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Anti mag-key Homing Missiles (Copyable)

Archive: 10 posts

Not much to say. Johnruls77 was asking about making missiles home in on mag keys so I made him one that could home in on them (easy) and that won't freeze up if there's more than one key (not quite as easy).

It uses a thin glass rail glued to the back of the missile and a dark matter track emitter to guide it. The emitter is attached to a circle of thin gas mounted on the front of the missile so that the track can be turned. There are three winches that pull the wheel to the right, left, or center position, with the right winch being the strongest. The result is that it will lock onto mag keys of the same color and will turn right until no more remain on the right side, then it will fly straight (mostly) at it and destroy it. If there are no keys to the right, it will track keys to the left. If there are no keys detected at all, it will simply fly like a normal missile (none of the direction controls will trigger and the track emitter won't turn on).

There's really not much to the level. There's the prototype missile sitting on the ground ready to be captured or tweaked, and to the right/above, there's a firing range of pink floaty targets. Trigger the emitter and you can watch the missiles destroy all the targets starting with the one furthest to the right. There's a jetpack with a camera tool to allow you to watch in play mode, but you can get a much better view of in create mode.

And as a final bonus, I've included a prize bubble with my anti-sack missile (which was much simpler to build since sensor switches have a "require all" setting.

Psn: Sehven
Level Name: Homing missile showcase (Copyable)
2010-06-08 01:02:00

Posts: 2188

um i tried it out and i put, floaty with green switches. the rocket flew EXACTLY above the floaty square. and i think the reason was that the switch was not centered on the floaty.2010-06-08 20:20:00

Posts: 176

Yeah, you'll want to center the key as much as possible. Also the targets I made are about as small as you can really get away with, and it's still possible to miss and have the missile end up running circles around it. Still, I'm pretty happy with how accurate they came out, and with how the launcher will systematically wipe out all targets. The jittery-ness is a bit annoying and I'm really not sure why it happens (though if I hadn't made the rail and tracks invisible, I might be able to see why), but it doesn't seem to be debilitating.2010-06-08 22:52:00

Posts: 2188

"jitteryness" seems to be inevitable (especially if you cant somehow incorporate a speed setting into the directional control). I recently made torpedoes that also track mag keys (compressed missiles and thack gekko armour to negate bounancy) but in that case it actually makes them look like they swim to their targets!
Jitteryness seems to be caused in the time that one directional mag switch deactivates and the other activates, even when the trigger radii touch there seems to always be somewhat of an oscillation induced.

Time for some PS3-less troubleshooting!:
-How is the gas mounted?
-Have you enough slack in the winches' max lenghts to allow for movement from position to position?
-Is the centre winch's min lenght shorter than it actually needs to be (often a cause of oscillation in connected objects)?

Now I think about it maybe it has something to do with the fact that the right winch is stronger?

I'll take a look at these later and see if I can come up with a solution .
2010-06-09 13:15:00

Posts: 572

Uh diagram please?2010-06-09 15:14:00

Posts: 192

-How is the gas mounted?
-Have you enough slack in the winches' max lenghts to allow for movement from position to position?
-Is the centre winch's min lenght shorter than it actually needs to be (often a cause of oscillation in connected objects)?

-Low strength wobble bolt (to constrain its angle so it can't turn too far to the left or right) with an untriggerable mag switch keeping it turned off.

Now I think about it maybe it has something to do with the fact that the right winch is stronger?

Perhaps. I tweaked the winches until they worked perfectly sitting on the ground, but they may behave slightly differently in the air.

Uh diagram please?

The level is copyable. If you wanna' see how it works (and my rambling description somehow isn't completely clear ), download it and tinker with the missile.
2010-06-09 17:45:00

Posts: 2188

These look awesome! IIRC, Missiles are Thack, so would it not be possible to make the mechanism Theck so the missile would only be one layer thick? I haven't actually seen the level yet, so I don't know if you've already doen this. If so, just ignore me!2010-06-13 17:46:00

Posts: 187

Sort of. The problem is with the emitter. It treats thack and theck as though they can block each other. If you try to emit theck into the same layer as a theck part, it blocks it. There might be a workaround, but I'm pretty happy with what I've got. You just can't use it directly in front of a thin layer object. When lbp2 comes out, it'll be simple to make a tracking missile and to make it even more reliable/accurate.2010-06-18 08:13:00

Posts: 2188

When lbp2 comes out, it'll be simple to make a tracking missile and to make it even more reliable/accurate.

Yeah not to mention everything else conceivable would be easier to make

Yeah how did you get that to work using winches?
2010-06-18 20:00:00

Posts: 192

The emitter is on a thin gas circle attached via low strength wobble bolt. The wobble bolt is set to off the whole time-it's there to make sure the wheel can't over-turn. The winches pull the wheel to face left, right, or center.2010-06-19 00:32:00

Posts: 2188

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