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new start gate

Archive: 3 posts

Whenever I built a level that has any type of race in it, I always get frustrated with the Start Gate. Why does it only work in play mode? Why can?t it have on/off or maybe an open/closed function?
I wish there was a way to open up the start gate and conduct a test on the track while in create mode, because then we could pause and make adjustments.

All this lead to me to create a Start Gate that allow you to test your racetrack without leaving create mode.

An upside-down start gate is connected to a wobble bolt. When you want to test something in create mode you raise it up and lower it to use it as a normal one in play mode.

You can checkout and get one on ?New Start gate?
2010-06-05 04:09:00

Posts: 58

You COULD of course just place the entrance right besides/ on top of the race star gate while testing, its pretty much the same thing, unless you really can't spar a couple of seconds of course.

Hope that helps!
2010-06-05 04:14:00

Posts: 6707

I guess, but this one is upsidedown... LOL2010-06-05 04:26:00

Posts: 58

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