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Emmiter delay switch (low thermo)

Archive: 5 posts

This is my delay switch that i just made. it uses 4 peices of dark matter and 2 peices of dissolve.

First step:

2: http://i918.photobucket.com/albums/ad23/shadowsythe456732/APhoto_3.jpg

3: http://i918.photobucket.com/albums/ad23/shadowsythe456732/APhoto_4-1.jpg

EDIT: I am going to add a showcase level for this switch (copyable) it can be shrunk down aswell . Just search assassinshooterX and you should find it. it will be called "delay switch showcase"
2010-06-08 01:32:00

Posts: 176

What kind of delay switch? The kind where it activates a few seconds after receiving an input, or the kind where an output activates for a few seconds, then turns off until it gets another input?

And why would you need four pieces of dark matter for only two moving parts?

Do you have a USB flash drive?


If so, plug it into a USB port on your PS3, next to your the USB port where your controller is plugged in. Go to your PS3 album and press triangle over the picture. There's an option like "download to media" where you can put it on your flash drive.

Then, plug your flashdrive into your computer, and upload to a free image hosting website like TinyPic or Photobucket.

If not, you can use the PS3 browser to upload your PS3 album image to a free image hosting website like TinyPic or Photobucket. I personally tried it with LBPC albums, but it doesn't work since the 4.0 VBulletin Experience Update. When you click an image hosting site's upload button, the PS3's albums will come up, and you can select the picture(s).
2010-06-08 01:45:00

Posts: 3251

it can be easaly tweaked to witchever, by default it delays 4 secs after receiveng input. its also a permanent activate. it can be made repetitive aswell.2010-06-08 02:02:00

Posts: 176

Here are four permanent delay switches that use less thermo than that one, sorry.


From left to right, I'll just call the A, B,C, D.

A) This is a hysteresis-based delay switch. Hysteresis is a property of magnetic key switches having to do with the keyswitch radius extending when the magnetic key enters. Search hysteresis in the LBPC search bar if you're interested. The switch works with a directional input.

B) This is a delay switch that works on the basis of winches being able to pull but not push. The piston has a strength of 0. It's only used to keep the cardboard stiff. The switch works with a directional input.

C) This is a delay switch that uses gravity. It's kind of cheating, but it works. The magnetic key is inverted. The dissolve is what triggers the switch. It accepts on/off and 1-shot inputs.

D) This is the simplest delay switch example. The grab switch, set to directional, is on dark matter so that it's always on and always pulling the piston. When the dissolve disappears, the piston can pull. The dissolve is what triggers the switch. It accepts on/off and 1-shot inputs.

Each of these has minor advantages and disadvantages, and are useful in different situations.
2010-06-10 00:56:00

Posts: 3251

nice, but theyre not emmiter delay switches are they????? the reason i use emmiters is because the editing for changing the stup is very easy, to make it a repetitive delay you would remove the permanent switch and attach the switch to whatever you want. or a switch that activates when you hold it for a certain amount of time can be done by deleting 1 emmiter and the permanent switch and emmiting something else, with a lifetime of the delay..... i dont think you can take A and do that??/ or im not sure... the delay also works as gas so it can be put anywhere.2010-06-10 01:41:00

Posts: 176

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