Border/Top Changer GLitch
Archive: 5 posts
Hello people! I'm here with more one glitch! Is a glitch that make you can make the top (or, sometimes, border) change Here it is: 1 - Select the material and place it http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/6103/aphoto2.jpg 2 - Pick the same material with the material changer 3 - Select the material you already placed 4 - Here you go! http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/5123/aphotoy.jpg http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/5886/aphoto3r.jpg (left = normal, right = glitched) Note: This dosen't work with all materials. Materials that already tested and worked: All the 3 Skyscrapers materials and Sand Cardboard. Note 2: Don't copy and paste the material, or it returns to normal Note 3: Don't change its thickness or it will returns normal Note 4: If you liked this post, PLEASE, thanks this post! Hope you enjoyed! Cya | 2010-06-03 19:18:00 Author: ViniciusBR11 ![]() Posts: 546 |
Srry m8, but this is a rather old (at least to me and some other people) glitch, tho i'm not sure if newer people knew about this one. still, good re-discover tho. ![]() | 2010-06-03 19:31:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Srry m8, but this is a rather old (at least to me and some other people) glitch, tho i'm not sure if newer people knew about this one. still, good re-discover tho. ![]() I didn't know :o. Thanks ![]() | 2010-06-04 05:39:00 Author: Sunrise_Moon ![]() Posts: 469 |
I'm not sure how this can be used, but nice! | 2010-06-04 06:18:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
News for everyone! This glitch + the Marvel material that includes comic images (not the characters) is perfect for custom sticker create bcuz it completely remove the border and reflex, making a perfect material. | 2010-07-18 19:19:00 Author: ViniciusBR11 ![]() Posts: 546 |
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