and once I saw seeing how supportive you guys were, I followed the same path. I try to get to people with feedback, and help. I know my words will inspire them becuase they know I,m a great creator. Although, about like 10 great creators just help them more. Maybe the reason why this site is so nice is because do to the fact that lot's of good creators came here to expand. It will continue to expand too! | 2010-06-09 16:49:00 Author: Spark151 ![]() Posts: 801 |
I don't think the PS3 side is very mean. The reason I came to LBPC PS3 was because they seemed nicer and more helpful than The Workshop forums. Now my PS3 got YLOD and I'm thinking of buying LBP PSP instead. ![]() The Workshop makes LBPC seem like the nicest place in the world even on LBPC's worst days ![]() Well... it seems that The Workshop has grown up some... so maybe it's not as true anymore, but back in the day it was almost fun to head over to the Workshop just to see how fast you could get your head ripped off ![]() | 2010-06-09 17:06:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
I cant say anything about the PS3 area of LBPC but i do know that this community really is great! And its just smart to help each other cause that way we all produce great creators (and get better creators ourselves in the process). So at the end we all have more great levels to play, create better levels and just have more fun at the bottom line! | 2010-06-09 17:51:00 Author: Arrestor ![]() Posts: 363 |
Hmm, I have a couple of theories, but as stated before, it may just be down to the numbers. If we think about it, there are probably more nice creators on the PS3 side of things - it's a more popular game on PS3 it seems, so we attract all sorts of people. Also I think to stick with PS3 create mode and it's bugs/workarounds you have to be dedicated to your goal - and thus you're going to be more sympathetic to levels. And you're less likely to come to a forum just to hate on people if you're struggling with the game yourself. Again time length may be an issue. LBP PS3 has been out far longer, so people have been able to establish themselves a place and are unlikely to want to let that go and help newer members. Whereas here, everyone is still starting out and trying to make friends/be generally nice. Okay maybe I overanalysed it, but that's what you wanted right? ![]() | 2010-06-10 20:16:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
I'd always try to help members occasionally I'd blow a gaskett but i'd fix it again ![]() I think there are some real elitists over at the PS3 thread who always bickers with someone about something pointless but there are also some really nice members who'll offer help. | 2010-06-10 20:24:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
Wait, I'm an example of a good user on the PS3 side(@ that amazing thing floating in mid air we should all stay away from)? I didn't know I HAD a side, I thought I was just the guy who hung around because he couldn't let go of this site after all the changing it's been through, and only plays LBP at all just to check on what other people are doing O-o. I has a side? O NOEZ D: ... Anyway... Anything I say wouldn't really be educated since I don't really check up on LBP threads because I don't know anything... so... why am I posting here? I unno. I leave this thread to everyone else. Just remember, I belong to my OWN side :kz: | 2010-06-10 20:31:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
What has always surprised me is the sour grapes in the spotlight threads. As the spotlight is really the only thing we share with the PS3 side of the community, it's the only time I get any experience of that side of things, and I'm always totally surprised not only about how rude people can be, but about how audacious and pushy they are. Now I don't want this to seem like an indictment on PS3 users, as there are obviously a lot that are really nice, and really it's not at all unusual - it's a webforum after all and I really don't think that the 'others' are particularly nasty, I actually think it's truly remarkable how good spirited the PSP section is. Keep it up everyone! | 2010-06-10 22:02:00 Author: SalieriAAX ![]() Posts: 421 |
I think that perhaps because the PS3 levels can be much better quality and can be made quicker (because it's on PS3), people are more critical of these levels than the PSP levels that are generally at a lower quality. I just hope that when the PSP side gets to the point at which the quality is almost equal with that of the PS3 side, we don't suddenly get over critical. There's always hope... | 2010-06-10 22:42:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The psp side of this forum is one of the nicest I have ever been a part of. I don't go to the ps3 side much, even though I have a ps3 and a copy of lbp since day one. I just like the portable version more. ![]() I have a few friends over there and I leave feedback on levels when I can. I too have seen jealousy in the spotlight thread on the ps3 side. When a psp level gets spotlighted everyone here seems happy for the creator and usually offers up congratulations. ![]() Great thread Bill!! ![]() | 2010-06-10 22:45:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Thats why i came to this site... | 2010-06-11 13:18:00 Author: Lilman1101 ![]() Posts: 91 |
It's good to see that there is part of the community that still has that nice friendly "little village" type atmosphere where everyone gets along in harmony. In fairness though, the PS3 forums aren't that bad - aside the recent ranting about cool pages (which in a way is justified) and the crap a few months ago (crown competitions FTL) when things got really bad for a bit. I think gilgamesh hit the nail on the head though, scale is the issue here - someone trolling round the PS3 forums is more likely to gain support than someone here, so it's much harder for the community to work against that and it's less likely to remain as isolated incidents. It almost feels like going to Jr. High all over again. LBPC has it's groups, and if you show up and try to fit in, they will make sure to let you know that you don't fit in. But then the same thing happens all over the place, I've had someone basically shoot me down for trying to help with a logic problem at LBL because I wasn't Mnniska. Now, don't get me wrong, I like LBL, but even in a place as small as that you still get people ripping on the n00bs. Nah, nowhere is perfect and generally issues become more obvious if the community is bigger. But lets not exaggerate here: What I've sadly been finding is that people who spend hard time working on a level are viscously attacked for the smallest things. Really? Because that's certainly not what I'm seeing, besides the attacks on the people "ruining" cool pages etc. and the general discontent with the spotlight (don't get me started ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2010-06-11 14:11:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
