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Tank gun stabilizer

Archive: 27 posts

I am happy to announce i have very successfully devised an auto gun balance for tanks. Pretty much what happens is that no matter what terrain you are going over the gun will stay level (or where it is aimed). it pretty much will not move at all and i think it vastly improves tanks in general and looks really cool. i will try to put pictures up this weekend, until then can anyone figure out how it works?

Ps. i will be including it in a revised version of my older t34 tank.
2010-06-03 04:43:00

Posts: 255

if I had to guess, Id have to say you have a tilt sensor on the main body somewhere and moves a "base plate" that the gun is mounted to and pivits off of. So that youre not realy moving the gun itself but the base of the gun. Id like to see this set up when its up. Sounds great. Getting the fine detail of keeping it aimed just right would be the tricky part.2010-06-03 21:13:00

Posts: 139

I knew that you were going to post this! I won't spoil it for any one yet.2010-06-03 23:32:00

Posts: 192

This is really strange. I made a tank gun stabiliser just yesterday! Great minds really do think alike!

can anyone figure out how it works?
Does it use a weight and lever?
2010-06-04 00:22:00

Posts: 2454

Is it the olde pink floaty on a bolt method? Where it detects (using mag keys and switches) which inclination that the tank is at and a 3 way lever attached to a wobbly bolt on the gun adjusts it so that its straight?2010-06-04 13:43:00

Posts: 485

Easy. Its a spring (low strength) low enough that sackboy can move it.the height is where you want it to be.2010-06-04 15:42:00

Posts: 176

Easy. Its a spring (low strength) low enough that sackboy can move it.the height is where you want it to be.
2010-06-04 16:13:00

Posts: 192

I'm lost.... but interested

Might it have something to do with the gun being weightless?
2010-06-04 21:14:00

Posts: 572

Maybe a low strenght wobble bolt that moves because its weak, but when you let go it goes to its original position. Or a dm emmiter that is emmited with a 0.0 emmiter, then then when you grab it deactivates the emmiter and activates the gun.2010-06-04 22:29:00

Posts: 176

no one has the idea yet. but ill say, it actually uses a rail type system with pistons attached to the base of the gun, therefore the base can move with the tank (its bolted to it) but the base will not tilt with the tank. such as in this pic:


in this pic, all the pistons are stiff but have strength of zero. the regular bolt is attached to the tank and the wobble bolt is attached to the gun base (wood circle).
2010-06-05 01:43:00

Posts: 255

Oh wow thats ingenious! Double brownie points for you Mister.

Just a quick question though, what if the pistons reach their maximum length and cant extend anymore?
2010-06-05 10:21:00

Posts: 485

aaah.... a rail system!

I think I'll be giving that a go!
2010-06-05 10:25:00

Posts: 572

Oh wow thats ingenious!
Precisely what I said when he showed this to me!

Just a quick question though, what if the pistons reach their maximum length and cant extend anymore?
/goes on paint to make a diagram
Just make them the same settings... and you can always add more
2010-06-05 14:58:00

Posts: 192

Oh wow thats ingenious! Double brownie points for you Mister.

Just a quick question though, what if the pistons reach their maximum length and cant extend anymore?

you need 2 or more segments of pistons, but it gets wobbly, however i have had no trouble with 2 segments horizontally, its only when you get three or more. also 2 segments at maximum capacity covers about 2/3 of the level.
2010-06-05 22:12:00

Posts: 255

Interesting... Could this be used to make a gun that has strength, aiming, and recoil at the same time?2010-06-05 23:41:00

Posts: 3251

Interesting... Could this be used to make a gun that has strength, aiming, and recoil at the same time?

aiming is no problem, recoil would be hard to make small enough but not impossible, and im not really sure what you mean by strength. could you elaborate?
2010-06-06 03:41:00

Posts: 255

When you put a tank cannon that's separated by two parts (with a piston in the middle for recoil), the cannon usually gets floppier and more affected by gravity. Could this stabilizer fix that?2010-06-07 20:04:00

Posts: 3251

no one has the idea yet. but ill say, it actually uses a rail type system with pistons attached to the base of the gun, therefore the base can move with the tank (its bolted to it) but the base will not tilt with the tank. such as in this pic:


in this pic, all the pistons are stiff but have strength of zero. the regular bolt is attached to the tank and the wobble bolt is attached to the gun base (wood circle).
That's ingenious!

