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creature brain pieces seperated

Archive: 8 posts

I've just been playing LBP round a mates house & we were in the creator destroying creatures... & I noticed a brain in 2 seperate pieces with the glowing red bit a short distance from the base of it. I haven't done much testing yet so I can't tell you much about it other than they are selected together & counted as a single object & the red bit looks like a score bubble. Has anyone else seen this glitch?2010-06-07 13:16:00

Posts: 396

I've just been playing LBP2 round a mates house

No you weren't

Yeah, this is already vaguely known I think. There are ways of getting the bubble out and it behaving like a score bubble and ways of getting it out and having it behave like a brain. I never reall saw much use to it though. I do remember it was quite ewasy to reproduce, but can't remember how now... Anyone got any ideas?
2010-06-07 13:30:00

Posts: 6497

Anyone got any ideas?

Attaching a brain to a piece of material then making it really large usually tends to separate the parts from a brain.
2010-06-07 15:20:00

Posts: 2870

I think you can attach a creature brain and leg to a piece of material then convert it to dark matter.2010-06-07 15:28:00

Posts: 428

take a creature from the story mode out of your popit but make it really big before you place it is another method.2010-06-07 16:06:00

Posts: 1562

Attaching a brain to a piece of material then making it really large usually tends to separate the parts from a brain.

This works.

How I discovered it? Giant rocket cheetah....
2010-06-08 18:56:00

Posts: 2645

I've just been playing LBP2 round a mates house & we were in the creator destroying creatures...

Either that's a typo, or you're messing with our heads... >:I
2010-06-08 23:01:00

Posts: 1569

Either that's a typo, or you're messing with our heads... >:I

sorry, yes a typo
2010-06-09 06:19:00

Posts: 396

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