I think the reason why we're all so nice here is that you have to be an optimist to play on psp as with all the bugs, all the pessimists will gave gone and given the game straight back. It's really hard to create good levels, and that would probably deter them. Generally optimists are friendly-er, so we are the best community in terms of freindly-er-ness. | 2010-06-11 14:24:00 Author: The Forgotten ![]() Posts: 316 |
Well, in my opinion, you are going to have at least one person that is out to bash your level or just be mean in general. This stays true even in life itself, every place you go, every school you attend, will always have a bully. I also think that maybe the size of the community makes for a less percentage of people willing to be unkind with their feedback, thus less cases of rudeness. ![]() | 2010-06-11 14:57:00 Author: RJA00000 ![]() Posts: 387 |
[...] every place you go [...] will always have a bully. [...] We could like distill an axiom out of this: "If there is no one opposing you, you should consider something to be very very wrong. Maybe you're dreaming, dead or drugged." :-D | 2010-06-11 15:53:00 Author: Xario ![]() Posts: 238 |
But then the same thing happens all over the place, I've had someone basically shoot me down for trying to help with a logic problem at LBL because I wasn't Mnniska. Now, don't get me wrong, I like LBL, but even in a place as small as that you still get people ripping on the n00bs. You have some great points rtm! Perhaps my earlier experiences here were just unfortunate incidents and should not be considered the norm. I can certainly agree that we have seen members from LBL treats n00bs in a not-so-welcoming fashion, and the Mods had to come in and clean up (just like what happened to me when I stopped by here for the first few times back when I was a wee lad). It's an unfortunate circumstance that will always be unavoidable on a forum with anonymity (I'm going to pretend that that is spelled correctly). | 2010-06-11 16:02:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
@amazingflyingpoo (I'm not going to imagine any pictures regarding this nick, that may haunt me by flying through my mind :-) Do you know how many megabytes have been produzed by users worldwide in all the different language versions of wikipedia regarding: "treating noobs in a not-so-welcoming-way"? So yes, thats not a problem at LBP or LBPC alone. Actually, that a bit of an understatement, more precisely it's been one of mankind's social problems since its dawn and it reflects of course in every forum that exists. | 2010-06-11 16:36:00 Author: Xario ![]() Posts: 238 |
Just like what Spark said (on page 1 of this forum) i would never have guessed i would be friends with the great creaters (AFPOO, Taffy, Spark, Valcro jonze, alimuffin ect..) when i first played those levels they made. Everyone i have met in the psp side of the site are very nice, I have never had any problems with anyone and everyones helpful. ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2010-06-12 23:53:00 Author: SketchNZ ![]() Posts: 1668 |
I never thought I would be friends with all the awesome creators ether. Now I am on my way to becoming one ![]() | 2010-06-13 06:18:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
Great points all around. I've never personally had any bad experiences on LBPC, and that includes a good amount of time spent on the PS3 side back in the day. I spent my early LBP days over on the GameFAQs boards and made a lot of great friends there, most of which ended up here. What was annoying about GFAQs was the glut of spammed "Kratos code????" threads that showed up on an hourly basis. Really it's all about the vocal minority. There will always be gripers, spammers, haters, and other obnoxious ninnyhammers no matter where you go. The larger the community the larger the perceived level of personalities that chafe like a set of underpants woven from nettles. What really sets LBPC apart as a whole (and the PSP boards to a greater degree) is the large number of incredibly friendly folks that choose to speak up more than the whiners do. That helps to create an atmosphere minimized on elitism and maximized on friendliness, fun, and constructive criticism. That's all a really long way of me saying that you guys (and gals) are all awesome, and everyone else is a bunch of doo-doo heads. There, I said it. ![]() | 2010-06-13 19:15:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
In all fairness I can't have an opinion of the ps3 side as I rarely go there. Though I do have a very strong opinion on the psp side. When I first posted a level here I got so much great feedback it was unbelievable. And that feedback and support helped me shape my first spotlighted level. I got great feedback on that level too and due to LBPC each of my levels got better and better. I have thus far achieved 1 Superstar Sticker, 5 Spotlights, 1LBL LOTW, 4 Fastbro picks and many great friends. Thanks LBPC!! | 2010-06-14 09:46:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
I cant compare lbpcPS3 to lbpcPSP cause I'm not often over there, but I can say lbpcPSP has the nicest comunity I've seen so far in the Forums I stroll around ![]() | 2010-06-14 11:01:00 Author: Dhana777 ![]() Posts: 122 |
I cant compare lbpcPS3 to lbpcPSP cause I'm not often over there, but I can say lbpcPSP has the nicest comunity I've seen so far in the Forums I stroll around ![]() Ditto!!! I used to love the Workshop, but now I hate it. Not friendly at all. I'm still very grateful to Domi(c)k, he's the one who invited me over here. Now I realize that this is by far the greatest LBP Community forums out there... ![]() | 2010-06-15 15:44:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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