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Destruction Device

Archive: 28 posts

Hi LBPC! trip090 here with something that I created that could actually be of use to you creators out there!

I present: The Destruction Device!


Ok, I know it doesn't look like much, but this little do-hickey could be the answer to you problems. So don't judge a book by its cover, let me explain it to you.

Essentially, this device is a creature brain that doesn't give out points. Yes, you heard me correctly. The Destruction Device destroys anything just like a creature brain but doesn't give out points!

It's easy to use, just hide it somewhere out of the way. Then hook up each thing you want to disappear to the right-hand side section (the bit that isn't the dome) with either:

a) A piece of string if the object doesn't move.
b) A piece of elastic with 0.0 strength if the object does move.

Then, to destroy the device and the selected objects, simply dissolve the green base. It's that easy! However, the device does leave the left-hand dome behind but that shouldn't be too much of a problem, just stick a dark matter platform underneath it to catch the dome.

The device is out in a level. Just search for trip090 and you'll find it in a level called "Destruction Device". Also, this is a prototype - a prototype. Remember that. I'm still seeing what it can do.

I'm going to keep upgrading it to try and get it smaller, even easier to use and looking much better. This isn't the final design!

So, tell me - what do you think of my creation?

How to use the Destruction Device (huge thanks to ViniciusBR11 for the video):

2010-06-05 20:04:00

Posts: 1562

Thankyou SO much This'll be alot easier than demitting most of the time(unless you need to emit stuff again and again)2010-06-05 21:07:00

Unknown User

wait... so no need to demit stuff anymore? this is amazing! thanks!2010-06-05 21:27:00

Posts: 1361

wait... so no need to demit stuff anymore? this is amazing! thanks!

yup! no more de-emitting, unless you really want to.
2010-06-05 21:38:00

Posts: 1562

Woah cool find, I'll totally find use for this! 2010-06-05 21:42:00

Posts: 3871

so, someone hasn't created this already? i actually created something useful? 2010-06-05 21:56:00

Posts: 1562

I've been using a setup for some time now that does the same but without broken brains.2010-06-05 22:19:00

Posts: 572

I've been using a setup for some time now that does the same but without broken brains.

really? care to share with us?
2010-06-05 22:27:00

Posts: 1562

Man you made rtm almost outa buisne-
I here the banhammer...
2010-06-05 22:33:00

Posts: 3607

It's very nice and I'll probably find situations where it's preferable to a demitter, but in most cases a demitter would serve the same purpose with lower thermo cost. I'm not sure if everybody understands exactly how easy demitters are to use these days: otherwise they wouldn't try so hard to avoid them. Ever since the game was patched so that switching to play mode doesn't break emitter association, you can rig one-time demitters easier than any other kill method.

This trick would be especially useful for getting rid of emitted vehicles. I tried to rig a vehicle with its own demitter and fire it from an emitter once, but it didn't work. Your device can be added to the logic center or a vehicle to provide a killswitch. That's what you should call it: the killswitch. Or, you know... destruction device. That works too.

So it looks like you used the compression tool to make the dome overlap the dissolve. Is that right?
2010-06-05 23:45:00

Posts: 2188

A permanent demmiter uses less thermo than this

Good find though!
2010-06-06 00:32:00

Posts: 3251

So it looks like you used the compression tool to make the dome overlap the dissolve. Is that right?

nope! the brain does this itself. this device is surprisingly simple.

A permanent demmiter uses less thermo than this

this takes up hardly any thermo too. and one it's activated, the objects gone. it doesn't need to be emitted anywhere else.

i'm not saying this device should be a replacement for a the de-emitters, oh no. it has it's own special qualities. trust me, this thing will be extremely useful.

i'm going to put it in a level today. just a level with a few demonstrations and it as a prize. stick around.
2010-06-06 07:14:00

Posts: 1562

this takes up hardly any thermo too.

On its own, one of them wouldn't take up much thermo, but if you're using it on a dozen or so objects, it adds up. A lot of us have to scrimp on thermo as much as possible, especially the collected objects one.

and one it's activated, the objects gone. it doesn't need to be emitted anywhere else.

That is a nice perk, but you can rig one-time demitters that don't need to emit the object anywhere else by using Aya's thermo hack (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=23793-How-To-Seriously-Cheat-The-Thermo). In fact I always rig my one-time demitters to emit a tiny block of dark matter.

i'm not saying this device should be a replacement for a the de-emitters, oh no. it has it's own special qualities.

Indeed. As I said, it would be awesome for emitted vehicles or enemies that aren't easily compatible with demitters.

unlike a creature brain, it doesn't destroy everything that's glued together. it only gets rid of the things you hook up to it.

