Best video EVA
Archive: 13 posts
check out his other vids... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SWfPoITlP8 Enough with the rainbows and flowers - it's time for guns and missles! This is the true power of light painting: every weapon at your fingertips. | 2010-06-04 14:51:00 Author: Pattington_Bear ![]() Posts: 777 |
How would I know what his channel name is? Can you put a link or something to his channel, please ![]() | 2010-06-04 15:32:00 Author: AbstractFlesh ![]() Posts: 837 |
How would I know what his channel name is? Can you put a link or something to his channel, please ![]() Isn't it that thing at the bottom right of the video that says "http://youtube.com/freddiew" about 3 seconds into the video? ![]() | 2010-06-04 15:36:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
Isn't it that thing at the bottom right of the video that says "http://youtube.com/freddiew" about 3 seconds into the video? ![]() Erm... I guess *runs* | 2010-06-04 15:48:00 Author: AbstractFlesh ![]() Posts: 837 |
Please tell me there is a clever pun that is the cause for you spelling 'ever' as 'EVA' in the title... And ya know, make it more relevant to the topic. And actually say something that you feel makes the video good, rather than just leaving the video. Also, youtube thread. | 2010-06-04 15:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Please tell me there is a clever pun that is the cause for you spelling 'ever' as 'EVA' in the title... And ya know, make it more relevant to the topic. And actually say something that you feel makes the video good, rather than just leaving the video. Also, youtube thread. can you not mock me for using the word "eva" as it was not a spelling mistake but it is a clever pun, shortening the word "ever" ![]() ![]() I the idea was promote his videos not to explain them to you, hence why I said "check out his other vids", so technically it is relevant. thank you... | 2010-06-04 18:01:00 Author: Pattington_Bear ![]() Posts: 777 |
can you not mock me for using the word "eva" as it was not a spelling mistake but it is a clever pun, shortening the word "ever" ![]() ![]() I the idea was promote his videos not to explain them to you, hence why I said "check out his other vids", so technically it is relevant. thank you... Now then, do explain how it is a clever pun, as i am obviously having a slow day. Secondly, this site isn't for promotion, so if you are posting videos then give a reason, don't just leave the thing there. I believe that is classed as spam, as you gave the thread no real purpose, nor did you give an incentive for us to check out other videos of his. If you are too lazy to tell us why you think it is so good, then why should we assume it's any good, seeing as you can't be bothered writing about it? Also, there is a YOUTUBE THREAD. Searchbar it, find it, and post this there. NO NEED FOR A NEW THREAD. Edit: Infact, i'll get it for you. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=24896-Amusing-Videos%21 There. Not really that hard is it? | 2010-06-04 22:05:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Now then, do explain how it is a clever pun, as i am obviously having a slow day. Secondly, this site isn't for promotion, so if you are posting videos then give a reason, don't just leave the thing there. I believe that is classed as spam, as you gave the thread no real purpose, nor did you give an incentive for us to check out other videos of his. If you are too lazy to tell us why you think it is so good, then why should we assume it's any good, seeing as you can't be bothered writing about it? Also, there is a YOUTUBE THREAD. Searchbar it, find it, and post this there. NO NEED FOR A NEW THREAD. Edit: Infact, i'll get it for you. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=24896-Amusing-Videos%21 There. Not really that hard is it? Shesh Kebab!! Just Enjoy The Awsome Video!! And also how could this be spam!? | 2010-06-04 22:12:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
i liked that ![]() But check this out this vid is amazing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT2sQ7KIQ-E but This one is the best Vid on the web http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnA4u9CaK7A | 2010-06-04 22:45:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Now then, do explain how it is a clever pun, as i am obviously having a slow day. Secondly, this site isn't for promotion, so if you are posting videos then give a reason, don't just leave the thing there. I believe that is classed as spam, as you gave the thread no real purpose, nor did you give an incentive for us to check out other videos of his. If you are too lazy to tell us why you think it is so good, then why should we assume it's any good, seeing as you can't be bothered writing about it? Also, there is a YOUTUBE THREAD. Searchbar it, find it, and post this there. NO NEED FOR A NEW THREAD. Edit: Infact, i'll get it for you. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=24896-Amusing-Videos%21 There. Not really that hard is it? I'm starting to believe this is a direct attack on me rather than the thread.. *sigh* Right, the thread is not spam, as promotion can vary, if someone posts a thread on a new game for example isn't that classed as promotion as you are showing (promoting) people a new game that is to be released? just because it is a youtube video what makes it any different? It is the correct classification in "general media" as the video is a form of "new media". actually the link you have provided is "Amusing videos" not youtube videos, this video is not relevant to that particular thread as it is not amusing in any way... the word EVA again a pun, I heard in a movie i can't remember the name of ![]() lastly I don't want this conversation to go any further as you are leading the thread off topic which is against the rules and the thread will be locked, please feel free to comment on this thread but only in a way in which it is relevant to the video... thanks | 2010-06-05 09:05:00 Author: Pattington_Bear ![]() Posts: 777 |
actually the link you have provided is "Amusing videos" not youtube videos, this video is not relevant to that particular thread as it is not amusing in any way... It is amusing. Seeing people have light wars against each other is funny ![]() Thanks for posting, but I do have to agree that videos are best off in dedicated video threads, because there are thousands of funny videos on youtube. | 2010-06-05 09:56:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
Probably best to take this little arguement to PM instead of a public thread. As Padington said, heh, Padington Bear rules. | 2010-06-05 10:39:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
I'm starting to believe this is a direct attack on me rather than the thread.. *sigh* Right, the thread is not spam, as promotion can vary, if someone posts a thread on a new game for example isn't that classed as promotion as you are showing (promoting) people a new game that is to be released? just because it is a youtube video what makes it any different? It is the correct classification in "general media" as the video is a form of "new media". actually the link you have provided is "Amusing videos" not youtube videos, this video is not relevant to that particular thread as it is not amusing in any way... the word EVA again a pun, I heard in a movie i can't remember the name of ![]() lastly I don't want this conversation to go any further as you are leading the thread off topic which is against the rules and the thread will be locked, please feel free to comment on this thread but only in a way in which it is relevant to the video... thanks If you actually looked at the thread i linked, it said funny/interesting videos, which i believe you are classing this as. And posting a thread about a new game on a gaming site is slightly different, and also provokes discussion and the purpose of the thread is to inform whoever reads it of a new game, which they may be interested in. Almost all the game threads have a big introduction, rather than just saying 'New CoD game OMG check it out.' and if they were like that they may well get locked. That thread is the right place for the video, so post it in there. | 2010-06-05 11:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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