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Cars, Hotrods, High Performance, Muscle, We Do It All **Check It Out** prizes

Archive: 11 posts

Cars, Hot Rods, High Performance, and Muscle, I got the skill, I make cars for your entertainment.
I have made over 40+ individual cars including:

69' Chevelle
66 Lamborghini
79 Monte Carlo
02 Lamborghini Diablo
74 Lincoln Continental
56 Corvette
56 Chevy Bel-air
70 Barracuda
72 Plymouth Duster
76 Gran Torino
Service Humvee
87 Buick Grand National
66' Camaro
68 Chevy Nova
56 Jaguar

these Cars look a close match, resembling the cars that Ive worked on (I am a Collision repair tech, Body man) Ive never worked on a lambo or service Humvee but I wish, the point is that I made a level displaying only 10 of these cars and my storage garage was lost because my play station broke, all data deleted. so outside the blueprints ive drawn, these are what I got left since 95% was free made.

80% of my cars take 2 hours to make. each resembles the real car, chrome trim, chrome door handles, Wheels, grill, hoods, deck lids, fenders, glass windows, windshield, vents, the whole 9 yards

70% of my cars include real suspension capable of absorbing bumps in the road without shaking the car, the 56 Bel Air has the best suspension

40% of my cars feature opening deck lids and hoods

30% of my cars include a working engine, based off real engines, the corvette has a clutch. I have recently drawn up a blue print for a v2 which was never made in production because of my play station breaking. If the gas is held and the car is unable to move, the car actually rumbles. Some cars include racing engines, enabling the car to jet off without flipping the car back if it has rear wheel drive, some cars include nitro.

My cars are made from ground up, some include hood emblems and such and custom paint jobs, ive even had a small time business going at one point, people would private message me and ask for cars, I would build them, make a level test driving their car and give them a prize bubble of their car exchange for hearts or goods ( one guy made me a weight station for my cars)

Now on LBP this Level is available include a small show case and whats left of my cars, pictures of them, and prizes of the ones left.

Text Seach: Phila-Pino
The level should be called "Phila Pinos Hot Rod Display" Or something like that.

enjoy and claim your prize, I dont want this level going to waste the world needs to know what I have made and if I buy a new PS3 my new cars will be better and will blow your socks off... Guaranteed.
2010-06-05 02:18:00

Posts: 6

This would go under Level showcase,
Since it is a level
2010-06-05 02:58:00

Posts: 1176

What scale are they? i mean i love vehicles, but especially if there to scale.2010-06-05 03:10:00

Posts: 255

to scale they would match either life size (3 layers) or sackboy size (1 layer), I have only made a few cars that are 3 layers that include a dash, mid console, bucket seats, back bench seats, axles, everything a real car would have. but those are unavailable, since they have been lost in the cause. those were the best ones because the engine in those actually worked without having to use a motor bolt or magnet., it was combustion. but the cars in the level are made to scale for the sackboy, fit for a sack boy since they are only one layer.2010-06-05 04:33:00

Posts: 6

A real combustion engine? Really?2010-06-05 19:45:00

Posts: 2979

yup combustion. that car took 5 hours a day for atleast 2 1/2 weeks. It was made so that the explosives were small enough to work without making noise and turing the car black. and it was strong enough to acceleratel the car without making it stutter.2010-06-06 01:18:00

Posts: 6

thats pretty awesome!, but could we see some pics? they will really attract more attention to this thread and your creations. if you don't know how, send me a message and i can tell you in detail how to do it.2010-06-06 03:40:00

Posts: 255

A combustible engine? Inside a car that's fit to scale?
Oh goody, I will definitely check this out.
2010-06-06 09:01:00

Posts: 195

The combustion engine is lost due to my play station breaking. but Ive made blue prints for it only drawn up to around 60% of it, the rest of the 40% was free made because I started and then started drawing when it started looking good. but the rest are just cylinder and piston engines I made that actually had to be dropped into the cars, in which thats why most of the cars feature opening hoods. Its all my fault its lost, I procrastinated putting up all my cars so I wouldn't lose them and taking pics, I didn't think about capturing pictures outside the play station because I wasnt thinking about my playstation breaking, should have but I didnt.2010-06-07 02:17:00

Posts: 6

wonder if he has had any luck making new ones...2010-10-19 10:36:00

Posts: 71

thats too cool!!!!!! [new user title]2010-10-19 14:53:00

Posts: 157

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