Doesn't destroy everything that's glued together? Can you elaborate? If you had, for example, a car and you hooked the dd up to the body of the car, would it destroy the wheels too? If it doesn't destroy everything that's glued, what does it destroy?
2010-06-06 07:47:00

Posts: 2188

Doesn't destroy everything that's glued together? Can you elaborate? If you had, for example, a car and you hooked the dd up to the body of the car, would it destroy the wheels too? If it doesn't destroy everything that's glued, what does it destroy?

well, i don't overly understand it. i tested it out on a character i'd made and it only destroyed the piece of the character attached via a piece of string to the device. the other piece either stayed where they were or fell off because they where glued to the piece that got destroyed. usually though it just gets rid of the whole thing.
EDIT: just been experimenting and i've found out what makes it disappear in individual segments. sticking dark matter to the object seems to do it.

i really stress this shouldn't be compared to de-emitting. this does the same job but for different situations. like you said Sehven, it's useful for destroying emitted cars. this isn't here to replace de-emitting, it's just a method for destroying things.
2010-06-06 08:18:00

Posts: 1562

Thanks alot, it's gonna be very useful, I'm getting tired of using dissoluble material, that is way too noticeable... 2010-06-06 08:49:00

Posts: 1305

the level with this in should be out within the hour. it's a tutorial so it's taking a while.2010-06-06 09:08:00

Posts: 1562

yup! no more de-emitting, unless you really want to.

Well, the two aren't exactly the same. An object destroyed with a creature brain will fall apart before its components dissolve, whereas a demitted object will immediately vanish in a puff of smoke*, so which method you use will depend on which of the two effects you want.

If you don't really care which of the two effects you get, then a demitter is cheaper on the thermo than a creature brain. Indeed, I believe the maximum number of creature brains you can have in a level is very low.

* Unless it's made entirely of glass, in which case it just vanishes without any smoke.
2010-06-06 12:08:00

Posts: 2870

it's your creation at the end of the day. it doesn't matter which method you use, as long as it's the one you want to use.

oh yeah, it's out in a level now. i think it's near north america. so yeah, if you want to get your hands on it, head over to that level.
2010-06-06 12:25:00

Posts: 1562

Thankyou SO much This'll be alot easier than demitting most of the time(unless you need to emit stuff again and again)

Actually, it's probably better for these scenarios, as the one time demiter is easier. You can still emit this and destroy it using an external signal.

In particular i'd say this is most useful if you want to emit multiple times and have the spwaning point mobile, as mobile demitters are extremely limited in what is achieveable.

Man you made rtm almost outa buisne-
I here the banhammer...

Ahhh, we're gonna have to rethink all of our logic skills for LBP2 anyways, I'm sure there will be plenty for me to do then

well, i don't overly understand it. i tested it out on a character i'd made and it only destroyed the piece of the character attached via a piece of string to the device. the other piece either stayed where they were or fell off because they where glued to the piece that got destroyed. usually though it just gets rid of the whole thing.
EDIT: just been experimenting and i've found out what makes it disappear in individual segments. sticking dark matter to the object seems to do it.

I don't actually understand this bit, but I'm sure I can work it out if I give it a go. TBH though, if you can force it to destroy a simgle object and not the object you've glued to it, that's kinda nice.

it's your creation at the end of the day. it doesn't matter which method you use, as long as it's the one you want to use.

As everyone has said, whilst the two techniques are essentially the same result (removing an object from play), the subtle differences between them mean that you will likely use them in different scenarios and there is always the aesthetic difference to take into account. Having muiltiple ways to achieve the same goal is always win IMO.
2010-06-06 15:55:00

Posts: 6497

You can't directly destroy dark matter. It has to be glued to another material.2010-06-06 18:58:00

Posts: 469


I'll try to have a look once I start playing LBP again. (A couple days or so... Just a short break is all...)

I have an object that does essentially the same thing, but probably takes a little more thermo, but it's worth it, since it turns the object it's strung/elastic-ed into plasma, electricity, or fire first. I could probably find a use for the regular one of yours, since it's all just for aesthetics anyway. I don't remember if I have the old version published still, but if anyone wants, I could publish the new one... (It reacts faster, is cheaper on the thermo, supports plasma by default, and doesn't have a paintball splatter on it.)

With this, I could add some more special-ier effects to my new level.
2010-06-07 21:51:00

Posts: 1106

This is pretty usefull, I needed this before but found a solution that costed much more thermometer 2010-06-08 19:19:00

Posts: 562

Great find and sounds really useful! I really don't know how you could possibly think this up, but you did! Haha! Thanks for your effort! :]2010-06-08 19:59:00

Posts: 2979

Ingenious. I can already tell how useful this little
contraption may be. Nice job on the find.
2010-06-10 05:17:00

Posts: 195

thanks to vinicius, there's now a video on how to use the device, just in case it wasn't working for you. 2010-06-14 07:26:00

Posts: 1562

Great device, just grabbed 1, it's a shame there is that 1 sec delay between trigering it and destruction.

I recomended use of this device for non dissolve objects emitted from my new device.... I haven't made a prize bubble for mine yet, will do that soon.

As for the bit about it only destroying what the string/rod/elastic is attached to not what its glued to... adding more rods/string/elastic is easy enough.
2010-06-14 13:27:00

Posts: 445

This is a good find indeed, less fidling around than demitters IMO.2010-06-14 15:34:00

Chamion B
Posts: 124

thanks to vinicius, there's now a video on how to use the device, just in case it wasn't working for you.
no problem
2010-06-14 15:49:00

Posts: 546

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