LBP obstacle
Archive: 3 posts
I am having problem with my level I want to create an obstacle for my level but the hard part is that the theme of the level is a volcano level and it is very hard because I think I am having creator block or something I cant come up with anything. Does any one know some good obstacle that go along well with the theme of the level or do you guys have some pics of obstacle or even an thread to help you create a cool obstacle. If anyone can help me leave a comment below ![]() | 2010-05-31 18:18:00 Author: Arnald23 ![]() Posts: 1843 |
First off I must say I lol'd at the fact you spelt obstacle wrong in the thread title simply because you obviously know how to spell it as you've spelt it right 4 times in the actual post. Anyway never mind that. I know what you mean about creators block. I've had it for weeks now. Strange though that I can have ideas for other people but not myself ! How about doing the old appearing/disappearing platform trick but somehow make it look like the lava is bubbling up in the places the platforms appear as though the lava is pushing them up and then have it go down again when they aren't there ? Or simply have the platform attached to the lava so that when it lowers it goes below red gas meaning you have to get across before they lower. | 2010-05-31 19:09:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Thanks dude 4 your advise it really help and I just notice I spell the title wrong lol ![]() First off I must say I lol'd at the fact you spelt obstacle wrong in the thread title simply because you obviously know how to spell it as you've spelt it right 4 times in the actual post. Anyway never mind that. I know what you mean about creators block. I've had it for weeks now. Strange though that I can have ideas for other people but not myself ! How about doing the old appearing/disappearing platform trick but somehow make it look like the lava is bubbling up in the places the platforms appear as though the lava is pushing them up and then have it go down again when they aren't there ? Or simply have the platform attached to the lava so that when it lowers it goes below red gas meaning you have to get across before they lower. | 2010-05-31 19:31:00 Author: Arnald23 ![]() Posts: 1843 |
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