Did you know you can edit copied objects?
Archive: 2 posts
(sorry if people know this already) that was the only title fit to bring in people who need this to edit, and also people who were giving i expected people to not realize this because sehven mentioned in his level (the vehicle one) "....they've all been captured so editing is limited" yet from what ive accomplished so far, the way to edit items like that, or give it out so people can edit them, is this; 1. make sure YOU made 100% of the item in create mode (with or without friends) 2. YOU must place the captured object IN a copyable level and simple as that. to edit it. 3. save the copied level to your moon, when you try to edit the item, or edit parts of it, it wont delete itself or break, etc. 4. if you need to take it to another level, capture it, the engine thinks its yours so if you bring it to another lvl its 100% editable i think this because, since you have FULL ownership to the item, placing it in the level transfers ownership to the lvl owner, (you) but when copied the ownership is TRANSFERED. so be careful with your copyable levels. you can COMPLETELY edit anything that has been either a) made within the level b) created 100% within the authors presence (if he made it, or friend in create) captured, and placed in copyable level. like now for instance, my mech needs a control panel, so to fill the space before the special lbp2 seats are out (forgot name >.<) ill simply delete the wood on sehvens hamster wheel, and edit it INTO my mech, (THANKS SEHVEN) just as a temporary fix. XD (ONCE AGAIN, SORRY IF PEOPLE ALREADY KNOW THIS. also a great method for transfering an object from one account to another, (obviously make a password system or something) | 2010-06-05 03:50:00 Author: johnrulz77 ![]() Posts: 835 |
I mostly new this, but I was under the impression that if I captured my own object and placed it in a copyable level, others would still not be able to edit them. I put my old theck and thack blocks into my copyable glitched materials level but nobody but me could edit them (I replaced them a few months ago with new samples that can be edited by others). Maybe it's changed in a patch somwhere along the way. like now for instance, my mech needs a control panel, so to fill the space before the special lbp2 seats are out (forgot name >.<) ill simply delete the wood on sehvens hamster wheel, and edit it INTO my mech, (THANKS SEHVEN) just as a temporary fix. XD That's why I built them in the copyable level: I figured people could dissect them for study or just to stick 'em into their own vehicles. The last two on the right are buggy, though, so I wouldn't use either of them: they use theck gas. I thought it wasn't lethal, but it turns out that it's lethal to some people--it seems random who it affects. I've been planning on fixing them, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I also started working on a new gear based wheel with the flipper contained inside the wheel to save space, but I haven't got it working yet. | 2010-06-05 07:00:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
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