I dunno if you're interested but here's what I ended up with.
The weight always points towards the ground which helps keep the gun steady.
2010-06-08 00:37:00

Posts: 2454

Hmmm there is only one prob to that, if it was in the front layer or back layer, cause then what would it be attached to??2010-06-08 00:40:00

Posts: 176

Hmmm there is only one prob to that, if it was in the front layer or back layer, cause then what would it be attached to??

Your question doesn't make any sense.

2010-06-08 00:48:00

Posts: 3251

That's ingenious!

I dunno if you're interested but here's what I ended up with.
The weight always points towards the ground which helps keep the gun steady.

I have never tried it like that before, but from my experience weights don't work too well.
2010-06-10 00:46:00

Posts: 255

Thats pretty clever. But couldnt you use a piece of thin gas attached to the base of the gun with a mag key on it and to mag switches on the base of the gun. when the tank is tilted, one of the switches on the base senses the key coming into its radius (due to the fact that thin gas wont tilt if its on a weak bolt) and pulls a 3-way switch to rotate the base of the gun until the key is out of range again?2010-06-13 13:23:00

Posts: 118

Thats pretty clever. But couldnt you use a piece of thin gas attached to the base of the gun with a mag key on it and to mag switches on the base of the gun. when the tank is tilted, one of the switches on the base senses the key coming into its radius (due to the fact that thin gas wont tilt if its on a weak bolt) and pulls a 3-way switch to rotate the base of the gun until the key is out of range again?

thats what i tried first but it is very hard to do and is unnecessarily complex. also it doesn't work nearly as well.
2010-06-13 23:35:00

Posts: 255

yeah I can imagine my method causing the gun to twitch a bit before it settles level. But I just dont like rail systems for some reason. but it seems to work perfectly and if the player doesnt notice its OK, right?

maybe stacked motor bolts would make my method work more smoothly... but then it would use more layers.. unless you use theck and thack materials.. and it wouldnt require any extra logic of screen, just the mag key and 2 mag switches.
2010-06-14 18:28:00

Posts: 118

yeah I can imagine my method causing the gun to twitch a bit before it settles level. But I just dont like rail systems for some reason. but it seems to work perfectly and if the player doesnt notice its OK, right?

maybe stacked motor bolts would make my method work more smoothly... but then it would use more layers.. unless you use theck and thack materials.. and it wouldnt require any extra logic of screen, just the mag key and 2 mag switches.

Yeah, i didn't like it at first, but when i saw the results i was won over. It is fairly easy to build and makes a significant impact, there is virtually no movement of the gun if its done properly. Also it may be able to be simplified in LBP2, where you could simply use a gyro (if thats indeed what they do), this would also make it more accurate and limitless as no rails are required.
2010-06-14 20:55:00

Posts: 255

Yeah, I was watching one of gevurah22's videos where he's talkin with one of the molecules and filming the screen whilst they go over some of the new lbp2 features. The gyro kept this flying car thing perfectly horizontal. it would be perfect for the job of keeping a gun stable.2010-06-19 14:57:00

Posts: 118

Yeah, I was watching one of gevurah22's videos where he's talkin with one of the molecules and filming the screen whilst they go over some of the new lbp2 features. The gyro kept this flying car thing perfectly horizontal. it would be perfect for the job of keeping a gun stable.

Yeah that was my first thought when I saw that
2010-06-19 21:21:00

Posts: 192

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